Tried this Inner Mongolian Lady aka Amei's housemate:
Location: Got bus stop in front to wait. Easy to access unit. Room was very spacious.
Looks: Definitely not head turner but also not a turn off. I would classify her as a MILF.
Body: Petite. Tits were large and perky but were soft so I am not sure if they are real or fake. Got tummy.
Massage: Not provided (bummer, as I was here for it). The session started with teasing right away.
Sensual: Was given catbath (with water in mouth), boobs massage, HDLY, Assrim, BJ and ended with HJ. I must say she shines here. But Topless only, not Nude as advertised.
Attitude: Soft spoken and hardworking lady. But in and out in about 40 mins.
RTM: Maybe, only if I am in the area and desperate for a release.