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Old 13-09-2015, 07:02 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by miumiu6464 View Post
Once you have 1 shot, any problem you have with the girl, the joint will charge you minimum short time fee.

Maybe you are too forgiving or maybe you held out hoping that she will somehow turn good. I don't have that sort of patience.

Once she give stupid reason for not having sex, I'll just shoo her out of the room and complain to the papi straightaway. If you had read Nono's newbie guide, he advised getting the papi's contact number when you're still at the joint. No namecard, never mind. The aim is to let the girl see that you have the joint's number and ready to make noise if she tries to be funny. But, I do have to say that you're unlucky to get this type of girl from gold Bird.

Nevermind.. there's always the next trip.
The problem is I did not get a local line. I expected min 1 shot. I don't think I am asking too much for 1m?

Maybe I will still look for papi to ask for same girl. Must f that girl to release from bad memories. See whether can f free. Actually not free. I paid advance booking

Now I wake up. Cannot compromise the services from the working girls. Last time I pity on them. I need to show SG traits. Complain King and Kiausu.
Old 13-09-2015, 08:49 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Naka_Timo View Post
Me too...try harder tmr...
Mus try more harder harder on wed

Old 13-09-2015, 10:47 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Naka_Timo View Post
Special Thanks: Nono1973 for link up, planning the transport and routes making thing happen and making the trip an wonderful and happy one. micmac888 for the transport and good recommandation of some places
Most welcome,bro. And yes,special thanks to bro Micmac for the transport and sister K for her arrangement with Anah to reserve the stingray and all other good stuffs we ate that 2 evenings,cos i could hear her making calls on the phone behind the background while i was talking to bro Mic. I strongly believe she plays a very important key role with most of the arrangement on the jempalet,our Anah dinner and the the Marine Live ones too. She seems to be a character conveniently forgotten most of the time in most of my Batam trips,hehehe...

@ Bro Mic : I thank you for your help in this trip on most part of the arrangement for our meals (2x dinner,breakfast and massage),i also wish to extend my thanks to Sister K for her good effort for making our trip's dinners a super good and smooth one.Please help me send my thanks to sister K. Let her know i appreciate her effort as much as yours. A sincere BIG THANK YOU to both of you.

Originally Posted by Naka_Timo View Post
In this trip, i meet alot of new friends. They are all very easy to click with. They are also wonderful, nice, funny and interesting too. I have also explored many new places that i have not been before during my chionging days in batam. Every moment was not wasted and is well plan and organise. It is really an eye-opener and also thanks for bro soi6 for sharing all the tips and information on chionging at other places. A really experience guy.
With your character,it is really hard not to be able to click with you. A personal perspective,anyone who couldnt click with you is the actual "problem". Yes,the "problem" is with the other person and not you.

My personal opinion.

Originally Posted by Naka_Timo View Post
Although the trip was very short, hope you guy enjoy the shopping of ladies, shopping of food and shopping of massage and shopping of products.
3D2N very short? time try having 4D3N trip with me...hehehe...believe me,i have enough itineraries on my sleeves to keep a myself busy for at least 15 days 14 nights,hehehe...all of it are about getting the BEST for LEAST in a yet rest and relax mode.

No rush,no hurry..just pure peaceful enjoyment. (and i humbly learn)

Shopping for ladies : We are mainly just scratching the surface in this trip (at least we all score an average of 7/10 - 8/10 on this)

Shopping for food : We only have enough time for 5 places for 3d2N over perhaps hundreds of good eating places in Batam

Shopping for massage : We are still scratching the surface regarding massage (those with special++)

Shopping Mall shopping : Nagoya Hill Mall,DC mall and BCS mall were no longer in my priority listed mall to shop anymore (unless i need to rush). I aim for the source for what i need to buy,hehehe...

Batam is definitely more than a Wonderland.

Originally Posted by Naka_Timo View Post
Hope to have many this kind of days again soon and also hope to meet up with new friend too.
Hehehe...this kind of days happen once a month for me,hehehe...The best is yet to be when it comes to Batam.

