Originally Posted by Kopiosteve
That's the problem with hype. You buy into it, you raise your expectations to sky high levels, and most often than not, you're setting yourself up for disappointment.
The way I see you repeatedly post about not getting a booking, machiam like dying to meet her... i knew you were investing too much emotions into this simple one hour of sensual pleasure.
Anyway, live and learn bro. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Manage your expectations better next time and your experience will be a lot better.
Oh yes, like I always always say, go in nicely groomed and properly dressed. Because I do, and the mileage always stretches further. Ok naysayers, repost that so called terribly unfunny "joke" .   I'm good with it.
Lmao yeah, i was dying to meet her few days back. I'm glad I did, but yah shouldnt't really go in expecting too much. Lesson learnt for next time.