My dear Alejandro88 (Hiding) aka The GreenLantern (Moderation) aka Royal_Chimp (Banned) aka King_Cobra (Moderation) aka ???,
Tku for yet another 'wonderful' post!!...yr v own self inflicted 'wounds' just keep 'cutting' u deeper n n deeper!!...
1...On the issue of 'Cute and Paste'...
It is v interesting to note that NOT ONCE hv u been able to rebut what I hv said in a logical cogent form...
Furthermore...since all the 'cut and paste' stuff originates fm u...u now ADMIT that yr posts r indeed 'RUBBISH'!!
Moreover u also ADMIT that u r 'very sick in the mind...boh liao & childish' n that 'u must be a loser in real life'...becuz of yr v own 'cut and paste rubbish' job viz yr previous arguments wif Nato17 in the Lorong 18 house 09 thread...!!!
Originally Posted by TheGreenLantern
Now to the mad & coward doggy Omnia,continue to cut and paste rubbish! Your moronic and coward act reflect you 100%!!! U must be very sick in the mind to have done such boh liao & childish things!!! U must be a loser in real life!
2...You truly are a Jealous Frustrated Blockhead!!...
This was a comment of yours in reference to my frs...
Originally Posted by TheGreenLantern
[COLOR="SeaGreen"]One joker always said in his FR that he fucks the wl on the chair, I wonder how many shops have this kind of chair inside the room!
Now this is an actual sample of my comment 'on the chair' issue taken fm my latest fr in sbf...
Originally Posted by omnia
NaNa (1606)...
FJ vgd as she let herself go naturally... [U]foldable chair wif her ass on the edge of the bed, she spread her legs wide holding them wif her hands while I pumped, she urging me on to pump harder n faster which I obliged[/B]!
It is thus v clear that ALL along I hv been referring to CHAIR SEX POSITION MANOEUVRES and NOT an actual physical chair (also commonly known in GL as the dental chair)...!!...
Only a childish jealous frustrated blockhead like u cld hv made this kind of idiotic mistake!!!
It also goes to show how obsessively deranged u r over my frs...!!!...seriously get a life dude