Tried her few nights ago.
Looks/Figure 9/10. SYT, tone figure as she works out. Not super hot but definitely your pretty, friendly girlfriend material. Nice and soft B+ too.
Massage 8/10. Was expecting it to be touch and go but not at all. Decent enough strength and back-stepping was good. Hit most of the right spots.
Sensual 8/10. Really nice tickling back to start off and kisses here and there. Slow and steady hands and cuddles right besides you.
GFE 8/10. She smells really nice too and it lingers. If you’re heading home straight after and OC has sensitive sense of smell, do take note. she really chatty and can hold a conversation, not awkward at all and not a phone watcher. Time, I was in and out within 50mins.
RTM: maybe.