Originally Posted by SingViet
My case a bit different. When i married my wife, she asked a relative to help us do housework at 700K VND a month. I obliged as i thought not a big sum. Then when my gals came along, also got nanny from province and maid also continued. Got a point in time when my business was doing quite well, my household in VN got 2 nannies, 2 maids to clean house and 1 cook. But the salaries of all these maids is only equal to 1 maid's salary + govt tax in singapore. All these years, my wife has maid to help her take care children and do housework. I remember got a period of time in Singapore, we sent our indonesia maid back to agent and got to wait for around 1 month for next maid to arrive. My wife everyday temper not good as she needs to do housework. I helped her also but still got kids to take care. Maybe i give my wife too good life from the start, she cannot do without maid. Nowadays my health not good, so i also cannot do without maid. 
take care of your health bro...