Originally Posted by georgemagnum
Quite limited sharing these days huh. School holidays effect? 
No la, lots of happenings still. Look at the other sections (HC and GL). All alive and well. Telegram groups also offers a smorgasbord of young sexy yummies to be had... so perhaps smart bros are moving on.
Originally Posted by Tom666
Joke aside. For one reason or another, the scene getting a little stale lately.
Bro, it's not the scene getting stale. It is here in this thread that's getting meh. No real good bros around recently, so no good contribution. And worse, the banter is substandard. Everyday, always the same old chest beating and arrogant zappings and one-way opinions. Who won't get sian? Lol.
PS. Bro, how was you CM trip? Orgasmic I hope! Hahaha.