As we speak,i am sourcing (and learning),may fate brings us all together again.


Basic Batam Info in One Link

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 14-09-2015, 12:52 AM
Balmung Balmung is offline
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Re: Batam Info Thread

2nd trip in batam yesterday.
Got a bad experience from the girl at permata at $100.

Lesson learnt, must get girls that show interest in you. And maybe talk to her first to check if got chemistry. Girl keep playing phone and didn't care me. Reach hotel then Sleep all the way. Maybe she tired so I let her sleep being a gentlemen. Then went for dinner. wanted to go A2 but she didn't like the food there so I brought her to her recommend area and let her order what she likes Crabs. During the dinner and on the way back didn't even want to intiate talk with me. For me the girl should min grab u by the hand like GF but didn't. Pissed off when she said she got red when reach back hotel. Then I asked her to leave and sleep alone. Lucky 2nd day got a good day at delta then went back Singapore. This trip i missed out to take the name card in front of the girl and I went on late sat which many girls already been booked and the rest not my preference.
Old 14-09-2015, 02:09 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by 11prince View Post
Put my luggage after check in Grand Nagoya 68. Then trying to find Hana Hotel. I really don't have a sense of direction. Because I walked to Novotel Hotel and back to Grand Nagoya 68 still can't find it. I decided to eat Mickey Mouse bak kut teh cost 55k. It is really nice. Neither Singapore white pepper nor Malaysia herbal yet dark in color with garlic and pepper taste.

Then I took a private car drove me to Indah 2, MM, Hawaii, Happy, New berry and Indah. Realized all joints are so near to Formosa! Did not pick any so went back hotel. Took a shower and walked toward Lai Lai hotel. This time knew the direction because being oriented by the private car. Thanks to Nono Gold bird photo managed to found it. Finally booked a girl for 1m again. Took a private car for 50k back to hotel. Was surprised to see more than 20 girls at Happy, Indah and Gold bird after 4pm.

Chatted with the girl using translate app again although she know more than little English. She is 23 yo from Jakarta too. Married to Saudi. Used to work in geylang. We stayed at hotel watch tv she played her android. Asked for 1st round but she watching tv while doing so gave up half way. Planned to eat frog leg porridge beside Grand Nagoya 68 at 7pm. But ate curry fish, grilled sotong, dried chilli chicken, 2 rices and 2 lime juice because she don't like frog leg and prefer rice. The meal cost 272. She discovered the shop over charged and asked it back. She kept it since I did not asked for it. Went to Windsor for a drink while watching people karaoke. She asked to go back hotel because her android and hp low batt. In the hotel watch tv she played her android again.
Then she said wanted to sleep. So I asked for 2nd round but she act blur and really sleep with fully clothes on. So 2/10 is not the worst.

I was so free that why doing FR now.

Finally tomorrow home sweet home. Est spent $444
Nowadays go batam one day trip also need to spend $400+ ar? Long long time no go there already.
Old 14-09-2015, 02:37 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

My fr but dunno if it will interest anyone coz no action at all.

After i reached farmosa, i decided to get a massage first so i seitched on wechat to find some massage lady. Found 2 in fact and got both to come over at different timings. While waiting, i consumed the brandy that i had bought at DFS and waited. After the first massage gal came, she drank with me and then we proceeded to have a massage. I think at this point i was kinda high coz i fell asleep during the massage and when i woke up, like 4 hours later, the massage lady asked me why did i go to the toilet halfway while i was making love to her. I was like "WTF.. Did i wear condom or not?" She then showed me the condom on the floor. I was pretty certain that i fell asleep and i am usually aware of what i do so long as i am not "drunk till cant wake up". So i paid her double and asked her to leave stating that i am gonna go out (initial massage was 150k but i paid 300k since she claimed that i touched her. Didnt wanna debate.) i was quite worried and checked the condoms that i hid under the bed and there they were, the 2 condom out of the 12 that i had bought was safely under the bed. I am pretty sure i didnt do anything so i went to check where the condom came from. It was from my bag that i kept the other 10 spare condoms in. I am pretty sure its not "me" to go wake up to take condoms bla bla especially when i am quite high from my bag (had to walk like 2-3metres to my bag) so i figured out it must be either a scam on the gal part or if i really touched the lady, at least i had protection. she kept insisting i touched her over wechat msgs so i was like wtf. Just get on with the trip.

