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Old 25-07-2014, 12:08 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nitecrawllerr View Post
But i still love the soapy boobs massage at Hatyai (see my siggy). U dont have such services an Batam or even Balai.

Agree with u though if is just for short trip, sop sex, cost, Batam still win hands down.
Bro, PMed you
Old 25-07-2014, 12:20 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by jimfairy View Post
Bro, do u still remember how long ago when the FLs n WLs cost only 210000-260000 for LT.. hehe.. i think only 10 yrs ago?
Yes, still remember. But 17 yrs back during late Suharto downfall lagi best. Do u believe if i tell u I bought S$400, cheong with my kakies (wheres Xd and Romeo?) to Batu then Batam and i think it was a 6 nites "tour". End of the trip still got some S$ balance. Sigh, those were the days. Everything sweet cheap!

Originally Posted by localbest View Post
Behind hotel utama area, there are many massage joints like Chinatown massage, Princess massage, Ala Mayang massage, Tulip massage, Tropical Asia massage, Better and best massage, Ria massage, etc.

Some of the joints offer the following services which you can choose from:

1) Sauna - To make you sweat out the fats/oils (burn calories) and relieve stress too.

2) Body scrub (lulur) - Arms, legs and body are scrubbed using treatment cream and then left to dry. After that the cewek will use a wet towel to gently wipe off the cream and the dirt on the body. Body will feel comfortable and dirt free after the service.

3) Mandi susu (SPA) - Also known as milk bath which will make your skin soft and pure to the touch. The cewek will leave you soaking in a cloudy white bath tub for 15-20 minutes.

4) Masker (face & body) - The cewek will do a face and body mask for you. The mask is basically used to cleanse and detoxify the skin.

5) Massage wise can have the option of :

a) Traditional Javanese massage (using oil)

b) Thai massage (not using oil)

c) Kombinasi or combination of the above two

d) Refleksi

The above services will definitely pamper you shiok shiok.

You will likely to feel better, look better and sleep better.
Tks for the above detail MP and services provided.

That mandi susu stuff. If only the cewek can mandi together with us.

As for soapy boob massages, maybe i could replace soap with Nuru Gel, bring it along and and request the cewek to perform Nuru boob massage.
Plse dont upz me

Thank you

Last edited by nitecrawllerr; 25-07-2014 at 10:58 AM.
Old 25-07-2014, 12:58 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Sorry, small the above-said service being provided in Batam or Hatyai?
The place is refering to those massage joints near hotel utama or DC mall areas.

From formosa, walk to the back of centrepoint and cross the road to nagoya catwalk the building where many shops are located.

Then continue to walk to the end , then turn left and you will see the newly constructed biz hotel.

After that if you turn right you will reach Newton hotel but if you continue to walk straight you will reach the first massage joint called better and best massage which is beside hotel utama.

The rate for Princess Massage (2 years ago) was as follows:

Normal room - 50k for 1 hr - massage only (no lulur and mandi susu)

VIP room - 110k for 1 hr - massage, body scrub (lulur) and mandi susu (spa)

VIP room - 125k for 1.5 hr - massage, body scrub (lulur) and mandi susu (spa)

VIP room - 150k for 2 hr - massage, body scrub (lulur) and mandi susu (spa)

HJ was about 100k-150k with roaming boobs OR FJ package 300k charge separately

Last edited by localbest; 25-07-2014 at 01:17 AM.
Old 25-07-2014, 01:52 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nitecrawllerr View Post
Tks for the above detail MP and services provided.

That mandi susu stuff. If only the cewek can mandi together with us.

As for soapy boob massages, maybe i could replace soap with Nuru Gel, bring it along and and request the cewek to perform Nuru boob massage.
Bro, you are really very innovative when come to foreplay with the cewek.

I supposed nurul gel massage is something like the gel is applied to the whole body of the cewek including her breast, buttock, pussy and all parts of body. After that the cewek will just slide her body onto your body as if like there is no friction. Wow, a new way to enjoy man...

I wonder what is the difference between soapy massage vs nurul gel massage? Are the feeling more or less similar ?

But I have never tried the nurul gel before. I usually go for oil body to body massage (B2B) at JB health centre like bluewave, newyork, paragon, NZspa, etc every fortnightly.

