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Old 29-04-2008, 10:49 PM
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Unhappy Number of new HIV cases hit record high of 422 in 2007

bad news.... always remember raw is war and safety comes first


Number of new HIV cases hit record high of 422 in 2007
By Dominique Loh, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 29 April 2008 1839 hrs

SINGAPORE: Latest figures from the Ministry of Health (MOH) showed 422 new cases of HIV infection were detected in Singapore in 2007, the highest in a single year since 1985. MOH added that 93 per cent of the cases were men.

This brings the total number of reported cases as of end-2007 to 3,482. Out of these cases, 1,534 are carriers showing no symptoms, while 804 have AIDS-related illnesses and 1,144 have died.

MOH said sexual transmission remains the main mode of HIV infection resulting in 95 per cent of the new cases. Out of the 422 new cases, 255 were infected during heterosexual sex. Meanwhile, 130 of them caught HIV through homosexual activity, a 38 per cent rise compared to 2006.

One reason for the increase in this group could be due to more screening.

29 per cent of homosexuals had their HIV detected during voluntary screening compared to just 5 per cent of heterosexuals. Action for Aids said this is a result of greater awareness arising from more intensive and targeted campaigns for men who have sex with men.

Meanwhile, infection via intravenous drug use halved from 14 cases in 2006 to seven last year.

One case saw HIV being contracted through blood transfusion overseas and is the first such reported case in the past six years.

57 per cent of all new cases reported in 2007 were Singapore citizens and permanent residents between 30 and 49 years of age. About one-eighth of the cases were between 20 and 29 years of age.

Ten people aged under 20 were diagnosed HIV positive. Of these, one was a baby infected by his mother during pregnancy.

Action for Aids said: "More young persons are having sex and at a younger age. Programmes meant for young people must address all aspects of sexual behaviour, including homosexuality and condom use, otherwise those most at risk will not be helped."

According to the ministry, 53 per cent of the new cases already had late stage HIV infection when they were diagnosed.

Only 13 per cent of new cases were detected through voluntary screening, while most had their HIV status detected while they were undergoing some form of medical care.

In its annual HIV/AIDS update, the health ministry urged those engaging in high-risk sexual behaviour to use condoms properly and go for HIV testing regularly. - CNA/vm

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Old 30-04-2008, 04:54 PM
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Re: Number of new HIV cases hit record high of 422 in 2007

Remember to play safe bros.
Raw is war
Old 01-05-2008, 11:47 AM
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Re: Number of new HIV cases hit record high of 422 in 2007


Gradual rise in HIV cases ringing warning bells for others at risk
By Margaret Perry, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 30 April 2008 2349 hrs

SINGAPORE: The number of reported HIV cases may still be small but the gradual rise means many more are at risk of catching the disease. An expert said the misconception that HIV is a homosexual disease is fuelling the increase.

Some 422 new cases of HIV were reported in 2007, up from 357 in 2006.

While the numbers of diagnosed cases are still low, sociologist Paulin Straughan warns there's a much larger pool of people who are at risk of infection.

Associate Professor Paulin Straughan, Deputy Head, Sociology, National University of Singapore, said: “That's sad and also scary at the same time. Because for every additional person who has caught the disease, it means there's another person at risk and who could cause risk to others."

Professor Straughan said one problem is that people still have the misconception that HIV is a homosexual disease. This is dangerous because heterosexuals tend to let their guard down.

Two-thirds of the new HIV cases last year were infected via heterosexual sex.

Men who have sex with men are at high risk of catching HIV, which is why the Ministry of Health (MOH) has worked with the charity ‘Action for Aids’ to reach out to this group to spread the safer sex message and promote regular screening.

In 2007, 29 per cent of homosexuals had their HIV detected during voluntary screening compared to just 5 per cent of heterosexuals.

Changi General Hospital started offering HIV tests to warded patients on an opt out basis on 17 December.

Since then till the end of March, only 37 per cent of male patients and 25 per cent of female patients agreed to be tested.

Of the nine teenagers diagnosed HIV positive last year, the youngest is 17 years old.

