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Old 14-07-2015, 09:34 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by micmac888 View Post
......I wouldn't drive out of my way to, for example, eat mie pangsit (or cheap food which likely won't justify petrol cost, time and parking fee). So hence why my own food FR tends to be in search of pricier but solid quality or hard-to-come-by cuisine; worth the driving, petrol etc.

I tend to adopt `Eat to Live' attitude...unless stall is near where I am.....or the intent is food hunting...then, going the distance will no longer be an obstacle.....unfortunately or fortunately, fellow bros who do brief visits to BTM for ceweks....tend to eat at the most convenient loc due to `time constraints'
Old 14-07-2015, 09:38 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
...bought a durian from the market in Batam (in front of Avava, on the way from Formosa to Planet Holiday, so to speak).
Next day, I packed it in my backpack with my dirty clothes in Formosa, brought it to Singapore Harbour Front on ferry, then to Changi using MRT, then checked-in with my luggage to my home country in Europe via Paris CDG.

I finally opened it in the kitchen of my parents apartment (I avoided to open it in MY apartment ), for the enjoyment of everyone who never saw a durian before.
All I can say is.......Wowww......I would only do tat if it's something unique not found in S'pore.

A little off topic but food related........US chocolates are a fav among family and friends and they raved about the difference bet the same brand found in S'pore and US. When I travel to the US of A.....I tend to rtn with a additional baggage of chocs, weighing approx 25kg

Anyway, let's me rtn back to good food and good entertainments in Batam........more FRs guys
Old 14-07-2015, 10:24 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Any bros interested to join me & my buddy on 2D1N trip next week 23-24? We can split cost for taxi and also share our experiences with each other to exchange tips & pointers.
Old 15-07-2015, 10:17 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Itinerary for my July 2015 Batam Trip

Date : 26th to 28th July 2015 (Sun - Tue) - 3D2N

Alamak... the date clash with my trip to Bolehland... wish Bro nono1973 n guys have a great time there n a safe trip.

Looking forward to Bro nono1973 Aug trip (if any) ...

Cheers !!!
Old 15-07-2015, 11:07 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by DDAMn View Post
Try the satay bro nono u won'nt regret it..hahahah..
Long time no see,bro.

If i am there in my next trip,i will sure try,hehehe....satay also one of my favourite.

11 more days to my July Batam trip,hehehe....

Originally Posted by KohOnly21 View Post
Please be advise that at this place if you are eating there, you will be scoping your own rice and choose the dishes yourself. (rice & dishes portion up to you)

After you are done, get a seat and wait for the waitress/waiter/helper to come to your table and record the cost of your meal & drinks. They will then pass you a "receipt" to be paid at the counter before you leave.
Ok,so this place eating procedure is actually different from the norm. Good,then must really try liao,noted with many thanks.

Just out of curiosity,do i need to bring my own fork and spoon?

Originally Posted by micmac888 View Post
ermmm.... though u already mentioned it is not ur size, but first thing comes to my mind is you got a BIG DICK. LOL!
Definitely not my size. My size are not big according to what most girls say and if i compared my size with online male porn stars,hehehe...

Originally Posted by micmac888 View Post
Otherwise, it's either they do Kegels often and are pros at flexing their muscles (grip) or/and using Jamu. LOLOL! But yah... ermmm.. . as u mentioned out of 20 girls , 15 to 16 are tight pussied. I have to presume you got a BIG TOOL for most if not all indonesian girls !
Since bro Birdbird isnt here to reply to my earlier post for so long to test bonk 3 indo girls,i shall share my "personal theory" here.

I dont think most Indo girls practice kegel or that they were flexing their vagina muscles during an intercourse (unless those from Meduran). I have been analysing Batam girl's pussy for nearly a year. Perhaps it could be Jamu but i dont think Jamu can shrink their pussy hole so small that i can bearly poke one KY lubricated finger in it,right? And of course i heard of Madurani girls whose pussy can suck and fuck a man's dick.

