Thread: Action in Japan
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Old 14-02-2004, 03:00 PM's Avatar is offline
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Re: Re: any good place to fuck in tokyo

Originally posted by rid27m
HI BRO>......

Me just back from Tokyo last Sun night after a week of Outstation..

I would say Pub 911 in Rongpongi is very happeneing.the pub is just directly opps the HardRock Cafes ..was there on Fri and Sat night...alot of happening gals and Some Jap Uni gals waiting to be pick up..Managed to chat with some PRC gals who are studying Japs there and also some Jap uni gals..

Overall I would say .....Happening in Jap will cost you a bomb if you dun know the market rate or neogitate..the best is get a Local Jap guy along with you when you party or any.....

Indeed quite a lot of PRC FL there.