University students Channel NewsAsia spoke to said they learnt the practicalities of safe sex while at school. But they said that some youths just want instant gratification

Ching Mei Fei, student, National University of Singapore, said: “They won't look into the consequences of their actions, so it's like the values of life to them is just like a day-by-day thing, they don't have a long-term point of view." - CNA/vm

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Old 01-05-2008, 11:53 AM
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Re: Number of new HIV cases hit record high of 422 in 2007

I guess better to take precaution.
Old 01-05-2008, 04:39 PM
FromBoy2Man FromBoy2Man is offline
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Re: Number of new HIV cases hit record high of 422 in 2007

I once heard a wl telling me that she knows how to wash her private part after unprotected intercourse, those who got it becos they don't know how to take care, so no need worry. I was

So i ask what if she sway sway got it and the reply was she don't anyhow accept customer, she will see their appearance one, i again

After that, i run faster than a horse...
Old 01-05-2008, 05:34 PM
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Re: Number of new HIV cases hit record high of 422 in 2007

I believe many bros here agree that RAW is WAR...

However, i noticed from the Soapy Massage thread and even GL 150 thread that there is an emerging trend for WL to use their mei mei to rub/massage the un-capped didi before sex

Many bros here will say scared die don't cheong... but for the bros out there who prefer safer sex, just want to share with you that this is as dangerous as doing RAW.

Cheong safe bros...
Old 01-05-2008, 06:22 PM
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Re: Number of new HIV cases hit record high of 422 in 2007

Originally Posted by glgl View Post
I believe many bros here agree that RAW is WAR...

However, i noticed from the Soapy Massage thread and even GL 150 thread that there is an emerging trend for WL to use their mei mei to rub/massage the un-capped didi before sex

Many bros here will say scared die don't cheong... but for the bros out there who prefer safer sex, just want to share with you that this is as dangerous as doing RAW.

Cheong safe bros...
Rub outside only also war argh
Anyone can confirm if really thorough wash after unprotected sex, will not get HIV even that guy is HIV positive? If what she say is rubbish then why she got such thinking?
Old 02-05-2008, 03:52 PM
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Re: Number of new HIV cases hit record high of 422 in 2007

There is no gaurantee whatever you do that you will not get STIs. The only way is to cut down the chances as much as possible by 1) using CD 2) not doing with dubious WLs ... 3) Better still dont do it with gers who have multiple partners. Please note that some STIs can be transmitted just by frenching, so bear that in mind ...

One more thing, once raw, there is no way you can wash the infection off .... it would have penetrated the blood stream ..
Old 03-05-2008, 12:24 PM
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Re: Number of new HIV cases hit record high of 422 in 2007

Originally Posted by FromBoy2Man View Post
Rub outside only also war argh
Anyone can confirm if really thorough wash after unprotected sex, will not get HIV even that guy is HIV positive? If what she say is rubbish then why she got such thinking?
Hi bro,

There are three parts to your question. I will attempt to answer them...

1. Rub outside only also war argh
Sexual fluids contain infectious HIV. This is why HIV is a sexually transmitted infection. Anytime that infected blood, semen, vaginal fluid and/or breast milk enter another person's body, transmission is possible. HIV can enter the body through natural openings (penis, vagina, anus, eyes etc) or broken skin. It cannot enter through unbroken skin.
Thus, the situation of meimei rubbing on didi raw is possible to transmit HIV, because infected vagina fluid can enter through the dick head.

2. Anyone can confirm if really thorough wash after unprotected sex, will not get HIV even that guy is HIV positive?
When exposed skin come into contact with infected fluids, HIV will enter the blood stream; and thus washing will be useless.

3. If what she say is rubbish then why she got such thinking?

WLs of other countries come from varied background. Some, if not most of them may come from villages or rural areas. People from these areas, their knowledge of sexual health will be very limited. For them, most of their sexual health "knowledge" are past on from word of mouth, and some of them can be truly illogical.
I recalled some hotels i stayed in China, they have sachets of wet-tissue-like packets in the bathroom. When i take a closer look and read the package, it says using it to wipe the private parts of sexual organ before sex will prevent the transmission of HIV!
If some management in some 4 stars hotels have this kind of twisted knowledge of HIV, what do you think of the thousand of rural WLs working in Singapore?

Old 04-05-2008, 05:36 PM
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Re: Number of new HIV cases hit record high of 422 in 2007

Let's not forget there are still many out there who are not detected YET..the statistics is understated.

Once u start to cheong, some may be afraid to go for testing as they r unable to take the stress of finding out the truth.

PLay safe, bros. ALWAYS wear a condom to reduce risk
Old 05-05-2008, 11:22 PM
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Re: Number of new HIV cases hit record high of 422 in 2007

Have to say this is a pretty sobering article. In particular:
According to the ministry, 53 per cent of the new cases already had late stage HIV infection when they were diagnosed.
Considering that most clinical researches categorise late stage HIV infection as occuring after an average of 10 years (although it can be as short as a few months, and as long as 18 years), that's a lot of time for the infection to have possibly spread to others.

