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Old 05-01-2024, 03:45 PM
Mobile88 Mobile88 is offline
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Originally Posted by oldmanmanman View Post
personally, i think it is abit weird to ask? I would usually just slowly kiss my way down and if there's no resistance on the way then just go in for the kill and if she pushes or moves away, then you know she's not ready for that yet?
I see.. that does sounds classy. I wanted to ask solely because sometimes just wanted to know her boundaries.

But of course there were the more proactive ML where she would take my hand or face and place it where she want it to be. I kind of appreciate that lol

So far I guess by asking, responses were really varied haha. There's the she's also hungry response for the non vanilla, the nicely reject response and also the disgusted response

Maybe I will just slowly advance next time instead of talking.