Originally Posted by SMRTLTD
Hannor.. Since when did we rave about looks when it comes to RR and XE.. It's all about the excellent service they dish out..
Looks are secondary (a bonus if have).. Service will always come first for me..
That said, still no reply from Tina! Ccb! Nvm tomorrow will try again.. 
I feel that RR might not be the prettiest in the general sense but what I like about her is her very good service and non commercial GFE. She makes me feel like I’m really visiting my gf whenever I see her haha. She’s never in a hurry to get me out of her house, sometimes she would even ask me to stay longer just to chat with her.
It’s hard to have the best of both worlds. So far I haven’t come across a ML that’s both super pretty and provides excellent service. Most of the time I choose to go to a ML that has good chemistry with me. As for looks, as long as above average (>7) can already.
Always feel that once the chemistry is there, 一切都好商量, service will eventually improve also.