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Old 09-11-2006, 02:29 AM
Clubber108 Clubber108 is offline
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Problem with Girls

Sometimes, when your wife or gf says stuff like why guys go find fl or geylang or flings, they condem those people as unfaithful,
but the true reason is, do they know why it happen.

if they are able to satisfy their guys need, then isn't that a lesser reason for a guy to eat meat elsewhere.

if a girl only make love with you when she needs, why can't it be vice versa.

anybody can tell me how to explain to these girls.

brainless ? or plain stupidity ? furthermore, they are nt blonde so why act like one ya.

comeon, bros with similar experience do you feel the same way as i do ?

i am really lost at the fact why have we guys to suit the girls moods instead of the other way round.

so now, infidelity is a man's problem or a women created problem ??

tell me.... haiz....
Old 09-11-2006, 02:42 AM
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Re: Problem with Girls

Following article might throw some light on their behaviour.


Time for Singapore girl to play the 'little woman'

A FEW weeks back, I was intrigued when two male friends started lambasting the Singapore female and exalting the China girl.

It was not because of the concept of cross-matching across countries. That has been going on for centuries now, and I, being half-Peranakan, should be the last to raise an eyebrow about outsourcing for mates. Rather, it was the mindset of the men that was interesting.

'China girls are so pretty and have lower expectations,' said one. Added the other: 'Singapore girls are too demanding, they have a long list of expectations.'

Each glanced at me expectantly, as if waiting for me to put up an impassioned defence of the hard-to-please Singapore woman.

I half-smiled, waiting for the 'prawn-peeling' issue to surface. This was the mode of conversation I would have expected from 50-year-old single or slighted men, but coming from the mouths of 22-year-old boys with bright futures was a stunning revelation of the mindset of the young Singaporean male. Either they have no originality or Singapore girls are really too much to handle.

The news of the past two weeks confirmed the latter for me: Young 20-something men going to Bintan for cheap sex; 30-something men going to Vietnam for quick marriages. What is going on here?

I have been to Vietnam, and I love the place. The girls, true to form, are slim, tall and soft-spoken. Every word is punctuated with a smile, even when you are driving a hard bargain with them. Their speech is melodious, and they work hard without complaining, carrying loads of cloth and vegetables in the market stalls and food places. Simple, gentle and hardworking, it's hard not to fall in love with them.

So too are Malaysian girls. Having friends who are dating these girls, I have observed that they are generally of the 'saccharine' variety. Neither loud nor argumentative, they pander to the boys' needs. Not as doormats, but as cheerful assistants, who see it as their obligation to help their men without expecting anything in return. Not that they are stupid - oh, no, the Malaysian girls I know are smart and hardworking, with careers of their own. But when it comes to matters of the heart, they play the docile, giggly girlfriend with as much aplomb as their Viet counterparts. Again, it's easy to see where their attraction lies.

I cannot comment on the Chinese girls or the girls from Bintan, but I can contrast the Malaysian and Vietnamese girls I know with Singapore girls. We are, generally, extremely driven by ideals and emotions. In an argument, the Singapore girl is twice as likely as her Malaysian or Vietnamese counterpart to stride away in a huff or throw water on the male's face or hold a public screaming or crying fit.

Not for this girl are soft, barely audible replies. The Singapore girl debates and argues impassionedly. She wants to win at all costs and treats her love conquests like those fought in the office arena. She may be pretty, yes, smart, yes, but, oh, so demanding.

The Singapore girl, in short, is a challenge to love. Although she may, at the end of the day, be a supportive and faithful spouse, the barbs hiding her soft interior are daunting to the suitor.

She is materialistic, and loves being so. Shopping is a major hobby, and looking good is absolutely essential. The man is but another accessory, a helper, chauffeur, bag carrier.

Her girlfriends egg her on, smiling at one friend as her boyfriend picks her up after class each day and cheering the girl who unceremoniously dumps her cheating boyfriend in the middle of the road.

Girl power, we think unanimously. We are not going to be one of those docile wives who nod their heads and cook for you at the slightest command. We are not going to have wool pulled over our eyes by your romantic nonsense. No way. We are women of the new age, liberal, free and... single?

Somehow the whole idea of women's liberation in Singapore seems to have come at the expense of our love lives. We have assimilated Western role models of strong women without taking into account the men that are alongside us.

I have no answers, short of comforting Singapore women with the fact that pets make quite good companions.

However, for the sake of government procreation policies, I think it's imperative that a compromise be struck between the Singapore woman and man, before the Singapore born and bred woman becomes a relic of the past.

