Originally Posted by cheongster_11
Public Service Announcement
Recently many gems have left our shores.
So sad to know that another of my regulars will RTC too
Another few more weeks and she will be leaving our shores.
Probably delisted for good… so catch the boat soon. 
Originally Posted by Ray06
Why feel sad over ML leaving?
At our age all these are just 过眼云烟...
Enjoy when available otherwise just move on...
If the old doesn't go, the new won't come.

bro @
Guess different bros play different games.
I know some bros prefer to try different girls every week.
For me and some of my closer bros I know they prefer to build rapport and chemistry with their regulars once they find MLs that can click.
No right no wrong. Everyone play the games they prefer.
Once rapport and chemistry is there, sad that regulars are leaving but happy that they are getting back to their normal lives.
But you are right. Enjoy while it lasts. 珍惜当下。