In my own theory,the reason why they (indo girls) very often has tight pussy is becos of their body size. In case you didnt notice,MOST if not all indo girls are really petite in size. I remember reading a post by bro Newyorker regarding the children in indonesia being malnourished. They may look like they are 8-9 years old but their physical age are already 14 or 15 already. So i deduce that i am actually bonking 25 year old girl with a say...18 year old pussy? Even if they give birth, most usually dont give birth to a very big size baby,hence keeping their vagina very small. I think of it this way,a very small size man will USUALLY have a smaller sized dick. And that goes for the girls too. i did ask myself before,how can there be even tight pussies around when most indo girls actually loses their virginity before they turn 18? Most PRC girl's pussy would be so loose by then till you can drop a small coin in it and couldnt find them when they reach age 25 if they were being regularly bonk (joking here)...hehehe...

So my observation theory is becos its due to their body mass. I imagine myself bonking a slim indo girl of say 1.4m? or 1.5m in height? How loose will a 1.4m/1.5m slim sized girl's pussy be over an average asian guy of 1.6m to 1.75m in height with a normal sized dick? I am sure those who have been to Batam regularly would have all heard complains by Batam girls over their customers keep bonking them till their pussies turn sore.

Adding on to my above theory,how come MILF pussy are also tight. Simple,most guys would choose SYT over naturally the milf are the lesser bonked,hence they have a tighter pussy,hehehe...thats what a few old man told me long

Again,that are just my perspective.

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Old 15-07-2015, 12:20 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Just bring extra tissue.have fork n spoon la..u can choose to eat on the first floor or second.try to come early cos there 's always a huge crowd ur info nono bu joko has a branch at btm centre just in case its too crowded in nagoya square.enjoy bro.for u is 11 more days for me its in 24 hrs more to go .hahahaha..

Last edited by DDAMn; 15-07-2015 at 12:22 PM. Reason: r
Old 15-07-2015, 02:28 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
i shall share my "personal theory" here.

etc etc

Again,that are just my perspective.
OMG ROFL! (speechless)
Dun be late
I won't wait
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Old 15-07-2015, 03:31 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
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No one can really get rid of the 7 sins ,the best i could do is to control them from within me,hehehe....
Uncle like the pic in the click spoiler pic. I agree with wat u say must self control.

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Hehehe...when one is a little more experience in a particular scene,favorite places tends to pop up. Good experience bros begins to share more with inexperience me,and more privately too and over time i began to shortlist my definition of the best of the best among the best. And slowly i talk less about "them" and exert some level of discipline on myself hoping to keep my definition of good places from being overcrowded so as your definition of "bad influence" get lesser or no chance to pollute it with their "green bean soup" challenge....
i see u now more intel in yr info sharing. U no hide anythg in public but yet no share 100% 4 freeloader. Nobody can acusing u 4 keep any secret tat way yet u still 100% truthful to all. Clever la!
Old 15-07-2015, 03:55 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
The story goes like this,a super rich man often visit a high class exclusive brothel in ancient China,and he likes to flash his money so as to show off i am richer and more powerful than anyone in town. There was an auction in the brothel that are held once a week to bid for the virginity of their new girl and this super rich man is always the winner. But in a particular night of that special week,he finally met his match,which is another ultra rich man from another town except that he is possessed by the spirit of a girl that this super rich man accidentally killed in one of the past auction after taking her virginity.

The bidding starts but was not able to come to an end as both men are really super ultra rich and this ultra rich man from another town suggest why not they cook green bean soup using 银票 (pronounce as yin piao aka cash notes of much bigger denomination) which are consider very very big cash denomination in ancient China days. End of the green bean soup competition,the super rich man manage to finish cooking the green bean soup 1st and the ultra rich man from another town lost.