I remember an interview years ago in which a prominent local host, very much an image of the career-driven Singapore woman, said that with her then boyfriend, she played the role of the 'little woman'. Perhaps therein lies the secret weapon that Singapore women need to cultivate: a softer un-barbed personality for matters of the heart.

Author: Wong Mei Xuan (Miss)
Old 09-11-2006, 02:56 AM
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Re: Problem with Girls

Originally Posted by Clubber108
Sometimes, when your wife or gf says stuff like why guys go find fl or geylang or flings, they condem those people as unfaithful,
but the true reason is, do they know why it happen.

if they are able to satisfy their guys need, then isn't that a lesser reason for a guy to eat meat elsewhere.

if a girl only make love with you when she needs, why can't it be vice versa.

anybody can tell me how to explain to these girls.

brainless ? or plain stupidity ? furthermore, they are nt blonde so why act like one ya.

comeon, bros with similar experience do you feel the same way as i do ?

i am really lost at the fact why have we guys to suit the girls moods instead of the other way round.

so now, infidelity is a man's problem or a women created problem ??

tell me.... haiz....
I just feel that when guys go out and play with other gals. The problem may lie with the guy too. The guy may feel bored after years and wanted to try something new.

My gal does do with me but sometimes my mind will wonder ard. Thus I do not blame it fully on the gal.
Old 09-11-2006, 12:01 PM
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Re: Problem with Girls

if you feel bored and mind starts to wonder

tell you the truth its the same with them ?

like for example,

a girl can let a guy fuck her jus becos she likes him even thou she knw all he wants is sex but she feel its worth it. the guy can treat her badly or even worse, sleep with others but the girl dun mind.
personal experience with many 16 and 17 nowadays

but if she doesn't like you, no matter how much you do, you won't even get to see her nips....
Old 09-11-2006, 12:31 PM
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Re: Problem with Girls

Originally Posted by Clubber108
if you feel bored and mind starts to wonder

tell you the truth its the same with them ?

like for example,

a girl can let a guy fuck her jus becos she likes him even thou she knw all he wants is sex but she feel its worth it. the guy can treat her badly or even worse, sleep with others but the girl dun mind.
personal experience with many 16 and 17 nowadays

but if she doesn't like you, no matter how much you do, you won't even get to see her nips....
IMHO... must be those feministic folks at work again.. why do u explain that long time ago in the grandpa era, the men wore the pants, could have mistresses as the deem fit... now, many women control purse strings and lord over their bf and hubbys like they queen of the house.. that is probably what we call evolution of times...

but as one of the bros mentioned earlier, the boys may wanna go out to play due to boredom... i know several happily married bros who also like to "eat out"

I've totally given up on the business of debating with the opposite sex on the threadstarter's topic... Remember Mars v Venus? I rest my case!

If i earn a penny each time i use my brain, I would probably starve to death ...!
Old 09-11-2006, 01:23 PM
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Re: Problem with Girls

it's like that one lah..girls they go according to mood and emotions..we guys simply just want's in our body cos we are producing billions of sperms everyday and it's a biological urge that we have to release it somemore we have 10-20 times more testoterone than women which make us the sex-crazed rodents of the human race..

it's really hard to control yourself man..celibacy and monogamy is really the most cold-blooded and ruthless silent punishment for guys in this modern society..
Old 09-11-2006, 01:44 PM
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Re: Problem with Girls

Originally Posted by Clubber108
Sometimes, when your wife or gf says stuff like why guys go find fl or geylang or flings, they condem those people as unfaithful, but the true reason is, do they know why it happen.
if they are able to satisfy their guys need, then isn't that a lesser reason for a guy to eat meat elsewhere.
if a girl only make love with you when she needs, why can't it be vice versa.
anybody can tell me how to explain to these girls.
brainless ? or plain stupidity ? furthermore, they are nt blonde so why act like one ya.
comeon, bros with similar experience do you feel the same way as i do ?
i am really lost at the fact why have we guys to suit the girls moods instead of the other way round.
so now, infidelity is a man's problem or a women created problem ??
Yes, I agreed. Wife or girlfriend will condemn these people for being unfaithful. Cannot blame them. In Asian culture, this is still NOT acceptable.

I stayed in US for short time and knew more or less about their western culture. Look at the "ang-moh" people. Actually, they also can't accept this. However, ang-moh wifes can forgive their husband so easily when their bf or husband slept with other women. On the other hand, ang-moh women can be unfaithful too! Even worst than Asian women. This is very shocking to me at first but when time goes by, I noticed that this is so common! Freaking common for ang-moh women to sleep around with other men! I blur and stunned upon knowing that.

One key word, "be faithful to wife and nothing will happen" You see, when husband kenna STD then pass to wife, then who to be blamed?

