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Old 21-08-2015, 05:56 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Bro any lobang for a bbbj cim massage place?
i new in batam pls help
Originally Posted by newyorker88 View Post
Never know... Last I heard involving a crime with outside people is some one burn down a village, becos he got jealous w the local gal whom he suspect having affair.

The other one involve a robbery in hotel 89... The Singaporean jeweller ( gay) got robbed and killed by his lover.

overall, batam is still a safe place if you don't any how go anywhere... Other than petty crimes or pickpockets, especially near hari raya idu fitri times.
Old 21-08-2015, 06:55 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by BatamBro View Post

Murder in Nagoya, There Are Three Stab Wounds in Body Tattoos

Editor: Dodo
Ahhhhh...... So there was a murder!!!!

Alemak! The recept gal bluff me, she says its some accident. Probably don't want to froghten me. Was having Bfast near there in the morning already alot of people crowded around the lane along Hana Hotel. Went to the Apotik a few meters from crime scene to get some stuff, inside also got drama. Someone not happy bought Diabetic test kit complaint not working. Shouting like want to throw table. Haiz....

Originally Posted by newyorker88 View Post
Never know... Last I heard involving a crime with outside people is some one burn down a village, becos he got jealous w the local gal whom he suspect having affair.

The other one involve a robbery in hotel 89... The Singaporean jeweller ( gay) got robbed and killed by his lover.

overall, batam is still a safe place if you don't any how go anywhere... Other than petty crimes or pickpockets, especially near hari raya idu fitri times.
Wahhh......!!! This version even more like "The Raid" movie bah.

Yesterday had a "small" encounter too. Was walking (1+pm) from Farmosa area to Penuin area & got harassed by 1 Ojek MF for 10mins. Don't want to F off. when i said no. He was following closely, i believe he probably wanted to pick my pocket. Really tahan for long time., Was very close to punch him.
Old 21-08-2015, 07:10 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by oneharu View Post
Bro any lobang for a bbbj cim massage place?
i new in batam pls help
Pse try to read Nono's Guide. He has put in a lot of effort to produce it and it has all the info that anyone who wants to know abt Batam.

Don't know where u staying/located so how to direct u? Hai ah...

When u find a massage outlet. What u want is just a matter of price, i believe. If u don't have time, just ask straight away when the girl comes into the room. If she don't do it, change loh!

Last thing, Don't forget Nono's #1 rule: BARGAIN!!!

P.s Or is it #2 rule?
Old 21-08-2015, 07:56 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Thanks bro! really appreciated it.
to me price factor ok lah, if she can do it good make me happy im willing to pay. i always belief good svc good products dun come in cheap.

anyway how the.... ahem is the std n hiv rate there high?

Originally Posted by Bigbird00 View Post
Pse try to read Nono's Guide. He has put in a lot of effort to produce it and it has all the info that anyone who wants to know abt Batam.

Don't know where u staying/located so how to direct u? Hai ah...

When u find a massage outlet. What u want is just a matter of price, i believe. If u don't have time, just ask straight away when the girl comes into the room. If she don't do it, change loh!

Last thing, Don't forget Nono's #1 rule: BARGAIN!!!

P.s Or is it #2 rule?
Old 21-08-2015, 08:01 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

hi bro, many bros out there recommended me to ask u about batam. i know u wrote alot n i had read some to prepare myself. but bcos u wrote alot i cant find massage place that provide a good bbbjcim. can you recommend? i dont mind abut ex. just need it to be good
Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Hehehehe...its a Friday...time to prepare to head back to "near hell"....

1245pm indo time
Old 21-08-2015, 08:02 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

bro #2 alrdy rule whn im typing here... LOL
Originally Posted by Bigbird00 View Post
Pse try to read Nono's Guide. He has put in a lot of effort to produce it and it has all the info that anyone who wants to know abt Batam.

Don't know where u staying/located so how to direct u? Hai ah...

When u find a massage outlet. What u want is just a matter of price, i believe. If u don't have time, just ask straight away when the girl comes into the room. If she don't do it, change loh!

Last thing, Don't forget Nono's #1 rule: BARGAIN!!!