After she left i called for the second massage lady to come and this time she was quite pleasant looking and we could communicate better as she spoke some english. Nothing special from this gal. Afte rmassage paid up and sent her away.

All this while i initiated a few wechat msgs with some gals who offered Lt and ST. As i had Kiv-ed 2/3 of them i just told them i will consider and msg them again later. There was this one gal nick name was "bolu bolu" who kept msging me. I noticed one thing here. People on wechat are very aggressive. All they ask for is ur hotel and room number. I ignored most of them except for the ones who i initiated contact with, short of providing my address la. So this Bolu gal, told me she wanna offer me long time for 2million. I said not interested and she inmediately slashed it by 50%!! Lol..told her i will reconsider and get back to her.

Saw this quite chio gal on wechat name was Vanessa za. Got her to come and i got cheated 😭. She came to my room and immediately asked me for money to pay to her boss. So i gave her 500k and was resting on my bed but she didnt come back. Knn. Msged her on wechat and i was blocked. I then knew i got cheated and this is a learning point for me. Next time i will hold the handbag or some valuabe of the gal if i take from wechat.

Since this vanessa za disappeared i wanted to call the Bolu gal but she didnt reply until like 4am. Meanwhile i decided to engage another massage lady at 1am for 200k. This was like the best massage i ever had. Seriously, she was very accomodating as well as she hit all the sensitive spots to tease u and gave a free HJ. After that i sorta like chatted w her and since she had no customer told her to stay and drink w me. She declined the drinks but stayed n chatted and then she gave me another massage just around the groin area followed by another hj. Was really good so i gave her a total of 300k when she went back home in the morning around 9am. The downside for this gd massage gal was that she is FAT. Lol.. But since i only wanted massage from her i was fine with it although i would have preferred a better figured one where i could have the option of doing other things.

Sadly not much action on this trip other than massage. Hope to join u guys some day coz it was boring going on a solo trip.
Old 14-09-2015, 08:45 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Thank you bro SerialTrickster ,bro 11prince,bro Balmung and bro themikos for sharing your FRs after you all come back from Batam. All of you guys didnt have a good time and i feel for you. There are some lessons to learn from your not-so-good experience which i MAY be picking up to share here later in the next few days.

Right now,i need to read your FRs again and again and again so as to help myself understand the situation better. Meantime,i hope you guys wont be too emotional affected (negatively) by your not-so-good experience.

Wishing you guys a good day ahead.


Basic Batam Info in One Link

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 14-09-2015, 09:45 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Most welcome,bro. And yes,special thanks to

With your character,it is really hard not to be able to click with you. A personal perspective,anyone who couldnt click with you is the actual "problem". Yes,the "problem" is with the other person and not you.

3D2N very short? time try having 4D3N trip with me...hehehe...believe me,i have enough itineraries on my sleeves to keep a myself busy for at least 15 days 14 nights,hehehe...all of it are about getting the BEST for LEAST in a yet rest and relax mode.

Shopping Mall shopping : Nagoya Hill Mall,DC mall and BCS mall were no longer in my priority listed mall to shop anymore (unless i need to rush). I aim for the source for what i need to buy,hehehe...

Lol!! thanks, i just an ordinary person only.


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Old 14-09-2015, 09:47 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by fishingman View Post
Mus try more harder harder on wed

Yes, got try. got chance. No try, no chance.


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Old 14-09-2015, 10:17 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Balmung View Post
Lucky 2nd day got a good day at delta then went back Singapore..
I also have a friend who took a not so good girl for $100 (1 Juta) but was from New Berry.

However, he got his happy ending as well at delta before he went back to SG..

