Visited Yan Yan this evening would like to share a FR.
First impression of her was very sweet looking. She looks same as the pictures posted online. Greeted me and i proceed to shower. After that she proceeded with the massage. i would say her massage is good as she has been trained in massage. She would ask where is the areas you want to focus on and is strength too much or too light. Massage wise definitely is good.
Sensual wise she will use her fingers to run thru my body felt good but can be better. She then use her tongue to lick all over my body and this really felt DAMN good. For HJ, she takes her time to massage your little brother. i think this is worth mentioning as she will ask u to sort of rest your thighs on her leg and she will massage your little bro from down under while you are lying facing down. This one worth mentioning felt very comfortable. Once she call you to turn over here comes the action. she will lick , moan and jerk you till you cum. not a rush job at all.
After the deed is done there is still head massage . Overall worth visiting will RTM