Since there are so much discussion about MHT I will add in my view.
Mian Hua Tang
My first visit to her so no prior expectations.
Looks: 6.5/10 Face looks close to video and photo. Will consider good looking but I usually see it as a whole with body. Minus point cause of body.
Body: 6/10 I prefer slim ladies so yes she is not slim but will not say she is fat. Definitely not as slim as photo. Don’t think her boobs are fake as I don’t feel any hardness as some people mentioned here. But I am no expert.
Massage: 7/10 Hard massage but repeating same pattern over and over. Also gives a nice head massage at the end. Definitely have strength, just that pattern is limited.
Sensual: 4/10 very basic with many restrictions. No cat bath or HDLY. Just boob massage and some ear licking.