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Old 17-07-2012, 10:44 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

haha!!!! 7510 @ 10.00am....the highest i got since the crisis in 1997....look forward to 8000.... hehe!!!!
Old 17-07-2012, 11:51 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by eg5354 View Post
Have read in the news recently that the Penang Second Bridge is under construction to connect Batu Kawan on mainland and Batu Maung on Penang Island.

The total length of the RM 3 billion bridge is 24 km and will become the longest bridge in Malaysia and Southeast Asia.

If malaysia can do it , so can spore and batam which is 20km apart only !

who's going to pay the S$/Rp billions for the 20km bridge?
Happy Bataming
Old 17-07-2012, 11:57 AM
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Maybe can ask Suharto lor. He so ngam with Lao Lee. Didn't old cow also propose that maybe oldies singaporen can go stay in Batam or neighboring island for the lower cost of living??
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Old 17-07-2012, 11:57 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by tomcat007 View Post
I don't know about you, but I always think its safer to not reveal your identity to other forummers. You never know how the guy is in his "real life". I've joined group trips organized by bros here, but they never know my nick. Best not to provide a link between your online identity and your real life identity. Else, what you posted online might come back to haunt you...
So to say you got more than 1 nick here? Well, it is always better NOT TO BE KNOWN WHO YOU ARE FROM WHAT YOU WRITE HERE.
I will have headache if I dont see a strange piece of pussy every day

Old 17-07-2012, 12:00 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Batam Man View Post
who's going to pay the S$/Rp billions for the 20km bridge?
If the govenment of INdonesia agrees to "rent" Batam to singapore for 99 years, I am sure singapore gov will consider. In the 80s and 90s, such talk was on the table, before singapore gov goes to China suchow, where they "su lui".

Back then, Batam is really a kampong with nothing much.
I will have headache if I dont see a strange piece of pussy every day

Old 17-07-2012, 12:18 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

hahaha!!!! ah pek`s only worry is the morons will ask to eat ah pek`s on the spot when they meet to shit like that....LOL!!!!!!
Old 17-07-2012, 12:48 PM
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Originally Posted by newyorker88

So to say you got more than 1 nick here? Well, it is always better NOT TO BE KNOWN WHO YOU ARE FROM WHAT YOU WRITE HERE.
Don't assume. :-)
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Old 17-07-2012, 05:48 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by eg5354 View Post
If malaysia can do it , so can spore and batam which is 20km apart only !
Originally Posted by Batam Man View Post
who's going to pay the S$/Rp billions for the 20km bridge?
Think of the amount of trade and manpower reliance between Batam and Sgp, not really economical. If you also consider road safety, think of the amount of SIM beli and all those vehicles without insurance. A bridge just to make bonking easier 24/7.......then alot of Batam residence will feel more hardship rather than a better life. Although so many ceweks there, not everyone in directly involved in the sex trade, those that are not directly involved will feel the pain of hyper inflation in no time.
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Old 17-07-2012, 07:45 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by FireTruck View Post
Im in wavemaster 7...any bros with me in the boat?
Just now I was in wavemaster 7,
9.40am ferry.
Old 17-07-2012, 09:15 PM
eg5354 eg5354 is offline
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Batam Man View Post
who's going to pay the S$/Rp billions for the 20km bridge?
Govt of batam can suggest share cost with singpore side. But I doubt spore will be agreeable to the proposal as the building of the bridge does not benefit spore economy much. Only if the pros outweigh the cons then singpore may consider....

Remember last few years back bolehland govt suggest building a suspended bridge at the causeway on both side so that msian ship can pass through directly save the trouble to go one big round to Tanjung Pelepas Port at south west johor. But spore opinion is that it is not neccesary as the present causeway is good enough already. And then when paklah took over office, he called off the plan of building the suspended bridge.

Originally Posted by newyorker88 View Post
If the govenment of INdonesia agrees to "rent" Batam to singapore for 99 years, I am sure singapore gov will consider. In the 80s and 90s, such talk was on the table, before singapore gov goes to China suchow, where they "su lui".Back then, Batam is really a kampong with nothing much.
Leasing Batam to spore could be like leasing hong kong to the british or leasing macau to the portugese. However batam has not much natural resources like crude oil, etc that spore can make good use of and building casinos in Batam also makes no sense as there are already casinos at sentosa and marina bay.