Em...we Asian men still can't accept wife sleep outside. This is thousands years of unchanged fact. Agree?
Old 09-11-2006, 01:56 PM
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Wink Re: Problem with Girls

can't live with them, can't live without them


drink water
Old 09-11-2006, 01:58 PM
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Re: Problem with Girls

Originally Posted by diesel
Yes, I agreed. Wife or girlfriend will condemn these people for being unfaithful. Cannot blame them. In Asian culture, this is still NOT acceptable...................

One key word, "be faithful to wife and nothing will happen" You see, when husband kenna STD then pass to wife, then who to be blamed?

Em...we Asian men still can't accept wife sleep outside. This is thousands years of unchanged fact. Agree?

Bro.. u forgot about hotwifing bros like C or pp..... but i agree with u in all other aspects

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Old 09-11-2006, 02:36 PM
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Re: Problem with Girls

Originally Posted by Clubber108
but if she doesn't like you, no matter how much you do, you won't even get to see her nips....
hahaha... this is good.
Old 09-11-2006, 02:41 PM
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Re: Problem with Girls

Originally Posted by Clubber108
Sometimes, when your wife or gf says stuff like why guys go find fl or geylang or flings, they condem those people as unfaithful,
but the true reason is, do they know why it happen.

if they are able to satisfy their guys need, then isn't that a lesser reason for a guy to eat meat elsewhere.

if a girl only make love with you when she needs, why can't it be vice versa.

anybody can tell me how to explain to these girls.

brainless ? or plain stupidity ? furthermore, they are nt blonde so why act like one ya.

comeon, bros with similar experience do you feel the same way as i do ?

i am really lost at the fact why have we guys to suit the girls moods instead of the other way round.

so now, infidelity is a man's problem or a women created problem ??

tell me.... haiz....
Guess that different guys have different thinking. As for me, i love my girlfriend alot and she is able to satisfy me, but i still will fool around when i see girls that i like alot.

But always play smart. Don't let your girlfriend catch you fooling around.
Old 09-11-2006, 03:08 PM
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Re: Problem with Girls

i feel it is important for us to be really frank with each other our needs then such problem may not occur liao...
Old 09-11-2006, 05:17 PM
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Re: Problem with Girls

Hi bros,

Just to share..... IMHO, the forbidden fruit always tastes better. Few weeks back, I had my first Cheong session in China. Was initially against the idea bcoz of infidelity, morality etc etc. However, it turned out to be one of the best sexsion ever. (I took her for ON )

To me, I find it interesting because one could pay for something that one could NEVER get otherwise, the chemistry was alright (dunno how genuine she was but I enjoyed it) got to try out many many positions otherwise impossible , it was an overseas fling and the best part was there was C word - Commitment!

To me, I resigned to the fact that primal instincts had taken over. Guys r guys and we are PLEASURE seekers. In the animal kingdom, we are one of the few animals that have sex for recreation, not procreation. We dun have to wait for females to be in heat b4 we bonk them!

Anyway, just my 2 cents worth. Guys, feel free to add!
Old 09-11-2006, 05:41 PM
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Re: Problem with Girls

See, we guys really have alot of build up buddys in us and thats biological.

we have no control over it and so if the other cannot accept that, then what can we do.


also, if want eat meat outside, we really have reasons to justify.
But the ladies do not have any ?

Originally Posted by lordhell
Guess that different guys have different thinking. As for me, i love my girlfriend alot and she is able to satisfy me, but i still will fool around when i see girls that i like alot.

But always play smart. Don't let your girlfriend catch you fooling around.
this is an example, if she really can satisfy you i cfm with you, you won't want to eat out cos you wun have the need to perform.
but a change of taste is when you forsake that 2 hrs with her and then eat out.. and this is why.... lets say if she knows your needs and satisfy you b4 you step out, hey, you'll be as soft as a marshmallow

can't live with them, can't live without them

See, this statement shows that we are all infected with the virus called Women.
I need a doctor man....

Originally Posted by *FiReWoRkS*
it's like that one lah..girls they go according to mood and emotions..we guys simply just want's in our body cos we are producing billions of sperms everyday and it's a biological urge that we have to release it somemore we have 10-20 times more testoterone than women which make us the sex-crazed rodents of the human race..

it's really hard to control yourself man..celibacy and monogamy is really the most cold-blooded and ruthless silent punishment for guys in this modern society..
i really applause this reply, best so far i have ever read...
can someone put this reply in all the kotex, and tampon ads , and put posters in all the spas.
let this women read something to add knowledge or fuck shit, they can't even read in the first place.
Old 09-11-2006, 05:43 PM
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Re: Problem with Girls

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