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Old 28-06-2014, 12:10 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Batam Ramadan Timings (Sehr-o-Iftar) 2014

Just thought this might be useful during this month of the time :

What is Ramadan?

Ramadan is the Islamic holy month when all capable Muslims are expected to refrain from eating, drinking, and smoking until sundown. Ramadan lasts for 29 to 30 days, depending on the sighting of the new moon.

Although energy levels during the day may be low, Ramadan is actually a festive time with night bizarres, family gatherings, and special foods. Rather than avoiding travel during Ramadan, take advantage of being on the road during a special time.

What to Expect During Ramadan Travel

Depending on where you are traveling, you may not even notice that Ramadan is in progress! Travelers in countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, and other countries home to large Muslim populations will be affected the most. Bali in Indonesia is predominantly Hindu and is barely affected by Ramadan.

Many Muslims travel home to be with their families during Ramadan; some shops and restaurants may be closed until sundown. Long-haul transportation may run on an erratic or modified schedule. Accommodation is rarely affected, and Chinese eateries are always open for a daytime meal.

As the sun lowers, large groups of Muslims meet to break the day's fast with a festive meal known as iftar. Special desserts, performances, and public gatherings can be enjoyed by both travelers and locals. Discounted prices on gifts and souvenirs can be found in Ramadan bizarres.

Will I Go Hungry During Ramadan?

Non-Muslims are not expected to fast, however, many shops, street carts, and restaurants may be closed throughout the day. In places such as Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, and Penang where a large Chinese population exists, food is never hard to find.

Finding breakfast or lunch in remote villages may be a different story; fruit and instant noodles can go a long way when in a pinch.
How to Behave During Ramadan Travel

Ramadan is more than just fasting. Muslims are expected to purify their thoughts, and focus more on their religion. Travelers who do not cover up after leaving the beach or wear slinky outfits will not make life any easier on locals.

Make an extra effort to be considerate of others while traveling during Ramadan.
  • Avoid eating, drinking, and smoking on the street in public during the daytime.
  • Cover your shoulders and legs whenever possible.
  • Never photograph people during prayers or performing their ablutions before prayer.
  • Mosques -- normally open to visitors -- may be closed to the public during Ramadan.
  • Be patient; you wouldn't move too quickly either without food or water in Southeast Asia's heat.

The dates for Ramadan are based on the Islamic lunar calendar and depend on the traditional sighting of the crescent moon by eye. Predicting the dates for Ramadan is impossible in advance; sometimes the dates even vary between Islamic countries.

Ramadan in 2014 is expected to begin on or around June 28, and will continue until July 27.

Basic Batam Info in One Link

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Old 28-06-2014, 01:32 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by FireTruck View Post
Hi bros

My close friend now is totally in love with his regular cewek booking. He's willing to fork and pay out the cewek's loan in order to get her out from the ktv that she's working.

Do you think it is a wise move?
I was actually quite reluctant to reply to this one,but it does reminds me of a long time acquittance,a 66 year old male cleaner in my office building who pass away on 6th May 2014.

His brief story :

About 10 over years ago,he got to know a working girl in Batam,plans to marry her and stays in Batam and hopefully live happily ever after. But the girl is already married with 2 kids,so the girl ask my fren to marry her daughter instead who is then 18 or 19 years old. Yea,good for my to bonk both mother and daughter at that time. Sold his HDB flat,bought a house in Batam under his wife's name but continue to work in Sillypore and pitch his new "staying place" in our office building warehouse,yet travelling from sillypore to Batam once every 2-3 months or so for years.

With his average salary plus a $600 CPF every month,all's well over this period until last year when he decide to quit his job for good and move over to Batam ;and to only come back to sillypore once a month just to "chop passport". The Daughter divorced my fren last year and sometime this year,the "mother" complains of Money Not Enough. My fren was kicked back to Sillypore on March 2014 penniless and worse still...sick. He was admitted to hospital on April and pass away on May 6th,diagnosed with Lung Cancer.

While the story of my fren may not be of a good ending. But from my point of view,he has at least lived his life. He has more than 10 years of fairly good time and even tho his ending may be a sad one. The question i ask myself then,am i willing to trade 10 plus years of good time and suffer at the end of my last few months if i am in his shoe? While this is not a good thing,but it isn't entirely a bad thing either.