Unless want to promote Batam as a sex destination place, grant brothel licence, legalise prostitution, develop beach resorts like Bali to attract westerners to come and generate lots of income from tourism so that there will be surplus after paying the rent to batam.
Old 17-07-2012, 09:57 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by hendri2 View Post
haha!!!! 7510 @ 10.00am....the highest i got since the crisis in 1997....look forward to 8000.... hehe!!!!
Bro hendri, your estimation of 8000 rupiah will materialise on next year July 2013. Why I said that is because from the exchange rate for the past 2 years, the devaluation of rupiah on the average is about 500 per year.

July 2010, S$1 = 6526 rupiah

July 2011 S$1 = 6982 rupiah

July 2012 S$1 = 7474 rupiah

So you will expect your expenses in batam including panggil ayam to be slightly cheaper provided the joint don't mark up its price lah.

Actually indonesian rupiah did not devalue much, against other currency it is still about the same. It is just that sing dollar is appreciating, therefore exchange rate against the rupiah have shown that it is higher.

Sing dollar has been very stable and strong for the past few years against most of the currency and no doubt it will continue to appreciate further.

With alot of foreign reserve, extremely low interest rate and a stable economy, value of sing dollar will continue to rise against other currency.
Old 17-07-2012, 11:15 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by S.B.Y.1 View Post
Pak is 67 y o and still young
Pak, umur uda tinggi tapi hatimu masih muda banget ya !

In my late 30s now, 30 years less sexperience than you, must address you as sifu, hehe...

Originally Posted by hendri2 View Post
haha!!! if a bridge is built, batam is finished...a short time would costs 1 juta and a booking 3 is a nightmare.... only when i am in heaven, this would happen.... ah pek misses the good old 70s...haha!!!!!
You're rite. If a place is too easily accessible, then batam joints will be flooded with too many horny singaporean and cewek price will gradually increase double or maybe triple. Batam joints will also be crowded with too many people, sian.

Come to think back about it, would rather Batam be less developed so that the cost of living including beer, makan, massage, call chicken, etc are still at affordable price. Hope it will remain as it is now in the future and lets hope that it will not get too commercialise...
Old 17-07-2012, 11:36 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by eg5354 View Post
In my late 30s now, 30 years less sexperience than you, must address you as sifu, hehe...
here we are all equal and Pak is also learning the ropes , maybe
cant reach the rainbows cos calender is tearing off way to soon
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Old 17-07-2012, 11:38 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by wala View Post
Think of the amount of trade and manpower reliance between Batam and Sgp, not really economical. If you also consider road safety, think of the amount of SIM beli and all those vehicles without insurance. A bridge just to make bonking easier 24/7.......then alot of Batam residence will feel more hardship rather than a better life. Although so many ceweks there, not everyone in directly involved in the sex trade, those that are not directly involved will feel the pain of hyper inflation in no time.
Agreed. If the bridge is to be built, then the cost of living in Batam will certainly goes up. Then Batam residents (penduduk) who reside and work in Batam will not be getting enough salary to support their family and inflation would seriously affect them.

However, there are another group of Batam residents who go to singapore to work every morning via ferry to and fro on a monthly subsidise ferry ticket, earning singapore dollar are more well to do than their counterparts who work in batam. They are mostly educated and can afford to buy landed houses in Batam.

These group of batam residents who work in spore as well as the working ladies in the sex trade are the more higher income earners than those who work in Batam drawing rupiah salary like the "cewek electronic" (factory girl).
Old 18-07-2012, 02:26 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Just got back from Batam and found a gem.

As everyone is in a mood for sharing, I like to share what I found.

A good friend recommended me a local who came to my room for a two hour massage. I really think it is good but please dont take my word for it; try it for yourself. If you enjoy it as much as I, please pass the info on.

Name : Maria

number : +62 87791259472

For her pix please pm me as i have no idea how to attach
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