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Old 25-04-2011, 02:18 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by JOGK View Post
You mean the one at the corner of hotel ozone?
I used to go there during the 90s to 2005
Opposite is the penuin food center
I always eat there and of course book ceweks from dwi crown nearby
Song choice not bad... Those bola bola days..haha
Quite sometime didn't stay at ozone
It's a budget hotel
Haha got show porns from room tv for free
Maybe I should venture there again
wow porns movies in room for free. can bring gals up and watch.
Old 25-04-2011, 02:30 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by badboi07 View Post
Bro can see that u spent quite alot, manily becoz u took taxi n ur taxi fare is more mahal than the usual bro who arrive from harbour bay n ur hotel fees for 2 nights at 667k is really expensive. U can get cheaper one at othe hotel 2 night less than 350k just for ur info bro
There will always be cheaper or even cheaper options. I'm sure xiongmao already knew of them.
Basically it is a choice of personal preference.
Some value comfort, some emphasis on price. Just like some prefer syt while some prefer milf. And so on...
Old 25-04-2011, 02:32 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by ndnd View Post
Thanks bro.
What abt the karaoke inside?
Recently get to know one cewk work as PRO inside this hotel karaoke. Quite pretty but MILF age 28, single mom. I never went to this karaoke before, want to find out more info.
The previous time I went which I think would be last year, cant be sure. The place wasn't recommendable.
Old 25-04-2011, 03:24 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Intel Ops View Post
The previous time I went which I think would be last year, cant be sure. The place wasn't recommendable.
Originally Posted by JOGK View Post
so long didn't step in there so not sure anything changes or not
The karaoke there ok lah
My favorite place before I started going to pacific karaoke
Thank you bros
Old 25-04-2011, 03:26 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by kencher88 View Post
Continue Part 2 of my story since i got 2 supporter

.After collecting the cewek, we bring them all to planet for a happening night.

So proceed back to drink and sing. Time almost 11pm and we went down to dance hall. Powerful music with your heart beating real fast, warning (bro with heart problem better skip disco) Nearly around 2am, we proceed back to hotel.

That's all for my bad experience in batam last friday. Hope you bros enjoy reading my story. Cheers.
Nice FR. upz
Old 25-04-2011, 03:34 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Assplorer View Post
wow , going batam today with a few bros. virgin trip there . have to thank bros here for all the info . will slowly explore .
Have fun..
I will have headache if I dont see a strange piece of pussy every day

Old 25-04-2011, 03:39 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Enjoy and safe trip
Old 25-04-2011, 05:54 PM
Devil_Ice Devil_Ice is offline
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Ok… my 2nd trip to batam on 16th – 17th April. Not a good trip but guess should post here for bros as some info.

Reached Habour Bay at 0940hrs – Toilet Break, buy ciggy and Friend07 said lets buy duty free and drink tonight at KTV/DISCO. My question is: if it is allow? And how much will be the sur-charge? Replied me no problem, ok…… get 2 bottles for S$48.

Upon arrival of our catered 14 seater bus which is S$100 till the next day, Friend07 1st thing is to go to his joint “82”(anyone heard of it?) and collect his booked girl. This time the joint gals not bad sia.. Myself spotted 3-4 and I choose the most -_-“ one.(later u guys sure shack head. Just my luck). 7 of us all got a gal there but unhappy things happen… Friend06 also had pre-booked a gal there by Friend07, but the OKT said been booked liao.
My question: Thought my friend had booked her at least a day b4 we come?
OKT: Er…. U not pay money yet mah… How to be confirmed?
Me: So u saying we must pay u b4 we come when we still in Singapore? U take VISA?
OKT: Sorry lor… got people booked her liao pay money liao.. Hey! Who take this gal? (Pointing to another gal which my Friend02 take).
Friend02: Me!
OKT: She got booked liao also. Can u change?
Friend02: U take my money liao leh.. that guy pay to already?
OKT: …… cannot cannot… Booked liao.. Change can?
So Friend02 & Friend06 look around with disappointment.. I suggest them if see no we can go another joint.
OK! There we leaves and the OKT return back Friend02 550K.

Now Friend07 got his gal, happy liao and suggest lets got eat BBQ Mountain Pig and so we go leaving the gals in the joint 1st but not Friend07’s gal. Dunno why her must follow… she can’t eat pork… 7 of us include driver, 400K for this meal.

Then Driver bring us go Golden Bird and my 2 friends got their there and went collect ours. About 1200hr, reached Pacific Hotel and room not ready b4 1400hr. Ok… Ask counter if they can help us arrange ferry for tomorrow? No! (Formosa Hotel will help us do that) and we still need to wait for 2 hour b4 we can get our pre-booked room. So I suggest we go confirm our ferry and also get some food for the gals and so after that we can rest till dinner time. Agreed and off we go. After ferry confirm, Friend07 say go -This Place- (I can’t border the name) and walao… Sit down only, the waiters bring out all their dishes in the table! I was: What the F?! Who order so much? Only the gals eating! Then they say only charge what u had taken and not taken no charge. Ya… I believe… real…. End up 300K gone.

Dinner is ok.. we went to an open space food center with a stage which I demand b4 this trip as there is no point going to what Golden Prawn or Prawn King or what Sotong places. We took many dishes. Crabs, Prwans, Sotong, Sting-Ray, Vege, etc etc, Beer…and only 1.4m for 15 people.

Then comes the so call KTV which is a Pacific Hotel which again Friend07 suggested since we stay there.