The ironic part of this story is that the female ghost wants revenge and later possess the virgin girl and took the life of that super rich man who won the prize. The super rich man tho is the winner did not get his prize,the young girl's virginity but instead died of a heart attack,hehehe...the girl who didnt lost the virginity was later married to the ultra rich man from the other town.

In Batam today,i have seen illustrated situation of the "cooking of the green bean soup using money" by men of the same interest,hehehe...and do you happen to be one of them? Remember i said this before,there are no poor sillyporean in Batam and almost everyone wants to win in the Green Bean Soup Cooking Challenge over one

Just a short story with a lesson to learn,please dont take it too seriously.
I smiling wen i see yr green bean sop story. Bcs it happen not just btm,i tink anywhere got sinkapore pple will happen. The case always is abt i wan to be more powerfool than u. Tis pple ending up get what? nthg..smtime not even get a good fuck & making themselves foolish & poorer wen they go btm nex time.

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Date : 26th to 28th July 2015 (Sun - Tue) - 3D2N
I see yr date go btm is unpredictable from last time. smmore combine weekend & weekday.

U trying make less pple join u in yr group trip?
Old 15-07-2015, 06:24 PM
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New berry massage contact number 2015

Hi all,
Anyone have contact number or name card of papi or mami for new berry massage? Thank you guys
Old 15-07-2015, 06:33 PM
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Re: New berry massage contact number 2015

Originally Posted by Cool46 View Post
Hi all,
Anyone have contact number or name card of papi or mami for new berry massage? Thank you guys
I have the cell number of the mami of Happy 8. She's good.
But you want a date or what?

Last edited by Black Page; 15-07-2015 at 07:59 PM.
Old 15-07-2015, 10:59 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Hi black page,
Yes a date. Are u sure service was good. Can pm me mami number. Thanks bro
Old 16-07-2015, 01:40 AM
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Batam on Ramadhan 2015 (#1 - TUESDAY)

(Series of reports of my visit around the end of June. Yes, sorry, I am late!)

I am just coming from 3 outstanding days in KL. Every night to remember, even for more than one reason. Yes, OOT, but worth to summarize those 3 days.

Foreword: 1st night in KL

Party with 2 swinger couples and my Chinese local friend, a pure nympho fuck toy, true 3-holer who has never enough. Her ass hole is open wide and sore, but she stil wants more.
We leave at 11 pm with our dicks red, her ass open wide as a cave, and she's still demanding for more. Other girls are astonished. I put her on a taxi and I tell her I will sleep.

At 1 am, I feel itchy again in my room, so I go to explore BC. I come back at 3 am with a wonderful Viet little smiling girl, not a model, but sweet as a candy. I had enough sex already for the night, but I miss the sweet company of such a good girl.
Agreed short time, but she remains to sleep till 10 am. I have to send her home, because I am busy with work, or she would stay longer. We never talked about money, so I give her 500 (yes, more than what could be negotiated, but I don't want to exploit her).
10 days after, by WhatsApp she tells me I was her first customer. She had few more customers in the next week, then she escaped back home because she really could not work as prostitute (her own words).

Foreword: 2nd night in KL

I go back to BC. I find again my Viet. Killing smile. Wow, she has friends! I invite her best friend with us. They are not really the sl*ut type of the majority of girls in BC, and this is the reason of my interest.
They hesitate, then say ok. Did you have EVER tried to sleep all night being held in arms by two lovely Viet girls? Like sandwich? Worth to try. Paradise for me.
Problem is that after the first night, I cannot downgrade my offer. Ok, 500+500 put in their purse the morning after, without talking about that. I am not rich, but I really cannot be strong with weak girls.

Foreword: 3rd night in KL

Wonderful sexy panther from Indonesia, my friend from Batam since 6 months before, is in KL with family! She insists to meet. I opt for her instead of inviting my two viet girls to dinner. Drinks, dances, etc. With her, sister and BF.
At 2 am she is in my room. Everything as expected.
At 2:15 am, I go out of the shower to find the room empty.
No, she did not steal anything, but she simply run away because her BF called her on phone. Only a phone call of apologies for me from her room. My night is fucked up.
BC is closing already. At 4 am I go to Radius Spa. Regular experience with a young viet. Nothing to remember.

