Originally Posted by Oldbox
I’m quite a newbie in this condo ml thing, but I’ve managed to chalk up enough records to be able to book a session with two very popular girls on SLG - Amei and Nina.
I enjoyed my time with them both and now am wondering if I should just stick with them, ie rtm. Or continue trying other ml, cause I don’t really know what’s out there. Since Amei and Nina seems to be cream of the crop, is there no point to try others as in: It would be just more of the same, but paler in comparison.
The thing is I can only go like 2 times a month for this type of massage, so I want to make the best use of my time.
Any bro can help to give some advice?
PS: if there is maybe one more I should try, please recommend.
(Lora? Baby?)
If you really feel comfortable with both, I think is better stick with them, I also stick with those that I feel comfortable and like ML. You can get better service or extra service.