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Old 05-08-2021, 11:58 AM
Johndick Johndick is offline
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Originally Posted by Franco_Barsei View Post
Need to see who’s the source of the news. I always smell #mischief and #agenda when things of such nature surface pre-Covid. But then again, we’ll never know since we won’t get into that chatgroup, so that’s for the ladies to investigate.

Nonetheless, good to be prudent given the current circumstances.
Agree totally. Kudos to bro who meant well of course but reality is this kind of news is like those STD scare that surface now and then, spread like wild fire then die off. Unless and until there is very clear evidence else life goes on in the ML scene lah. Risk takers from both sides (customer and ML) will continue to make own decisions. I highly doubt any ML will openly declare she is covid positive.. out of good ethics? For all we know could be petty feud between ML and customer (or ML)that led to such news surface. Coz this era, anyone can fan a tale and it is guaranteed will be escalated hyper fast if juicy enough, and more often than not, not many people will verify if it is even legit. Anyway this period everyone should just be cautious irregardless. Peace.