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Old 08-02-2007, 02:27 PM
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Question 2 much to ask for?

I'm trying to compromise w my partner who has LSD. So, all I'm asking for is 3x (minimum) a week instead of everynite.

Wld this be 2 much to ask for? Or is there any ways to boost/reduce sex drive? FL or WL is out of the question.
Old 09-02-2007, 05:42 PM
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Re: 2 much to ask for?

More info so that mebbe someone would be kind to share his/her advice:-

I dun think I wld be the only 1 with this prob but to say this but FL/WL out of the question as I'm a lady. My partner dun believe that regular bonking can help him to increase his drive, dun believe in taking supplements or toy.
Old 09-02-2007, 05:57 PM
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Re: 2 much to ask for?

(1) not too much to ask for... bcos he has already given too much to somewhere else...

(2) u need to be able to relax him with some massage ... from there then move in...

two cents worth
Old 10-02-2007, 11:39 PM
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Re: 2 much to ask for?

To clarify. U are a lady with a bf/husband with LSD. U want min 3 times a week sex but he doesnt?

why not you call me? I can give you 3 times a day if you want/can.
Old 10-02-2007, 11:48 PM
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Re: 2 much to ask for?

yup, no need FL/WL... many bros here are willing to help free of charge

too bad i'm semi-retired
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Old 10-02-2007, 11:57 PM
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Re: 2 much to ask for?

Damn no wonder I couldn't make head or tail initially on the post...I was thinking of LSD of the other kind (Angel Dust) now I know, she wants more he wants less...haiz if only my OC like her..
Old 11-02-2007, 12:02 AM
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Re: 2 much to ask for?

Hi sis,

Which of the following are U asking advice for?

a) How to increase his (I assume your partner is a "he") sex drive to 3x a week cos he has low sex drive and can't even do it 3 times a week?

b) How to increase his sex drive to 5x a week cos he can only do 3x a week?

c) How to reduce your sex drive in order so dat you can be satisfied with 3x a week?

d) What to do to satisfy your high sex drive?

If your request not clear, you will get all sorts of advice.

Old 11-02-2007, 12:03 AM
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Re: 2 much to ask for?

to avoid confusion - LSD is Low Sex Drive?
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Old 11-02-2007, 12:27 AM
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Re: 2 much to ask for?

Originally Posted by SiberianTiger View Post
More info so that mebbe someone would be kind to share his/her advice:-

I dun think I wld be the only 1 with this prob but to say this but FL/WL out of the question as I'm a lady. My partner dun believe that regular bonking can help him to increase his drive, dun believe in taking supplements or toy.
There are many things unclear basing on your brevity but I will try to suggest a more general practical advise.

Try to find out what and when would he be in the mood for sex. Some friends I know of would not be turned on unless their wives set the mood. For example, a show of concern, a sexy outfit or more physical show of affection may trigger the whole pleasurable process.

Some of my friends are so busy with work that they come home still thinking about work. If that is the case, you may want to de-stress him with some massage or other ways to relax him. Sex has a therapeutic effect so after enjoying the good sex with you, he may feel that it would help him to cope with the stress better. Furthermore, if both of you have strong love, he might even find having sex with you a meaningful affair.

When you were talking about number of times per week, I got the impression that you were simply thinking in terms of numbers. In other words, you gave me the impression that you were trying to meet a certain quota which is purported by the general populace to be a healthy level. Sex is not simply a number's game......Hope that you and your partner will continue to have a meaningful sex life......Good luck.
Old 11-02-2007, 01:29 AM
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Re: 2 much to ask for?

I wish my girl would tell me that she want at least 3x a week, I'll be happy to raise up to her expectations.

Well, about your man - its mainly probably psychological. Maybe he feels that he can't meet your expectations, or something like that. Since you have openly told him that he should do more, to help him increase his drive. That probably means that you already had a series of lengthy discussions with him. And posting here, means you are probably frustrated. (if you are real)

So you have a frustrated wife who is confident of herself and want to enjoy pleasures of your right in marriage, an under-performing man who probably find hard to meet those expectations.

Nobody knows if u had been married for how long, the blah the blah the blah, so can't be accurate about it. Maybe there was a resentment from a long time ago, and it surfaces when you approach the subject of increase frequency. who knows.

But maybe u can try dropping work, go out on dates, go for a short holiday somewhere, forget about work, bills and the GST Hikes, believe that the world is round, and we are in the carribean. Wear something that he likes to see you in, build up the tension, the mood and dun criticize. If he cums after 3 mins, he can try it again in 2mins to 30mins or a few hours later, whatever.

Every r/s is different. u just gotta find the difference in yours.
Old 11-02-2007, 10:58 AM
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Re: 2 much to ask for?

Originally Posted by SiberianTiger View Post

I dun think I wld be the only 1 with this prob but to say this but FL/WL out of the question as I'm a lady.
you are how many % lady?
Old 11-02-2007, 11:04 AM
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Re: 2 much to ask for?

Originally Posted by Castrol View Post
you are how many % lady?
Bro got how many percent one meh? Tot is either 100 or nothing

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Old 11-02-2007, 12:00 PM
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Re: 2 much to ask for?

Originally Posted by asdfghjkl View Post
to avoid confusion - LSD is Low Sex Drive?
think shld b ...
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Old 11-02-2007, 12:21 PM
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Re: 2 much to ask for?

Want to improve LSD, simply go to any LSB.

Look for one XMM, and she show you how to have HSD. But remember to use DCD, or else will get HIV.
Old 11-02-2007, 02:15 PM
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Re: 2 much to ask for?

Originally Posted by SiberianTiger View Post
...3x (minimum) a week instead of everynite.

Wld this be 2 much to ask for? Or is there any ways to boost/reduce sex drive? FL or WL is out of the question.
You have to be specific like your age and your partner's age too. Another thing you can try is be more creative and create more romantic situation that could lead to a romantic night.

There's no saying as how much is consider too much when it comes to sex as some are happy with just once a month whereby some go for more than once nightly.

Find the right moment and have a talk with him regarding your needs and his requirements. I'm sure both of you could work out a compromise.
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