Batam finally!

The morning after I travel to Batam! Finally my home!
6 hours of bus to Singapore, Harbour Front, Horizon Ferry. At 6 pm I am in my room in Formosa. YUPPIEE! Holidays begin NOW.

I am tired, so for the night I opt for the easy path. I contact my old friend (TA), who I met in Newton some months ago ((b2)
TA is 28 yo and works as maid in a big hotel daytime and as dancer nighttime in a shithole pub of Jodoh. Besides this, sometimes she goes to Newton for some extra cash to sustain her family. She really does NOT look a working girl of Newton. She's lovely with her glasses. So serious and very intellectual looking.

I take her out for dinner at Harbour Bay. Before midnight we are in my room. She is a very quiet girl. She does not like disco. Besides that, she does not want others to see her with me.
Good fuck in all positions and GFE, but then she sleeps dressed. WTF!
The morning after, I give her 1 M + good gift (bought for her in KL, as promised since long time).

My week in Batam is just beginning. I breath and wonder what the Fate is preparing for me this time.

(Follows to Batam on Ramadhan 2015 #2 - WEDNESDAY)
Old 16-07-2015, 10:40 AM
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Re: Batam on Ramadhan 2015 (#1 - TUESDAY)

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
My week in Batam is just beginning. I breath and wonder what the Fate is preparing for me this time.

[I](Follows to Batam on Ramadhan 2015 #2I]

Tomorrow is hari raya. Not sure if you going to be able to book unless u done so before hand or have regular. a lot of makan places will be closed. Most people are out of batam, out of Indonesia or at their kampong as well.
I will have headache if I dont see a strange piece of pussy every day

Old 16-07-2015, 11:55 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by micmac888 View Post
It is . In the same blok as ABC resto.
When it comes to Batam Center for food,i am more reliant on taxi driver as i wasnt very familiar with the area. And they sell mostly sea food,hehehe....

Originally Posted by MiG27 View Post
The displayed pics on the website looks impressive but we know sometimes it is far from the truth.
This i agree with you. I always see the swimming pool in some hotel look very big on their website photos,but in real they are smaller than most condo's baby

Originally Posted by MiG27 View Post
I sure many Bros are also looking for cheaper alternatives.
I am not exactly looking for cheaper alternative but more towards how my money can stretch. S$0.50 for 1 apple,S$2.00 i get 4 apples. And often i try hard to get 5 for the same price,hehehe...rather than getting 1 apple for S$2.00?

When i was much younger,i see some Indonesia Chinese auntie in Sillypore bargain for a Cartier spectacle from S$1200 to S$900 and yet refuse to buy it when they win. But the same auntie didnt mind paying S$20 for a tiny screw on old her Cartier glasses. This i witness with my own eyes. I learned some of her ways in term of bargaining,hehehe...

Originally Posted by 1stClass View Post
So it seems I won't be going to the hotel and spa, so I won't be able to provide you the pictures as promised. Sorry bro nono....
I tried to flip back all your posts in this thread,i do not see a single post that says you will be taking picture of that Spa or MP for me,hehehe....dont worry about it or be burden by it during your trip. I dont exactly need the pic,just the name of MP or Spa in Swiss Inn. And if you couldnt do it,i will just give Swiss Inn a call when i reach Batam on 26th July.I dont want to waste my money to call them from Sillypore to Batam since i am only wish keep record on the given info.

Stingy me,hehehe...

Originally Posted by lurpsexx View Post
The otak one looks new.. Thanks for the location.. A bit far off from Nagoya mall for me.. Thanks anyway..
If you happen to pass by that place then go try it. Otherwise at most time,it does seems out of the way. Yes,the Otah looks GOOD!!!Hehehe...

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

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