Originally Posted by Ahh_Boi
Bro.... one sauna there have literally HUNDREDS of girls to choose from at its peak. If u go KTV, one KTV has THOUSANDS. All the XE, TT, whoever we have here are just average over there. 
Their KTV got this special concept of flower street...whereby all the gals on duty that night will line up in the main hall and the customers will go around the hall picking up gals to sit with you.
Some desperate mummies eager to advertise their new gals will push to gals to customers. I got one even grab my hand to put inside the gal gown to press her boobs...to certify true 36C. Gals encouraged not to wear bra.
Usually will pick up 2 or 3....then will decide which one to bring back at end of the night. Sometimes will pick 2 for tarma.
Best part, the gals will stick to you the entire time, no butterfly to other rooms.
Sometimes will also have freelancers during weekends.