Originally Posted by Ahh_Boi
I need to slowly consolidate who give the best welcome drinks.
1. Nina - flavoured tea
2. Momo - chrysanthemum tea
3. W - Premium Chinese tea.
4. MLX - 2 packet of chrysanthemum tea or ang moh liang teh
5. 77 - hand grounded coffee and tea
6. Jiao Jiao (RTC) - bubble tea x 1 and usually raided her fridge for stuff.
7. Yiyi - freshly brewed Oolong tea + Coke Zero + Winter Melon packet drinks
TMD, 留一点给我~~~
Let the competition begins!!!! 

Keep which one ?
Coke Zero or winter melon ?
Later wait for the 10pm bro to do live reporting of the quantity left in her fridge