1st! They don’t allow us to bring in our 2 bottles. Then they said ok and will charge us 450K per bottle. I throw the 2 bottles away also worth than paying 900K to bring them in. So ask what is their best offer for us. 1 bottle + 7 cans of coke = 1.1m is the best they can offer us. This place axe really sharp… No choice.. Friend07,06,05,04 without looking behind that the bottle been stop and happily took a room already. Friend02,03 very angry already.

2nd, Everything settle as in 1.1m, Friend05’s gal started to ask him to buy her “The High High” Thing. He so agreed which I warned them, u guys give the gal this, tonight back to room all cannot perform already. No care, one by one gave theirs 200K and I am the last which I see liao also sian gave my gal 200K and off she goes. Happy liao lor… the room was now with only 8 hammers there…. Friend07 still can say it is like this one. The gals will sure want that if we come KTV/DISCO. Then whats the point come here to drink?

About 0100hr, Gals back and mine ask if we can go back room. I asked the rest as the bottle was done ALREADY FINISH and we can take our 2 bottles in one of our room. Friend 02,03 agreed and off we leave.

Back to the Hotel, All gals K.O. (expect mine but is not a good thing. lol) and we drink our 2 bottles in Friend07 room till 4am.
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Old 25-04-2011, 06:15 PM
JOGK JOGK is offline
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by ndnd View Post
Thanks bro.
What abt the karaoke inside?
Recently get to know one cewk work as PRO inside this hotel karaoke. Quite pretty but MILF age 28, single mom. I never went to this karaoke before, want to find out more info.
i think i got some pics the last time i went
Old 25-04-2011, 06:33 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Now about my gal, Ayumi from Joint 82. Middle length golden colored hair is all I can say lah..

After we check in to our room, she start stripping… I told her I go shower 1st, with her agreed, she went shower after I had done.

She….. -_-“ as she said she 2 nights not sleep already and a lot of air in her stomach. Walao… she BURP and BURP every minute which sound like vomit till I hear till feel like vomit!

So 1st round I already not in a mood and some more no kiss and not to much licking on her. I simply just unload and turn to sleep. Then she ask me if she can go out find her sister who is a massager in a spa as she really felt uncomfortable with those air in her stomach. Think about it, I also cannot tahan her BURP, if it help, why not and I agreed to let her go and I sleep peacefully.

2hours plus later she came back. Nothing improve and her whole body like just kana cane or so call just finish a SM session. -_-“ Tattoo already can turn me off and seeing her this states, I auto shut down already.

The BURP still there, I simply cannot sleep anymore. Lucky Friend07’s gal complain hungry already and since it is about 1700hrs, And everyone is done and awake, let call the driver and we go 1800hr dinner.

Then I went to Friend06 room and chat as I cannot tahan the BURP BURP BURP….. Friend02 called and said his gal who is from Golden Bird don’t want to go dinner. Friend06 call his gal who also from GB go talk to her. BEST!! She look like those shy shy little bird type and once she enter Friend02’s room, 1 sentence… GET UP, CHANGE & GO! That gal LL and get up. LOL.

So Dinner, KTV I skip.

Back to the room, she still BURP, BURP, BURP….. -_-“ I said to myself. That’s it tonight… She complain body ache and if can lower the air-con which I am ok with it.

Seeing her like that, I say to her that she can take a good rest tonight and I will go my friend room and drink with them. She ask me want to “DO” now? I was like I don’t even want to do it with u anymore liao.. so I just smile and say its ok.

Guess what? She dare to request if so maybe I can let to go home now so that she can rest good good and she not feeling well. I look at her with no words…. Then she strip and say we do do now lah.. Seeing the SM’ed marks on her body, I am awake!! Just tell her get dress up and go!(so that I can sleep peacefully and deeply later)

Of cos I didn’t and not willing to give her any tips and she didn’t ask. She asked me if I will complain her of not. I just smile and say… what the point? Do me any good? And she left.

After that I went to my friend room drink the 2 bottles and came back have a good sleep.

Next day went to a pure 2 hour massage, lunch and back to sillyapore.

Total Spent:
Ferry: S$48
Hotel: S$50 (Pacific Hotel with promotion price)
Transport: S$15 X 7 of us
Gal: RP550K
Massage: RP220K for 2 hour
Meals: about RP300K (Breakfast, lunch, dinner, lunch)
KTV: PR400K (including a “thing” for my gal)

Overall spent about S$400 for this no so good trip.
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Old 25-04-2011, 06:36 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by JOGK View Post
i think i got some pics the last time i went
Please Post here
Old 25-04-2011, 06:43 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

I am plainning for my 3rd trip on 21st-22nd May with only a friend.

After my on-site survey and info from here, I believe S$300 is more than enough for the weekend enjoyment in Batam.

Just that my friend don't do his homework well and spent like nobody business which end up kanna chop here and there with unneccessary spenting.

Also next trip I will want to book my friend02 gal who is in Golden Bird. She is cute but my friend say "Dead Fish". But she like to play with me while we were out together. So think of give her a try.

Anyone bro here got Golden Bird number so that I can pre-book her b4 I go over? Please PM me. Thanks.
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Old 25-04-2011, 06:49 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by ndnd View Post
Please Post here
i have to scan my old hardisk first
Old 25-04-2011, 08:27 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

bro, Devil Ice
your gal is not kena cane or what sm session.
she have get someone to 'krot' her back, using
lotion and coin. using coin to scratch on her skin,
to have one line one line of red mark. indon
believed that that can remove the wind inside
the body.
Old 25-04-2011, 08:34 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by ndnd View Post
bro, Devil Ice
your gal is not kena cane or what sm session.
she have get someone to 'krot' her back, using
lotion and coin. using coin to scratch on her skin,
to have one line one line of red mark. indon
believed that that can remove the wind inside
the body.
The Bugis version of "cupping" used in TCM.
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