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Old 16-04-2023, 02:25 PM
coolblue coolblue is offline
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coolblue has got little hope of coming out of this alive!
Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Johndick View Post
Sunday morning breakfast catching up on this thread, wa so much drama to keep me occupied haha. So the past few days are the "KK and XLN" show, though 2 totally unrelated stories. Glad that at least both tales concluded satisfactorily (for both the MLs it seems). Particularly pleased with KK case as she is one I always intrigued but her FRs always mixed and her constant changing of pics (sometimes badly PS-ed) had me worried. Shall pay her a visit soon, with the knowledge that face and body are good, just don't expect superb sensual. Just had a pretty enjoyable session with failsafe Elmi this week so I can tahan an average session from any ML for the next visit lol.

On all the fiasco surrounding XLN, as preached by countless umpteen times, stick to the basics and nothing unpleasant will likely happen lah. It's always when we try to go the extra mile, be it self initiated or requested, that things may turn sour, complicated or downright nasty. The most I willing to do is to bring food, help buy cigarette type of favor, within the confine of the 1 hr booking. I have had ML I super familiar with suggesting we go for a quick meal (no 买钟) which I am keen to be honest but declined, coz is better to keep the lines drawn. Once the lines get blurred, things can get complicated, especially for possessive/obsessive types, get imbalance/jealous that other customers also doing favors for "his gal". Maybe it's easier for those of us with partners/families to keep things cleaner. But bottomline is, before we decide to do anything more for/with the ML on a personal level, think through properly first. Sometimes a simple NO is the best action, even if we are very familiar with the ML.
Especially don’t buy food for them. They will say not nice, don’t like eat the food in SG etc.