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Old 14-09-2012, 12:26 PM
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Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
It has nothing to do with not helping. I don't get involved simply because I'm not in a position to judge which zaps are unfair or unwarranted and which additions are underserving.

There are more than 2000 zaps and points added daily. If just 10% are dodgy, that's 200 cases where I'd have to intervene and put things right. If it took me 5 minutes to sort out each case, it would take me 5x200 = 1000 minutes which is more than 16 hours per day.

I need 6 to 7 hours a day of sleep so that would leave me with only 1 to 2 hours daily for database management, server maintenance, replying to dumb PMs and emails, responding to posts such as this one, eating, exercising, having a bath, housework (i don't have a maid) plus taking care of all my bodily functions.

The rep system is there just for the fun of it. It's simply another tool for members to interact with other members. If you don't like how it works, you can always emigrate to a forum which does not have this feature.
Boss, I rest my case, you win!
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Old 14-09-2012, 12:45 PM
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Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
I need 6 to 7 hours a day of sleep so that would leave me with only 1 to 2 hours daily for database management, server maintenance, replying to dumb PMs and emails, responding to posts such as this one, eating, exercising, having a bath, housework (i don't have a maid) plus taking care of all my bodily functions.
Sam,no happy hour

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Old 15-09-2012, 12:18 AM
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Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011


Luoitamso1 is confirmed a clone of someone. He joined in Sep 2011, posted only 3 posts but already attained 77 rep points!!!!

Here is a link to his post:

Clone creators nowadays do not setup new account to create clones, they instead "buy" the accounts of existing users (usually newbie who has been around 1-2 years) in the form exchanging it with an account with rep points and power but not so powerful one. This is the new tricks of the clone creator to outwit/outsmart Sammyboyfor's system.
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Old 15-09-2012, 03:31 AM
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Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

Originally Posted by Alejandro88 View Post
He joined in Sep 2011, posted only 3 posts but already attained 77 rep points!!!!
His previous posts have been deleted.

You spend so much time worrying about the rep points of others.. how they got them.. whether they deserve them etc that you must lead a pretty miserable life.
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Old 15-09-2012, 12:47 PM
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Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

H12R6 Fong Yi $50 27-07-2012 10:13 AM Bastard and cheeby you! fuck you can or not ? har ? bastard! chee bye! bastard!

How abt this? i was zapped and with vulgarities thrown at me
Old 15-09-2012, 12:51 PM
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Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

Originally Posted by Aceyfox View Post
H12R6 Fong Yi $50 27-07-2012 10:13 AM Bastard and cheeby you! fuck you can or not ? har ? bastard! chee bye! bastard!

How abt this? i was zapped and with vulgarities thrown at me
Clone with zero power.
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Old 16-09-2012, 05:04 PM
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Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

Does only having power give the right and ability to give rep points? I gave a single rep point to ang076 cause I requested a pm from him for a location so it was a favour from me cause I know he doesn't know me at all, but then people started to zap me and post that I can't give rep because I have no power, but when I checked I couldn't give points to ang076 until I gave 1000 others, so does that mean I didn't give him any rep or am I being mass zapped because others have a mis-conception.
I also read the thread on rep points and it didn't mention having power to give rep.

I just want a clarification, I feel kinda wronged. No need for any action or whatnot.

Thanks for hearing me out! I appreciate this!
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Old 16-09-2012, 05:23 PM
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Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

Originally Posted by Jebuschris91 View Post
Does only having power give the right and ability to give rep points? I also read the thread on rep points and it didn't mention having power to give rep.

I just want a clarification, I feel kinda wronged. No need for any action or whatnot.
U have no power to give pt or zap ppl now. If u up or zap ppl, there is no impact on that person rep pt. The only thing is, u cannot up/zap the person anymore after u got power.
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Old 16-09-2012, 05:55 PM
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Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

Originally Posted by Jebuschris91 View Post
I gave a single rep point to ang076 cause I requested a pm from him for a location so it was a favour from me cause I know he doesn't know me at all,

Does only having power give the right and ability to give rep points?
Where did you get the figure of "a single point" from?

Since your rep power is currently "0", adding rep points means you are adding "0" so if you know basic algebra, x + 0 = x.

You should wait for your rep power to kick in first.
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Old 16-09-2012, 06:31 PM
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Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
Where did you get the figure of "a single point" from?

Since your rep power is currently "0", adding rep points means you are adding "0" so if you know basic algebra, x + 0 = x.

You should wait for your rep power to kick in first.
Oh, okay so sorry, my deepest apologys. I have felt wronged for nothing. Thank you for enlightening me
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Old 18-09-2012, 10:28 AM
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Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

Why should Forcincator post FR ???

Originally Posted by jaywalk View Post

Bro Forcincator.. Waiing for your FR today

Cheers !!

You kena zapped at around 1010am~1025am. -6points.

Originally Posted by jaywalk View Post

anyone.. pls up my points ..?

Cheers !!
Old 23-09-2012, 12:43 PM
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Smile Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

Please ignore my below msg as I have found the answer.
But why I can't delete this post?

Dear Sir,

I have looked thru this reputation thread but I can't find the answer to my question.

I have a power of 5, so I think I should be able to Up people.
But when I move my mouse cursor to the weight (square green thing), nothing happens, I cannot click on it as well, can help me check why?

Last edited by TreakSYT; 23-09-2012 at 12:52 PM. Reason: I have found the answer
Old 25-09-2012, 09:25 PM
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Smile Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

Hi Sam/Big Sexy/Moderator,

I didn't know i can actually file complain about system abuser here until I read the below from Boss Sam.

8. Reputation votes are secret. In other words, you can vote either way without fear or favour. HOWEVER, those who abuse the system by making vicious attacks and spewing vulgarities anonymously (ie without revealing your nick) will have their nicks exposed and placed under moderation if the victim complains to the moderators. If you want to abuse someone using all sorts of profanities via the reputation system remarks feature, you MUST reveal your nick when doing so in order not to be penalised.

Please help me look into the below.

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Old 25-09-2012, 09:53 PM
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Smile Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

Originally Posted by CloneLuvYou View Post
Your english looks pretty solid in your postings. Since you can read and I can see you can write in proper english, can you please show which part of what you mentioned is in the Vulgar category or Viscous Attack category?
Hi CloneLuvYou,

Although there are no vulgar words in the comment, you can tell that his intent to zap is just plain nonsense or just having fun. It is not as if I am writing something out of topics. Yes people can disapprove something but if everybody do that without reasons and without leaving nick, I think the rep system has been abused.

If you let him get away, then he won, he wins by playing with the system.
Anyway, it's up to the boss to decide.
Old 26-09-2012, 04:29 AM
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Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

Originally Posted by TreakSYT View Post
Yes people can disapprove something but if everybody do that without reasons and without leaving nick, I think the rep system has been abused.
There is no need to give any reason for zapping and there is no requirement to leave ones nick. Reputation votes are secret and you can vote either way without fear or favour.

However, if you feel that all points added or deducted via the reputation system must have a valid reason, I'll be only too happy to restore all the points that were deducted for no valid reason and remove all the points that were awarded to you for no valid reason. Deal?
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