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Old 02-03-2009, 08:11 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by lextaxy View Post
bro mic..pls define your 'higher end'...are you refering to
The singers at i&g / gravity looks good for a start? Hahaha...

Higher ends means those like really escorts, singers, models, etc lor... Some malay really really have fantastic figures and sharp facial features, like, big eyes, sharp nose etc.

What is your market range in terms of pricing/service/etc? Hahaha...

1) Chick Joint / KTV = 150k
2) Spa take-away = 200k
3) ... example... ahahaha
Old 02-03-2009, 11:08 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Xdecepticon View Post
So if I hand carry couple of dozen of electronic goods to TBK or Batam, I need not pay any tax?

Wat if I export such goods to TBK/Batam? Would the importer be taxed? In spore, importer are tax 7% gst.

Better not carry these things by hands first. As far as I know, those who smuggle in HPs for sale did it with the custom officals.

Even it is a free trade zone, and you want to carry HP to sell there, better check it out first. The top people and bottom people have their ways of doing things.

THe laws are not properly drafted out yet. To my knowledge. Even it is declared as free trade zone, there are still coffee money to be given, if we are to bring in thru NON CONTAINERS carriers.
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Old 02-03-2009, 11:18 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by lextaxy View Post
Pure chinese indonesian and mandarin speaking??during the years of Pak Harto's,chinese names were even dis-allow,chinese traditions like our CNY were celerbrated and declare a national holiday only during Mbah Megawati's rule (thats about 7years ago).
kalimantan chinese are mostly khek (hakka)decendants and they do pack some punch when it comes to bedside kungfu thu,dayak's blood are runing in them,sure some of our fellow cheongsters have come across dayaks and madura's proficency in bed.those from Medan are mostly hokkian speaking while closer to batam e.g tg pinang,tg batu etc are teochews, Pakal pinangs are khek...Yawnnn. getting boring yeh..
anyway, for all die-hard cheogsters with the die die also must try altitude,chinese batam meimeis are available.
Bro ah hia,pagoda n romance hotels 100% no kang tau no further recce needed.there were once(about 10months back) a ktv oppoite pagoda but were closed/bannished as under-aged ceweks were found working there.

Well written.

Most medan gals would not bother to come here to sell. They could do it in medan. As for Pulau gals, yes. Most are Teochew speaking. Kalimantan? These gals are mostly poor gals from Kmapongs. Even Java has some too. But most ended up in Jakarta, not here.

There are PRCs too, but they asking for sky. Dont bother. In Gelyang, they are much cheaper.
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Old 03-03-2009, 03:40 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by newyorker88 View Post
There are PRCs too, but they asking for sky. Dont bother. In Gelyang, they are much cheaper.

i believe they price themself higher due to the fact they are so call "rare" then others over at batam.

any bros happen to know which hotel at batam that can still have our local handphone signal?
i remember my friend told me once few years back, but forget which. or is the hotel still there?
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Old 03-03-2009, 06:14 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

appreciated mkashi mas Ny88 for your comment.

Bro Micheal;seems that you are having a different (grade)cup of tea here in batam...hotel planetholiday and i hotel escorts, singers, models..,wow wow
batam may disappoint you lo..

1)escorts?batam? they just dont sumup,
2)singers?with due respect;they may mai siau (sell laugh)not all mai sen (sell body)
3)models?refer to #1
maybe you should try jakarta..definitely better chance.

market range in terms of pricing/service/etc?
bro..the batam FR thread may provide better answers.

Originally Posted by Michael

Being to all the spas, ktvs etc, a bit bored of those...
bro..i can imagine....batam is not just about spas,ktvs and diskoteks and neither do nagoya and harborbay make-up batam try the cafe/coffehouse where the local cheongster go ??samyong?bkt senyum??sin thai?skupang?
no hardfeelings ya bro micheal..just my 10rupiah worth of inputs.
Old 03-03-2009, 06:28 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

any bros happen to know which hotel at batam that can still have our local handphone signal?
i remember my friend told me once few years back, but forget which. or is the hotel still there? [/QUOTE]

your friend maybe referring to hotel oasis..the building still stands..but out of business.sure miss the ktv,Titanic ktv now operates from sydney hotal,batam centre

for sg hp signals:
bukit senyum (the area behind hotel planetholiday)
ktm resort near the pool or the kwan-imm statue
nongsa (palms spring resort and kampong nongsa)

the locations maybe out-of reach for the week-end cheongsters but
maybe all samsters with sg hp signals experience should contribute...

