Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"
Originally Posted by ladyassasinato
After so many talk about MHT, I visited her again to get a closer look.
She indeed put on some weight. Last time was around 50 kg, now should be 55 to 56 kg. Face still look chio, more 女人味。
As for her boobs, now back to natural again. A few months back, it was quite hard, now quite good to squeeze, 手感不错。
Now her size is something like 刘嘉玲, you guys go and judge for yourself lor.
your observation not wrong and pretty spot on ar.. got ppl go to the extend to zap me insisting she's fat. anything la... fat die her la.. song bo..
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2nd round up list - NZKiwi, WankJanice, Koizumi, WPNS, slicker69