P.s Or is it #2 rule?
Old 21-08-2015, 08:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Bigbird00 View Post
Pse try to read Nono's Guide. He has put in a lot of effort to produce it and it has all the info that anyone who wants to know abt Batam.

Don't know where u staying/located so how to direct u? Hai ah...

When u find a massage outlet. What u want is just a matter of price, i believe. If u don't have time, just ask straight away when the girl comes into the room. If she don't do it, change loh!

Last thing, Don't forget Nono's #1 rule: BARGAIN!!!

P.s Or is it #2 rule?
Classic example of... If you want better answer, you gotta ask better question.
Old 21-08-2015, 09:37 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Seth El Nino View Post
craving for momo, bros happily obliged haha...After 25mins ride, we reached the stall but it was CLOSED
Momo's operating hours are 0700-1200hrs. And usually by around 1115hrs the ingredients would have start to run out . Is better he is prior informed that a group of people coming in late morning or noon so he can stock up more ingredients etc and anticipate the arrival (as I did for nono's 18th trip). To avoid disappointment.

Great to read u enjoyed the trip
Dun be late
I won't wait
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Old 21-08-2015, 10:35 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by localbest View Post
1) Buying Kaha hotel voucher for Formosa for 2 nights. Must really thanks bro Nono for his unselfish sharing of info on save money tips.

I am not a frequent batam cheongster only go 2-3 times a year but believe in future will frequent there more often as beside good food and cewek, batam offer lots of massage options for us.

For the past few years have been walking in direct and was paying like S$62-S$65. But this time I was only paying 475000rp = S$48. Save me S$17 per night which is consider as value for money stay.

Last time in order to save cost I chose to stay at lailai mutiara at 230k = $25per night instead of $65 in Formosa.(according to one year ago exchange rate) That was a significant $40 difference

But rite now lailai has recently up their price to 260k=$27 as they are building a lift at the lobby rite now and also have refurbish part of the room like the cabinet and main door. Buying hotel voucher at KAHA for Formosa cost $48. So the difference between the 2 hotels room rate has reduced greatly to $21.

Therefore it is more value for money to stay in Formosa as the $21 difference, you get to enjoy better breakfast, more spacious room, carpet which is cosy, bathtub where you can mandi susu, and many other advantage like its prime location, etc.
Hehehe..i purposely wait till i come back from Batam before i reply to your post. Bro,as mention earlier,your postings has always been a very good learning material for me.

Just wish to share this. You are comparing a 2 star hotel 1 over year ago with a 3 star hotel today on their price difference. Not fair, definition of fair :

2 star to 2 star,3 star to 3 star,their location. And on same month,same season. Formosa room cost S$456/night a week before CNY 2015 before tax-in at agoda tho,hehehe... (yes,its S$456/night and i ever post it here before)

1 year+ ago,normal days Formosa room from online is between S$62-S$65,i agree becos i booked at that price too. Today online only cost about S$56 at the same month last year (thats why i write my summary links on my signature to take notes so that i can always compare and there are 18 of those summaries now) I think Formosa Hotel is getting cheaper and cheaper,hehehe...

Last year Fomorsa Hotel voucher from Kaha only cost 455k,today it cost 475k...(same room type) Last month July, Formosa online pricing cost lesser than Kaha. Those who joined me in my last 18th Batam trip only pay about S$84 to S$89 for 2 nights of stay at Formosa which is cheaper than Kaha.

So what i do is i always compare price with both online and Kaha pricing. Dont forget you go Kaha still need to use up some time to buy the voucher before heading to the hotel itself and if one is buying those room voucher at a higher price,then i think its not worth.

Now for the 2 star hotel comparison.Last year Lai Lai cost S$25,today at S$27, got many many 2 star hotel emeging,hehehe....and i just got back from 1. How about 1 that cost 288k (S$29.30) per night ,about 200 steps from Formosa ,they are with lift,with wifi ,with free breakfast and its less about 1 month old as of this post? (note : there are also bad points) When i say its new,i also mean everything all new.Its a 6th storey 2 star hotel but only 4 storeys are being used. Will share more of this hotel in my upcoming 19th Batam trip summary.