Last edited by lextaxy; 03-03-2009 at 06:34 AM. Reason: adding name of ktv
Old 03-03-2009, 08:29 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by lextaxy View Post
appreciated mkashi mas Ny88 for your comment.

batam may disappoint you lo..

1)escorts?batam? they just dont sumup,
2)singers?with due respect;they may mai siau (sell laugh)not all mai sen (sell body)
3)models?refer to #1
maybe you should try jakarta..definitely better chance.

batam is not just about spas,ktvs and diskoteks and neither do nagoya and harborbay make-up batam island.

do try the cafe/coffehouse where the local cheongster go ??samyong?bkt senyum??sin thai?skupang?

no hardfeelings ya bro micheal..just my 10rupiah worth of inputs.
Haha no hard feelings of course... I working in Batam so no chance go Jarkarta... Also, with colleagues work day and night, seldom got chance go "shop shop" except for weekends where maybe I chill out in a hotel, etc.

Singers didn't try, but dancers try before.. Haha... Singers must "sian sian"... so... don't wanna invest too much. Plenty of richer bosses around other than me, I not famous yet lah hahaha...

10 Rupiah? Got such currency meh? Smallest denomination I saw was a few hundred I thought... Hahaha....
Old 03-03-2009, 08:30 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by lextaxy View Post
Originally Posted by sex crusader
according to the Indonesian UU (laws),any foreigner who wishes to resides(rest,sleeps,relaxes etc) at any places in Indonesia (except hotels)for more than 24hr must report to the local authority(polisi,rt/rw) so that your well being and safety can be keep track of,so it claims.or just another excuses to squeeze some bucks from us tourist.

or without,..take xtra care please
Heard of tis rule b4, but check with my indo friend, if u r staying for a day or 2 not a problem, but if u r staying for long term here is better that u report to their police to make a license.


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Old 03-03-2009, 08:32 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Another place with SG handphone signal:

My office if you walk nearer to the sea side... Hahaha...

Tg Uncang!
Old 03-03-2009, 08:36 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by bahman View Post
i believe they price themself higher due to the fact they are so call "rare" then others over at batam.
Haha ya, average is $350 per day... But once in a while got some gems... If you know the OKT, can make booking from afternoon to the next day morning...

If you can tahan more than 4-5 shots for that duration, might be worth it... Hahaha...
Old 03-03-2009, 11:11 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by bahman View Post

any bros happen to know which hotel at batam that can still have our local handphone signal?
i remember my friend told me once few years back, but forget which. or is the hotel still there?
Try it at Batu Ampar Area.
Try Amir Hotel. I know the area around there on the high floors can recieve. Batu Merah hill top also can get. pacific is possible too.

You got to set your hp to manual mode to get. Sometime got signal, sometimes lost. I tried it before.
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Old 03-03-2009, 11:14 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Michael View Post
Another place with SG handphone signal:

My office if you walk nearer to the sea side... Hahaha...

Tg Uncang!

you at sagulong? Sekupang also can get. at KTM resorts
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Old 03-03-2009, 11:23 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Michael View Post

10 Rupiah? Got such currency meh? Smallest denomination I saw was a few hundred I thought... Hahaha....
Smallest is 50 rupaih now days.

You working in Un Cang, Sagulaong area? Metal or ship?
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Old 04-03-2009, 02:05 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

guess Bro Micheal you've overworked and getting homesick.. some serious cheonging may help!
Singers are heavy investment bro,not only must "sian sian" time and money also but fret not...our little 'red book' (i.e passport) does have some advantages..

the 5rupiah was last printed (its a note) back in the 50s - 60s..having 1 of them right now could easily buy you a landed property anywhere in batam!!

bro Naka_Timo:
"Tamur harus Lapor 1x24hr"
local indonesian are quite ignorant of laws,they then to be interpreted differently. as forigners...just be safe not sorry..if we play play then too pay..their general election is just round the corner you know?..
Old 04-03-2009, 09:53 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Haha Ya I work in Tg Uncang... one of the shipyards... Haha...

OOps... Don't tell the girls...

Singers, ya, heavy investment, that's why so far kept away from them... Anyway, in their line, they see so many big bosses every night, our little red book may not help much... There are also plenty of rich expats and local businessman here who are super rich I think... Hahaha...
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