For your close fren,if he is still young and has the financial means,by all means go ahead to make mistakes as long as they aren't grave.One can never know if it's the right move until he actually moved. From the perspective of being a close friend,you can advise against what "you think" is a mistakes or wrongdoing...but from a perspective of someone falling in love,it's never easy to give up something one love....unless the "love" he thinks is right at that time bites him hard in the end. Perhaps your fren may not be bitten after all and your advises are the one that bites him today? No one is right or wrong when it comes to the matter of the heart...the final decision is entirely up to your fren.

I don't know what others may feel,but i find that in life,sometime one needs to take the real bite and feels the pain from it before they can truly grow up,eventually emerging stronger than their previous self when their wounds close-up.

Just my personal point of view....

Basic Batam Info in One Link

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 28-06-2014, 01:57 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
I was actually quite reluctant to reply to this one,but it does reminds me of a long time acquittance,a 66 year old male cleaner in my office building who pass away on 6th May 2014.
Many condolences...I really hope his passing was a brief and peaceful one.
66 more than enough to me.
I have no wish to be alive beyond 60 in sillypore.
I cant even get my CPF money back.

To your question...yes I think it is a good trade off.
I was chit chatting with my colleague a few days ago....if given a chance to relive life....

1. Enjoy 15 good years of living up....private jets, swanky hotels, yachts, porsche...and bevy of Ms Universes and top models as escorts every a drug lord....then suffer the next 15 years in jail for your past criminal acts....

2. Slog thru 30 years working as lowly employee in sg....cannot afford cars, flat,....etc.

Which one will you choose to be?
I'm Cerberus, guardian of the portal to the death realm.

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Old 28-06-2014, 03:09 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
About 10 over years ago,he got to know a working girl in Batam,plans to marry her and stays in Batam and hopefully live happily ever after. But the girl is already married with 2 kids,so the girl ask my fren to marry her daughter instead who is then 18 or 19 years old. Yea,good for my to bonk both mother and daughter at that time. Sold his HDB flat,bought a house in Batam under his wife's name but continue to work in Sillypore and pitch his new "staying place" in our office building warehouse,yet travelling from sillypore to Batam once every 2-3 months or so for years.

I don't know what others may feel,but i find that in life,sometime one needs to take the real bite and feels the pain from it before they can truly grow up,eventually emerging stronger than their previous self when their wounds close-up.

Just my personal point of view....
haha...let me share similar stories in Vietnam...all these reported in newspaper or hearsay...some are from friend's friend...

case 1 - an ang mo married a Viet gal and had a kid...and when the ang mo goes home to settle some personal family problem...after 3 weeks come back...wife and kid in wife name also gone...all just disappeared...

case 2 - a sinkie man love a Viet gal and paid monthly SGD 1500 per month to take care of the gal...not knowing the gal already married and hubby just released from jail and also staying in the rented pregnant with his kid...the guy broke off with the gal and broke everything in the house include tv, fridge, etc...dun want to leave anything...

IMHO - if the guy wants to keep a gal in any country and want to try ok to rent a place and then spies to report gal movement and try to do surprise visit without letting gal know when you will be surprised what you dun know...when you tell her when you are expected to come then all things can be staged...if you dun tell then she is unprepared...and surprise...hahah...^^
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Old 28-06-2014, 05:33 PM
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I was a newbie

My passport (48 pages, issued in 2010) has only 2 more blank pages left. Lots of travels, but also lots of visa, which took one full page. I have to apply for a new one soon.

Today I browsed my passport and counted my Indonesia Visa on Arrival issued in Batam.
WOW! Batam local authorities should give me a certificate of "Visitor Emeritus"

Since 2010, when I paid my first visit to Batam (I still remember the emotion and how cautious I was in venturing around , after having read so many words of warning in various fora like here), I have counted:

Number of visits to Batam (entries in Harbour Bay): 16 entries
Total days of stay in Batam (Formosa Hotel): 86 days
Average visit duration : 5.375 days/stay

I keep outstanding memories from each of those stays. Good memories and also some bad experiences, as statistics rule. I felt like on Mars on my first visit to Newton, now I feel at home there.
Considering that I DO NOT LIVE in Singapore, but I go there only sometimes from Europe, it's not a bad score.
Did I say before that I love Batam?

Last edited by Black Page; 29-06-2014 at 01:46 AM.
Old 29-06-2014, 05:11 AM
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Re: I was a newbie

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
Today I browsed my passport and counted my Indonesia Visa on Arrival issued in Batam.
WOW! Batam local authorities should give me a certificate of "Visitor Emeritus"

Did I say before that I love Batam?
Bro have you went to Surabaya before? If not you can try having 1 short vacation there, you might like it. Many non-working girls there..

