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Old 03-09-2009, 06:27 PM
jchboy jchboy is offline
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Re: My wife blackmailed and fucked by security guards

The weekend finally came. I was lounging in the living room reading the papers when Susan emerged from our bedroom. She was dressed simply in a white tanktop and a denim skirt. Simple but sexy. As I looked at her, I wondered how we could still be living together and sleeping together on the same bed after what happened, but that’s a story for another day. ‘Bye dear’ she mumbled, ‘going out with my sec school friends’. ‘Have fun’, I replied indifferently, but already bursting to find out where exactly she was going.

Once she left, I gave her a 20 min headstart before tracking her on the GPS. To my horror, she was heading west on the PIE, towards the industrial estate where the guards worked! I immediately got in my car and drove off as well, keeping as eye on the GPS. I was hoping that Susan was perhaps going somewhere else, but that hope died when her car exited at the expressway exit leading to the industrial area. There was absolutely no reason anyone would go there on a weekend, since there was no residential or commercial areas. As I drove down the expressway, I was forced to admit Susan was going back to the guards to get fucked repeatedly, but from the intercepted SMS I could detect no sign of blackmail. Was she going back on her own free will? I shuddered at the thought.

I finally arrived at the building. According to the GPS, Susan had already been here for 20 minutes. I got off the car and made my way to the guards room slowly, making sure that there was no one around. The place was totally silent, so silent that I could hear the rapid beating of my heart in anticipation of what I was going to see. As I approached the guards room, I could hear faint voices…

As I got closer, the voices became recognizable, it was Susan, and her words and the other sounds that were becoming audible left no doubt as to what was going on.

‘Oh…oh…yes…oh my god fuck me harder…ah….ah…’

‘your cheebye…as tight as ever…wah lan buay tahan liao…’

‘Come change position…let me be on top…’

‘wah lan girl don’t so fierce leh, we three old liao leh’

‘oh yes so good…much bigger then John’s…ohhh….fuck…’

All these words, I listened to with a heavy heart with the ‘piak piak’ sounds of fucking clearly audible. Still, curiosity got the better of me, and I crept around the building till I found it, a small grimy window that I accessed with the help of a stool I found that allowed me to peek into the room.