Now we compare 3 stars versus 3 star (goodway and formosa) which is near to Lai Lai area,that is none other than Goodway hotel (it used to be 4 star).Kaha price today is 475k/night on weekday and 525k for weekends and public holiday. Online price? Definitely higher than Formosa online's S$62-S$65 over last year and this year is still within S$47 to S$58.

Basic Batam Info in One Link

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 21-08-2015, 11:19 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by atee View Post
Tks bro for that recommendation. Quite "scary" leh.
I honestly think the Egyptian theme hotel is unique.

Its a theme hotel,like well...this one below (from Japan) :

Originally Posted by Temotemo View Post
Hello all been reading bro nono1973s guides.been frequenting batam recently..currently on batam too..weekdays come better lesser ppl..would like to know where else other than keyzha have vitalitas massage
When you tell any masseurs in any Batam massage shop,most will understand what Vitalitas is,and if it happens they dont...just tell them to massage "there" (point to you own bro). After trying the other shops (you may try each shop twice),you will then realise that there are many massage shops in Batam that does vitalitas way better than Keyza or any other shops that state they do vitlalitas. (i apologize for not being able to share any shop names here or its location to anyone whom i have not met before)

Do keep in mind tho,those who could do a better dick massage aka vitalitas are those MILFs at age 30 and above due to their experience. The pricing are usually same or at times lower than a HJ (at 100k+ but you dont cum),just remember to bargain down whatever the price being quoted by the girls. Do "try" it to know it as each "try" will only likely to cost you less than S$25 and 1hr-1.5hr.But if your choice are hotel massage or Men spa type,it will cost you more to try.

Good luck and enjoy!

Basic Batam Info in One Link

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 21-08-2015, 11:21 PM
oneharu oneharu is offline
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Re: Batam Info Thread

bro its like that... due to my oc...
i can onli go a half day tour hence im looking at a massage with bbbjcim. thats why i am asking around. will greatly appreciate if u can have some tips for me?
Originally Posted by miumiu6464 View Post
Classic example of... If you want better answer, you gotta ask better question.
Old 22-08-2015, 01:40 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

ah... ps bro... ok i read finish liao
ok i go explore batam myself next week for a halfday. see if sep can tag along with e bros here.
Originally Posted by miumiu6464 View Post
Classic example of... If you want better answer, you gotta ask better question.
Old 22-08-2015, 02:57 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Hehehe..i purposely wait till i come back from Batam before i reply to your post. Bro,as mention earlier,your postings has always been a very good learning material for me.

Just wish to share this. You are comparing a 2 star hotel 1 over year ago with a 3 star hotel today on their price difference. Not fair, definition of fair :2 star to 2 star,3 star to 3 star,their location. .
Bro nono, appreciate your analysis on the hotel charges. However I deliberately don't compare apple to apple because I want to see if the cost of durian is significantly more costly than an apple. But now I realised the price gap difference between a 2 star Lailai and 3 star Formosa is getting smaller over the years therefore see not worth staying in a 2 star hotel.
(Only a small $21 difference can have a more comprehensive and enjoyable stay)

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
1 year+ ago,normal days Formosa room from online is between S$62-S$65,i agree becos i booked at that price too. Today online only cost about S$56 at the same month last year (thats why i write my summary links on my signature to take notes so that i can always compare and there are 18 of those summaries now) I think Formosa Hotel is getting cheaper and cheaper,hehehe....
Yes, Formosa is not only getting cheaper to stay now via online or kaha, it is also constantly improving itself by providing comfort, quality furnishing and taking care of hotel guest needs.

For example:

1) Personal care or complete toiletries provided in bathroom including hair dryer, anti-slip mat, etc.

2) Strong Wi-Fi signal can be received in almost the whole hotel space like room, restaurant, hall, lifts, corridors, it provide many access point to boost the signal.

3) Recent replacement of all the spot lights (halogen) to LED lights in the room and toilet, since LED technology is getting more advance now.

4) From the wall there are many handphone charger cable for nokia, sony, Samsung, blackberry, etc. Think this is the only hotel I have seen that provide charging of handphone facility.

5) Carpet bring cosiness not many 3 star have this type of provision.

6) Old fashion CRT TV have been changed to LED TV with more than 50 channels.

7) Last but not least, the tile of the long bath can be dismantle for guest to hide their barang barang...