However, bad thing is that it is a big city unlike batam...
Time in Paradise is up. Looking forward to the next trip soon.
Old 29-06-2014, 10:33 AM
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Re: I was a newbie

Originally Posted by KohOnly21 View Post
Bro have you went to Surabaya before?
Surabaya is the 2nd largest city in Indonesia besides JKT

Dolly the infamous red-light district is currently in a massive
raid and clamp down amidst this Holy Month of Ramadan

Authority are adamant in closing this place permanently
KliK sInI >>>IndO C3W3
Old 29-06-2014, 02:05 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
I was actually quite reluctant to reply to this one,but it does reminds me of a long time acquittance,a 66 year old male cleaner in my office building who pass away on 6th May 2014.

His brief story :

About 10 over years ago,he got to know a working girl in Batam,plans to marry her and stays in Batam and hopefully live happily ever after. But the girl is already married with 2 kids,so the girl ask my fren to marry her daughter instead who is then 18 or 19 years old. Yea,good for my to bonk both mother and daughter at that time. Sold his HDB flat,bought a house in Batam under his wife's name but continue to work in Sillypore and pitch his new "staying place" in our office building warehouse,yet travelling from sillypore to Batam once every 2-3 months or so for years.

With his average salary plus a $600 CPF every month,all's well over this period until last year when he decide to quit his job for good and move over to Batam ;and to only come back to sillypore once a month just to "chop passport". The Daughter divorced my fren last year and sometime this year,the "mother" complains of Money Not Enough. My fren was kicked back to Sillypore on March 2014 penniless and worse still...sick. He was admitted to hospital on April and pass away on May 6th,diagnosed with Lung Cancer.

While the story of my fren may not be of a good ending. But from my point of view,he has at least lived his life. He has more than 10 years of fairly good time and even tho his ending may be a sad one. The question i ask myself then,am i willing to trade 10 plus years of good time and suffer at the end of my last few months if i am in his shoe? While this is not a good thing,but it isn't entirely a bad thing either.

For your close fren,if he is still young and has the financial means,by all means go ahead to make mistakes as long as they aren't grave.One can never know if it's the right move until he actually moved. From the perspective of being a close friend,you can advise against what "you think" is a mistakes or wrongdoing...but from a perspective of someone falling in love,it's never easy to give up something one love....unless the "love" he thinks is right at that time bites him hard in the end. Perhaps your fren may not be bitten after all and your advises are the one that bites him today? No one is right or wrong when it comes to the matter of the heart...the final decision is entirely up to your fren.

I don't know what others may feel,but i find that in life,sometime one needs to take the real bite and feels the pain from it before they can truly grow up,eventually emerging stronger than their previous self when their wounds close-up.

Just my personal point of view....
Thanks for your point of view. I had told my friend off.

As advised by some from here, you can help make her return back to kampung. After that, end the relationship. What you did there is good enough for her.

Let her enjoy her retirement in the kampung.
Old 29-06-2014, 02:50 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Haha, bonked once every 1 to 2 months in batam and lost his life savings...his head has to be examined or chopped off... Today, Sunday, many just have to pay $30 to 50 to satisfy their cocks from the seems mostly cleaners, taxi drivers, security guards like to suffer these experiences....a security guard was jailed for 12 years for burning his grandmother's shoes...that caused the burning of whole estate and killed a baby...another guard lost his life savings and sleeps in the voideck....hehe!!!
Old 29-06-2014, 03:41 PM
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Re: I was a newbie

Originally Posted by S.B.Y.1 View Post
Surabaya is the 2nd largest city in Indonesia besides JKT

Dolly the infamous red-light district is currently in a massive
raid and clamp down amidst this Holy Month of Ramadan

Authority are adamant in closing this place permanently
Indeed there are news that authority are adamant in closing this place permanently. However, currently the authority are only barring the okts operating the Dolly for intaking new girls as well as giving an amount (i think is 3juta) to those girls who took up their offer to leave Dolly. FYI ST in Dolly cheapest i found is 80k, maximum 200k with our local geylang house alike facilities.

Personally, i find that the ceweks in the malls, factories & offices are more
Time in Paradise is up. Looking forward to the next trip soon.
Old 29-06-2014, 09:10 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

hi bros, I have no better idea where to post this apart from this thread. I'll be heading over to Batam for the first time and would like to see if anyone is travelling there too. I am meeting a mutual friend there on Wednesday and am available to head over on Tuesday.