The malaysian masseuse will apply oil on her big neh neh (or so called tetek besar) and rubbed them on my whole body including the genital areas, the feeling of shoikness is indescribable and at the end finish off with either a hj or bj or fj of my choice.

Hopefully Batam massage joints also got offer boobs massage B2B.

But your soapy boobs massage must be even more exciting...
Old 25-07-2014, 07:16 AM
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Re: Batam vs. Jakarta

Originally Posted by S.B.Y.1 View Post
Jangan mara2 dong. Lusa km akan tambah tua setahun lagi .
Originally Posted by ndnd View Post
Pak masih ingat.
Selamat Ulang Tahun to Mas ndnd
KliK sInI >>>IndO C3W3
Old 25-07-2014, 11:04 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post

Agreed with you,Batam really big place (the place do look familiar to me) and Nagoya only considered a very small fraction of the whole Batam island.I think Batam is even bigger than Sillypore in island size. If we ever link up again,can go locate that place together.

Yes, can bring u explore jodoh, and also bengkong and many other places too.


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Old 25-07-2014, 11:43 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by newyorker88 View Post
Batam is a place for relaxing, and taking your mind off for most brothers. I been here for years, love this place, love the fun as well. When I get really tired, take a drive to barelang, and enjoy some quietness, nice sea views and relax at the bridge.
Hmm...after reading this post,i did some research on Berelang Bridge...the view and ambience from the bridge and on the bridge is indeed very impressive.

Read in some online articles, it appears this bridge is a very quiet place with hardly any vehicle passing thru it. The bridge consist of 6 parts that link up the other 3 islands together with Batam island. It was build by an ex President of Indo with the intention to improve trade within these places but the plan was somehow abandoned. Good part of the bridge is ,it is now one of the icon of Batam,some say looking over the bridge has some therapeutic healing effect on a person's mind and soul...and as for the bad part,a handful has chosen this bridge to end their journey in life.

A taxi trip from Nagoya will take roughly between 40 mins to an hour. Below a map i post here for my future navigation (i believe for that kind of time/distance,it is very likely to cost about 100 rupiah or more just to go there) :

Some sample pictures collected from the web below on the beautiful scenery of Berelang Bridge and i combined them into one single photo due to the forum's inability to have more than 4 photos in a single post :


Basic Batam Info in One Link

Avoid quoting the whole post if you are replying to me in the thread


My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 25-07-2014, 12:05 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nitecrawllerr View Post
That mandi susu stuff. If only the cewek can mandi together with us

As for soapy boob massages, maybe i could replace soap with Nuru Gel, bring it along and and request the cewek to perform Nuru boob massage.

Try Kayzak massage( behind DCmall, near to Utama Hotel... Go for package O... 272K rupiah? for 1.5 hours.

Add your own Nuru....
I will have headache if I dont see a strange piece of pussy every day

Old 25-07-2014, 12:10 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
and as for the bad part,a handful has chosen this bridge to end their journey in life.
It is a nice place. Orignally, Habibie wanted to build shipyards to rival singapore PSA, too bad, suharto stepped down, and he was too busy trying to fix bigger problems left behind.

I hear of a story of a guy who was caught by a drug dealer who loan him some money or some thing which I am not sure what, the drug dealer put him in a gummy bag, together with a HP. He lowered the bag until it just touch the waters. Off the bridge at night.

The rest, you figure it out.
I will have headache if I dont see a strange piece of pussy every day

Old 25-07-2014, 12:32 PM
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Re: Batam vs. Jakarta

Originally Posted by S.B.Y.1 View Post
Selamat Ulang Tahun to Mas ndnd
Terimakasih Pak
Old 25-07-2014, 01:13 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Dear Bros,

if a papi/mami added thru wechat and say want to send girl. how reliable ha?
any bros try before
Old 25-07-2014, 01:42 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by SEAJ
Yes, my kudos to nono too as his "style" seems to have influenced and imbued this thread with civility and the spirit of sharing. Great!!

And whilst I probably will not be visiting batam any time soon, IMHO this thread has educated me THE MOST about Indonesia as a whole - politics, religion, superstition, wg's, pricing, socio-economic progress etc.