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Last year Fomorsa Hotel voucher from Kaha only cost 455k,today it cost 475k...(same room type) Last month July, Formosa online pricing cost lesser than Kaha. Those who joined me in my last 18th Batam trip only pay about S$84 to S$89 for 2 nights of stay at Formosa which is cheaper than Kaha.
So what i do is i always compare price with both online and Kaha pricing. Dont forget you go Kaha still need to use up some time to buy the voucher before heading to the hotel itself and if one is buying those room voucher at a higher price,then i think its not worth.
Bro, a very good piece of advice, to save cost but I am too lazy to monitor the online price. For me paying the Kaha auntie a visit talk cock sing song also quite a nice experience.

She likes to recommend me many other hotels to stay like hotel holiday planet 720k, hotel harmoni 820k, and hotel trinity is the cheapest 3 star hotel at 200k but location wise a bit out.

Imagine if kaha can sell us at 475k, Formosa could have sold the hotel voucher to kaha at maybe 380k. if walk in, Formosa charge 580k which is much more expensive.

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Now for the 2 star hotel comparison.Last year Lai Lai cost S$25,today at S$27, got many many 2 star hotel emeging,hehehe....and i just got back from 1. How about 1 that cost 288k (S$29.30) per night ,about 200 steps from Formosa ,they are with lift,with wifi ,with free breakfast and its less about 1 month old as of this post? (note : there are also bad points) When i say its new,i also mean everything all new.Its a 6th storey 2 star hotel but only 4 storeys are being used. Will share more of this hotel in my upcoming 19th Batam trip summary.
Are u referring to lovina inn or Gideon hotel? For me I got a weird habit tend to match the quality of cewek I book with the number of star of a hotel to stay.

When I want to cheong batam in a tight budget, I will book a 600k cewek (cheapest) staying in a 1 or 2 star hotel. (lovina inn, Lailai, bahari, batam star)

When I want to enjoy more by spending moderately, I will book a 1 juta - 1.2juta cewek staying in a 3 star hotel like Formosa deluxe room.

But when I want to splurge by spending money extravagantly, I will book a 1.5-2juta cewek and stay in Formosa but in a junior or executive suite.

I find it funny/strange if I book a 600k cewek but stay in a 4/5 star hotel.

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Now we compare 3 stars versus 3 star (goodway and formosa) which is near to Lai Lai area,that is none other than Goodway hotel (it used to be 4 star).Kaha price today is 475k/night on weekday and 525k for weekends and public holiday. Online price? Definitely higher than Formosa online's S$62-S$65 over last year and this year is still within S$47 to S$58.
Heard Goodway hotel use to be 4 star. do you mean that it has downgraded to 3 star ? But its studio room is smaller and cheaper, probably same cost as Formosa deluxe room ?
Old 22-08-2015, 03:10 AM
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What's happening in Batam?

Overall, Batam is much safer than most big cities in Europe or USA.
But these last weeks it seems a line of bad events happened one after the other:

Ayu, a 30yo lady found dead in room 353 in Newton (someone said for overdose, someone said killed by her occasional partner). Her face dead was also posted on several news web sites. I felt really bad for her. I might have met her, or not, but her face really looks like dozen others I have seen in Newton. Rest in peace, poor soul.

A man found dead murdered stabbed in Nagoya, just few days ago:

A 17yo girl found dead murdered near Nagoya

Video of bag snatch at BCS Mall went popular in Batam

Old 22-08-2015, 03:12 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by oneharu View Post
ah... ps bro... ok i read finish liao
ok i go explore batam myself next week for a halfday. see if sep can tag along with e bros here.
Actually I intend to go batam today 8am but thinking of it is a Saturday, should be damn crowded.

I have never been to batam on a weekend cos prefer to go during off peak period weekdays.

Think will cheong JB today since the ringgit has dropped to nearly 297 ringgit per $100 from 260 ringgit in Jan 2015.

A tips for you when you go batam. Take the earliest ferry from harbourfront terminal and return with the latest ferry from harbourbay terminal so you can fully utilise your half day.....

Can book cheap cheap hotel for 1 day but rest half day so won't feel the pinch.

Go for short time instead of long time so no wastage

Don't forget write FR when return, cheers..
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