Seriously, I have no contacts nor knowledge apart from what I could google and reading this thread a few pages gave me some insight about the fasting month and practices there.

If there is anyone who can provide help or assistance to (providing a contact or) getting a trusty girl to spend my Tuesday night there, I would be deeply grateful. Just a note, you guys are talking to an erotica blogger who only travelled to Pinang once with a male friend on a business trip. So.. noobish me.. haha.
Old 29-06-2014, 11:32 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by staplerman View Post
hi bros, I have no better idea where to post this apart from this thread. I'll be heading over to Batam for the first time and would like to see if anyone is travelling there too. I am meeting a mutual friend there on Wednesday and am available to head over on Tuesday.

Seriously, I have no contacts nor knowledge apart from what I could google and reading this thread a few pages gave me some insight about the fasting month and practices there.

If there is anyone who can provide help or assistance to (providing a contact or) getting a trusty girl to spend my Tuesday night there, I would be deeply grateful. Just a note, you guys are talking to an erotica blogger who only travelled to Pinang once with a male friend on a business trip. So.. noobish me.. haha.
Hi Bro,
just read this thread. I'm a newbie as well, i took this thread as my guide and everything went well. Most senior bros already highlighted the do's and dont's.
very interesting to read this thread,very informative as well.
Only thing is just becareful, especially during the night.

Bro nono'newbie guide is also very informative.

Old 30-06-2014, 01:59 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

first of all thank you for the reply so many comment but i will answer one by one

@cheetahfelix yes you can in there but i not recomend it.

@newyorker well in somepart i aggree but it has so many factor

@black page well bro black page i very sorry about your great friend miss R. but i fell many contradiction in your coment "I knew lots of girls there. How is the quality? Ugly like in lady houses in Nagoya (for example Morena in front of Newton)? or also pretty SYT?" if you know a lot of the girl why would you ask again ? i hear that story so many times yes i symphatize them. not many i can do but i do is i treated them well with me and sometimes i give them more tips. why not you ask the girl you bonk from joint or anywhere their story. so many sad tales. not only from sintai...

@DDAMn's well looks like you find the pandora box. i see it too many good looking girl in that white colour bungalow. i think it the most elite place in there. but i will search other wisma first many gem need be polished after that i will ram that white bungalow. well most expenditure you pay is drink .the girl already have the price. 300-400k

@mas joki well mas joki what you heard not false yes they have security guard on front so who ever make a fuss in there will be get beat up and thrown away. safe or not it's all depends in so many factor. first time i go there. i with my friend. but not fj just want to scout the place first and target wisma that has best looking girls ( ddamns coment white colour bungalow). so many gem in there if you want to look more closely. about the room i think that white bungalow have a good standard from the look of building but not come to there yet.

i am sorry if some word may offense some people but i just want to share if misfortune befalls on you sometimes wrong time in wrong place. better prepare. like i said 1stime with friend just scouted. after that i go alone. i left everyting just money in my pocket. i drive 45 minute. i that time so many thought in my mind. what if like this what if like that. what if someone robbed me in the way. what if i get choped and my money not enough. so many scenario in my head. my heart keep pounding so fast. but just my curiosity drive me there. i from batam but i go to another city many years. in that city i try every entertainment that city can provide from the lowest to the highest. and then are every highest entertainment ( big money ) will give you 100% satisfaction answer is no even with highes standart not all the time you will have a good time. and then are the lowest ( low money ) will give you 100% bad time. no. sometimes depends on your behave. your look. your luck etc. so many factor that i can't describe one by one.
i am sorry so many word to write...
Old 30-06-2014, 07:14 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Noaheaven View Post
@black page well bro black page i very sorry about your great friend miss R. but i fell many contradiction in your coment "I knew lots of girls there. How is the quality? Ugly like in lady houses in Nagoya (for example Morena in front of Newton)? or also pretty SYT?" if you know a lot of the girl why would you ask again ?

i hear that story so many times yes i symphatize them. not many i can do but i do is i treated them well with me and sometimes i give them more tips. why not you ask the girl you bonk from joint or anywhere their story. so many sad tales. not only from sintai...
1) My fault. I made a mistake of English. "I knew lots of girls there." was actually "I knew that there are lots of girls there." I recognize my sentence was not understandable. Sorry for not being clear.

2) The story of R is much longer and painful than that. I don't want to tell it here in all details.
Old 30-06-2014, 09:48 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Hi all, I'm going Batam this week probably thur for a week or so. Anyone keen to join me can pm me. Thanks!
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