By the way, i was with this friend at delta and we happily kana carrot chopped there lol.

3 Session Massage
Chose Vip Room instead of Standard Room(Suite Room with bathtub as the masseur will shower you like a baby after the massage) - Not recommended as nothing special just almost like the standard room with additional bathtub..
Lavender Oil -Add On
Hot Stone -Add On, not recommended as the time for massage with be lesser.
1 Drink -Add On

Total bill per pax 792k

Summary, never tried vip room and hot stone before so took took the opportunity to try it.. Will return and just take the usual package which cost 520k +/- for the sake of their facilities, sensual massage and CIMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM with top off
Time in Paradise is up. Looking forward to the next trip soon.

Last edited by KohOnly21; 14-09-2015 at 10:31 AM.
Old 14-09-2015, 10:20 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Thank you bro SerialTrickster ,bro 11prince,bro Balmung and bro themikos for sharing your FRs after you all come back from Batam. All of you guys didnt have a good time and i feel for you. There are some lessons to learn from your not-so-good experience which i MAY be picking up to share here later in the next few days.

Right now,i need to read your FRs again and again and again so as to help myself understand the situation better. Meantime,i hope you guys wont be too emotional affected (negatively) by your not-so-good experience.

Wishing you guys a good day ahead.

Nah not disappointed. It is a learning experience for me. Only disappointment was that i couldnt stay for more than a day.
Old 14-09-2015, 10:38 AM
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Unhappy Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Naka_Timo View Post
Lol!! thanks, i just an ordinary person only.
Samster with 31719 points and power 57 is an Ordinary Person only.Lol
Old 14-09-2015, 10:52 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by RotiPrata Man View Post
Nowadays go batam one day trip also need to spend $400+ ar? Long long time no go there already.
Depend on how you spend lah.

No necessary that much if you know where to go. Of cos careful of chop Robert.
I will have headache if I dont see a strange piece of pussy every day

Old 14-09-2015, 01:31 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by RotiPrata Man View Post
Nowadays go batam one day trip also need to spend $400+ ar? Long long time no go there already.
Bro, his $400+ is for 3D2N trip, not one day only.
Old 14-09-2015, 01:40 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by xXFreedomXx View Post
After reading many FR trips from Bro nono, I decide to go batam for 2D1N trip on Friday 4/9/2015. I asked my fren to join but he cant so i had to go solo.

It is a bad one for my 1st solo trip, make many mistakes.
Thank you for sharing your FR,bro.And very sorry for the delay in replying to your FR becos i was planning and heading for my Batam trip. Honestly,i read your FR quite many times and have learned much.

Its your 1st solo trip to Batam,again i wish to emphasis this,which 1st timer or newbie go Batam dont make mistake/s? One of the main reason why i am still here and keep on writing and writing and writing (and sharing) is becos i try to learn,hopefully from other people's mistakes so i dont have to make them ALL BY MYSELF when i am in Batam. When i consolidate most of the basic Batam info and share them here,i also have in my heart that others call avoid making those mistakes too. (that is of course if one choose to read and is willing to learn)

I bet with you my life,you WILL NOT make most of your mistakes you already rectified in your written FR again in your next trip. Wanna bet? Hehehe...

Originally Posted by xXFreedomXx View Post
I chose Formosa Hotel because its location is ideal for me.
I booked a superior room on Formosa Hotel Main Website. Some may ask why i never book from, or because when I compare the price of the superior room, the hotel main website is cheaper.
Through hotel main website, I only need to pay $50 while at, I need to pay 59 plus, almost a $10 different.
Good! I learned from you to ALWAYS compare pricing from website to website (or even other Kaha etc) to get the best deal before making a trip. You saved almost S$10,which is about 99000 rupiah.Now think what you can do with 99k in Batam. If its me,i would say it is sufficient to subsidize most of my major "mistakes" in the FR you wrote,hehehe...(i am writing this by putting myself in your shoe,bro)

