Originally Posted by Ray06
Well, to me that consider as quite successful.
I quit MHT after 2nd visit when nothing got better, in fact was worse than 1st visit..
As I am not into seeking unlock (whether FL or not) so I normally start to look for fresh ML after at most 3 visits.... 
I was supposed to meet MHT yesterday mid-afternoon. When I drove and almost reached her place, she called to change the time to 2 hrs later. She wechat me a msg from OKT/middleman warning police was in the vicinity of her condo. As I couldn't wait, I arranged to meet another ML in a nearby condo.
I understand the second encounter with MHT may turn out not better than the first. This is a clear risk. Just as for Ke Ying, whom I visited 3 times during her first stint, she became less open during the current second stint. She did not allow roaming beneath the panty. Kissing was less passionate althu gfe (via fake lovemaking) was still good.