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Old 16-12-2023, 05:20 PM
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Re: Fong sis, authentic real Jua Gen (JG) manhood treatment

Thank you bro Shaky for the contact. +18 for your kindness.

Tried to contact Fong Jie via WhatsApp and was surprise she reply in English. (Subsequently found out she has save a few lines of English for easy reply) Made appointment for the following day and easy to locate the location with her guidance.

Location descreet once entered, was directed to her room. The room is relative dark which make the ambiance comfortable with a massage table just beside her bed. No pet talk just straight into business. First ask if I need to wash up and told me to change into my birthday suit.

Very friendly lady who look in her mid or late 40s (she is older btw). Conversation follow endlessly throughout the massage (JG only) and initially was slightly painful which subside after awhile. Love how she handle my little brother. After the JG my little bro feel so light to the extend I thought I don't have one. Hahahaha...

Overall a wonderful experience and if I experience an improvement, will definitely visit her again.

P.S. Fong Jie infd she will be leaving our shore in July 2024. Those who wanna try don't wait too long. Definitely not one for any hanky panky. PURELY for bird bird maintainence.