Originally Posted by xXFreedomXx View Post
After booking the hotel, I went to book ferry to batam. As bro nono mentioned sindo ferry has a $10 discount for 2 way tickets. All the while, I thought Harbour Bay is WaterFront. This is my 1st mistake. I only realized that I chose the wrong ferry terminal to alight at Batam. I should have choose Batam Centre which is nearer. The 2 way ticket cost 38 instead of 48 due to NTUC members getting $10 off.
I still prefer to go by Horizon Ferry. Especially during newbie group trip. Beside being more comfortable,they are usually more punctual and travelling via taxi from Harbour Bay to Formosa is definitely shorter (cheaper too) as compared to Batam Center to Formosa.

After calculating most of the costing versus total effectiveness,i still prefer Horizon Ferry from Harbour Front to Harbour Bay. Just personal preference here.

Originally Posted by xXFreedomXx View Post
Reach WaterFront and change SGD50 for 9800k. There is only 1 taxi which quote me 130k to Formosa Hotel. I had no choice but to accept. Due to alighting at wrong ferry terminal which disrupt my plan of visiting Ocean Massage before check in
Once reach the hotel, time is still early for check-in so i decide to explore the area. I went opposite Formosa Hotel to change rupiah. A chinese lady in spec offered 9850k to me and I asked for better rate and in the end i get 9900k for SGD100. I went around and check other money changer, no one offer higher than her.
Good! You changed your money wisely,opened your mouth to make comparison. As a newbie,i believe you yourself knows you already got a good price on that day,isnt it?

Thumbs up!!

Originally Posted by xXFreedomXx View Post
I using google map to trace harmoni hotel and found blue moon, there is another massage called blue light just beside blue moon.
I chose the package D if i remember correctly for 360k for 1.5hr. I was assigned a indo chinese girl, looks 7/10. I asked her about the overnight booking, she said minimum is 1m to 1.5m and only 6 to 7 girls to choose.
She herself is 1m. I was tempted to take but in the end, i gave up the thought. She asked 200k for HJ which I tried to bargain but failed.
That place or area is a HOT tourist area,so 200k for HJ is kind of inevitable (150k is still a high possible chance tho). Tourist trap area tends to be more expensive as there are an ample availability of CARROTS with not as many carrots from Sillypore.

Allow me to share a little method here,usually when i am in Batam,i know i am going to book a girl from booking joint. I know i am going to bonk till i drop,so if a girl in a massage parlour offers me special service and i would already have a price tag in mind. I know lowest is usually 100k/hj,so unless i can bargain to 100k,there wont be deal between the girl/s in the parlour and me. Of course if language isnt a barrier,i will explain to the masseur my logic that i already have a booking joint girl in-room,taking the 200k hj is not practical for me and the story goes on. 150k is still considerable tho if they are good.

My method do not apply to those who are shy or thin-skinned and those who wish to play the "hunting game" in a particular massage parlour/Pubs/KTV/Disco tho. I am a girl-shopper,hehehe...

Originally Posted by xXFreedomXx View Post
After the massage, I walked back to Formosa Hotel to check in. With the help of google map and gps, I am able to find my way easily and fast. the walking journey takes about 10mins.
Cool! Your 1st Batam walk-about,i guess. Once you learn to walk,you will get to see more,learn more and ultimately one day wont be held ransom by anyone. What you learn belongs to you till the day you leave this world,hehehe...another thumbs up!

Originally Posted by xXFreedomXx View Post
When i enter my room, i was surprised. Spacious and nice, with bath tub too. 1 thing to note, I notice the front desk price table do not indicate superior room only deluxe room and others.
The bath tub? Hehehe...its likely the last of the few left as i heard most rooms in Formosa will be doing away with the bath tub. And yes,there isnt much difference between the deluxe and the superior room. Corner rooms are usually bigger than most rooms tho,hehehe...and their corner rooms got good fenshui too,hehehe...just that the air con may have a little problem due to the big room space. As big room equal big space,big space takes an air-con longer time or more strength to cool down.

Nonetheless,glad you like the room you were assigned to.

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