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Old 23-06-2012, 06:13 PM
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CloneKilla CloneKilla is offline
Join Date: Jun 2012
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My Reputation: Points: 53 / Power: 0
CloneKilla deserves a Tiger! - He's a Good Guy
Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

From the day small1 was identified as a clone and was zapped till -87, there was mass upping going on to bring him back.
It was then identified again by boss what was going on & boss sent his points to -99.
From that incident to now as i write this post, and as usual with proof for all to see, his points have moved from -99 to -57 with just 2 posts!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by small1 View Post
Try go for a holiday and relieved yourself from every stress as stress is one of a killer to your sextasy
can't stand when u stress must learn to be free and getaway from reality
Originally Posted by small1 View Post
Tried hj damn sexy and great figure
can't resist her shiok shiok figure and hj
one of the best breast job I tried
As you all can see, there is nothing in any of these 2 posts that will justify such an immense amount of upping from -99 to -57.
That's a total increment of 42 points based on these 2 posts only

Fact: It goes to show that they have a very large base of points and clones who are all very high power like small1, which is a power 10, once revived again. This is clone upping outright and no way anyone will be silly enough to agree that such 2 posts warrants 42 up pts. This goes to show, a challenge has been decreed by this clone to challenge the boss, that, so what if you put me to -99, I will come back & see what the boss can do about it
Amitabha Buddha 阿弥陀佛