Just ended a tarma session with summer and the new lady.
Have always been a tarma fan so I think this is the 3rd different lady I've tried.
Anyway summer already alot of MR and I think she wasn't the main character in my session so I'll elaborate on the newcomer. Told me she's 22 and I think the firmness of her natural cups can tell.
Have to say she looks about 7/10 but she makes it up w her service. Body is about 7/10 natural round c cups. Slightly thick but not fat. I think considerably similar to mht even though I visited first stint. I'm not the easiest guy to shoot but SS blew me away with her stamina. Think she blew for 15-20mins straight. Can DT and a lot a lot of dirty talk. Imagine a porn video w subtitles in your head. LOL.
Complaining that she doesn't get enough dicks and I think bros here might appreciate a truthful MR from a bro who experienced it.
Anyway my first MR of 2025 YMMV but chiong safe and chiong happy!!