How I wish other threads would take the great example of this thread - kudos to y'all.... And thanks!!

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Thank you for your compliment bro,but my style isn't exactly a style. It's more like focusing on the title of the thread 1st,and then my 2nd focus will be on my questions.And then comes the discipline to totally ignore what's not involved to both the thread title and my questions.

From Luwak Coffee sold in Batam,the Religious Temples/Mosque,Girl joints,MPs/KTVs,Haunted Hotels to Dried Sea food like dried Sea Horses,don't you think it has all evolve around the thread Title ,Batam Info? Personally,I choose to skip politics becos the scope of politic can go as far as the whole world and can easily went off the track,ticking each other off making a thread a quarrelsome one. Just my personal opinion.

I think you should visit Batam at least once if you have a day or 2 to kill. Just visit it for time killing sake and for the "rest & relax" part.Whether you can get used to it and like the place is a different matter.just take it like ICT (in-camp training) The girls were never my 1st priority in my every visit to Batam tho,but taking my mind off the sillypore work is. Very often if i am still at work when my physical self is in Batam,i would get a bbbj while at work or at times be admiring some naked/semi naked girl running around within my mobile part,i do not get to enjoy much in Sillypore or if i were to travel further away.Hehehe...imagine yourself at work in an office with your office girl giving you a bbbj while you answer to your oversea Director's call or a customer's call via phone/ That's exactly what i did.
You’re welcome – but I am still of the opinion that your “style” has gone a long way to set the tone for other posters here and make this thread the civil – and more importantly – informative thread that it is.

Unlike some threads on other destinations filled with boring, confusing and vile posts by agents and their clones as well as seniors who seems to only want to dominate discussions there with their mutual back-slapping whilst castigating “newcomers” for daring to ask questions even! And even actually stating that they are NOT interested in sharing any information about “THEIR” place as they do not want others to spoil THEIR playground! What happened to the spirit of sharing and caring in some of these threads? What’s the point of their presence if they are NOT willing to share information?

But then again, I say to each his own and that everybody of course have every right to do whatever they want to do!! I just wanted to thank and congratulate you and the other participants of this thread on maintaining this friendly and informative atmosphere here.


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Old 25-07-2014, 01:47 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Hmm...after reading this post,i did some research on Berelang Bridge...the view and ambience from the bridge and on the bridge is indeed very impressive.

The bridge consist of 6 parts that link up the other 3 islands together with Batam island.

It was build by an ex President of Indo with the intention to improve trade within these places but the plan was somehow abandoned.
Originally Posted by newyorker88 View Post
It is a nice place. Orignally, Habibie wanted to build shipyards to rival singapore PSA, too bad, suharto stepped down, and he was too busy trying to fix bigger problems left behind.
Habibie, the ex-president who lasted only for one year plus (shortest period president) before megawati was an engineer who got his degree in Germany.

Before becoming the president, he was just a technology minister. He was the one who oversee the project in construction of the 6 barelang bridges in batam that connects the islands of Batam to Rempang to Galang.

His plan was to transform the Rempang and Galang islands into industrial sites like present-day Batam. Instead, the bridge site has grown more into a tourist attraction rather than a transportation route. Many people tend to relax and take photo there.

Heresay his diplomatic relation with spore was not very good, unlike lao lee and suharto machiam "abang adik". Maybe because of this reason his discussion with spore about the economic co-operation deal in Batam failed.
Old 25-07-2014, 02:41 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Story Of Jokowidodo

Old 25-07-2014, 02:50 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by ndnd View Post
Bro, PMed you
Tks again bro. Wish i could up u again.

Originally Posted by localbest View Post
I wonder what is the difference between soapy massage vs nurul gel massage? Are the feeling more or less similar ?

But your soapy boobs massage must be even more exciting...
I tried both leow. Still prefer hatyai soapy boob massages. But cant be too choosy if in Sillypore. Nurul gel also can. U need to go try it out bro. I have been crazy abt such services since my very first maiden trip to Hatyai many yrs back.

Originally Posted by newyorker88 View Post
Try Kayzak massage( behind DCmall, near to Utama Hotel... Go for package O... 272K rupiah? for 1.5 hours.

Add your own Nuru....
Tks. Will take note on that too.
Plse dont upz me

Thank you
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