Very likely the actual figure is higher since the figures include only those detected through testing. Furthermore, when you consider:
Out of the 422 new cases, 255 were infected during heterosexual sex.
MOH added that 93 per cent of the cases were men.
You can't help but ask where are all the possibly infected women that these heterosexual men had sex with.

It gets really tacky to chant the mantra RAW IS WAR, but for those bros out there who cheong without protection, you really should pause and give it a serious thought.

Fuck responsibly!
Old 07-05-2008, 10:37 PM
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Re: Number of new HIV cases hit record high of 422 in 2007

Sigh. I am a strong advocate of safe sex but haiz, we are fighting a losing battle as we can see there are many who still wan to do raw with FLs/WLs
Old 08-05-2008, 12:30 AM
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Re: Number of new HIV cases hit record high of 422 in 2007

Originally Posted by glgl View Post
Hi bro,

There are three parts to your question. I will attempt to answer them...

i doubt that drinking breast milk from a hiv positive carrier will infect you with hiv

also it is surely wrong that hiv positive vaginal fluid coming into contact with skin will infect you, it is vaginal fluid with your body fluids coming from your dick or cuts where the hiv virus can enter your bloodstream... it cannot penetrate your skin thus it is safe if a prostitude rubs her pussy on your legs but still not so safe if she rubs it on your dick becos the fluid might still flow into your dick
Old 08-05-2008, 01:55 AM
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Re: Number of new HIV cases hit record high of 422 in 2007

Originally Posted by cuteboy12345208 View Post
Sigh. I am a strong advocate of safe sex but haiz, we are fighting a losing battle as we can see there are many who still wan to do raw with FLs/WLs
Yes, despite all those warnings from many sensible samsters and AFA, many bros still want to do raw or BBBJ or lick WLs pussies. That's like playing Russian Roulette just for kicks. Its beyond comprehension.

People, don't be silly, cover your willy. Do use a condom for sex and BJ, Don't do raw or BBBJ, and for pete's sake, don't lick a pussy that has been poked by thousands of dicks. Live long and prosper.
Bonk Long and Prosper.
Old 08-05-2008, 04:23 AM
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Re: Number of new HIV cases hit record high of 422 in 2007

Originally Posted by duCkeee View Post
i doubt that drinking breast milk from a hiv positive carrier will infect you with hiv
That's exactly how babies catch HIV from their HIV+ mothers.



FindArticles > Nutrition Research Newsletter > Oct, 1999 > Article > Print friendly

Risk Of Transmission Of Hiv Through Breast Milk Greatest During Early Months - Brief Article

It is known that the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) can be transmitted from mother to child through HIV-contaminated breast milk. This is of particular concern in developing countries in which HIV is common and alternate-feeding methods may be unavailable. There is a need to further investigate the risk of transmission of HIV through breast milk to determine whether the benefits of breastfeeding outweigh the risk of acquiring the disease and whether the timing of breastfeeding has any effect on the risk of transmission.

A study recently published in JAMA explored the risk of HIV transmission through breast milk in an urban setting in Malawi. In this population, 30% of all nursing mothers are estimated to have been infected with this virus and breastfeeding remains the recommended feeding method. Participants included 672 infants who were HIV-negative at birth, born to HIV-infected mothers who were on no aggressive treatment for the virus. The women were informed of their HIV status and not discouraged from breastfeeding. Infants and their mothers attended the study clinic at 1.5, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, and 24 months after delivery. Physical examinations as well as biological indices were collected every six months throughout the course of the investigation. The incidence of HIV in the breastfed infants was used as the main outcome measure.

Forty-seven children became infected with HIV while breastfeeding and no children became infected after breastfeeding had been terminated. The infection rate per months of breastfeeding was 3.5% after five months, 7.0% after 11 months, 8.9% after 17 months, and 10.3% after 23 months. Since the study evaluated children beginning at 1.5 months, infection through colostrom was not evaluated. Both high maternal parity and older maternal age were significantly associated with low risk of HIV transmission postnatally.

These results suggest that the risk of transmitting HIV through breast milk is greatest during the early months of breastfeeding. The findings can be useful in formulating breastfeeding policies, especially for underdeveloped nations.

Psolo Miotte, Taha Taha, Newton Kumwenda, et al., HIV Transmission through Breastfeeding, JAMA 282: 744-749 (August 15, 1999) [Correspondence: Paolo G. Miotti, MD NIAID, Division of AIDS, Room 4109, 6700-B Rockledge Dr., MSC 7626, Bethesda, MD 20892-7626. E-mail: [email protected].]

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