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Old 19-06-2012, 07:08 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by hendri2 View Post
bro ndnd? i have been buying the return $48 for many years.....don`t even know that there is the one way ticket $40...
I type wrongly in previous post, should be $42, not $40 for one way ferry tiket and tax to harbourbay (wavemaster).
Old 19-06-2012, 08:03 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by hendri2 View Post
...don`t even know that there is the one way ticket $40...
One-way tiket is available Ah Pek is you decide to 'throw away yr Sillyporean katepe and stay in Batam for good
KliK sInI >>>IndO C3W3
Old 19-06-2012, 12:06 PM
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Originally Posted by AC_Milan

then how much is your mother and wife selling ?

no business in singapore then now come to Batam and sell issit ?
Go ask your mother how much I sold her Chee bye? Have you managed to find out who your dad is?? Would be hard seeing that she's served so many dicks before..

And, by the way, good dog. Told you to bring dispute to PMs and you listened. Here, here's a dick for you to suck.. Not mine of course and certainly not my pet dog. You're not fit to suck even my dog's dick. Fuck off. Don't be a nuisance that you already are. Nincompoop.
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Old 19-06-2012, 02:26 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

frankly, president, batam is a place for cewe...after staying for a few days, ah pek has to come back to eat hawkers food and drink kopi....and also see hot pants syt to build up libido for the next practical work in batam...
we are really lucky..just near all the cheap places....hehe!!!
Old 19-06-2012, 03:21 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Yesterday territory fight infront of Hotel Planet between Flores and Batak. This is what I received in my BBM.
Incident happened at around 5pm indo time.

Mohon maaf bapak2 ibu2 penyebab kejadian di planet holiday hotel saat ini bukan karena perang suku apapun. Hal ini dikarenakan masalah antar satu oknum yang bersangkutan, Mohon hal ini dipahami agar tidak memunculkan masalah baru kembali. Info yg benar perebutan lahan..! Antara satu oknum dan preman setempat. situasi batam sudah aman dan terkendali , pelaku sudah diamankan pihak polresta barelang dan polda kepri

mohon bantuannya untuk tidak broadcast message yang tidak benar tentang batam

° • · ♥·♡ τнäиκ чöü ♥·♡ · •
[News for batam-only]

Ijin mlaporkan pak data korban Kerusuhan dihotel planet :

A. RS Elisabeth :

1. Herman simatupang, tarutung / 14 agus 1984, Kristen, supir, ruko pasar melayu dpn perumnas baru bt aji..luka robek dikepala

2. Johan Sihombing, Marindal (sumut) 29 Mei 1975, Kristen, Wiraswasta, Ruli Rusun Muka Kuning Kel. Muka kuning Kec. Sei Beduk Kota Batam...
Luka berat (meninggal dunia 18.30 wib)

3. Nelson pangaribuan, lagu boti/15 maret 1975, baloi kolam, besitua, korban luka tangan kanan patah dan luka, kepala kiri robek,

B. RS Budi Kemuliaan:
1. Nama : T. Said abdul fadhil, medan 26 maret 1980, alamata : jln, sekip gg patimura NO.30 C kel. Sei putih timur, swasta, tangan kanan putus leher disabit sebelah kiri dibawah telinga,
2. Nama : maruli nainggolan, lubuk pakam, 11 08 1971, alamat : pancur swadaya RW 004 RT 005, kel. Tg. Piayu kec. Sei beduk, kristen, swasta, tangan kanan jempol dan jari telunjuk putus
3. Nama : johannes eduardo damanik, belawan, jln, sindang pulo RT 013 RW 009, kel. Koja kec. Koja, swasta, islam, kepala belakang bocor
4. Nama : ruslan bin bahar, org alor, tangan sebelah kanan patah, alamat citra batam (sudah keluar).

C. RS Harapan Bunda :

1). Robi candra, rengkat, 23 feb 83 almt, security Planet, belakang planet, luka kepala dan muka (harus dioperasi)
2. Samurung mulia pandapotan simanjuntak,Medan/ 1 des 83,Kristen, Supir, almt bengkong polisi rt 01 RW.3 luka di kepala

3. Marubu banjarmahor, Medan/ 13 nov 85,Supir Dapur 12, Kristen windsor park Blok 2 Tahap 3 No. 13-19 batam, luka dikepala

4).pandi munte, pakat/ 5 april 1983, kristen, supir, baloi kolam rt 03 rw 06 lula kepala dan tangan patah.(Harus di operasi).

Kami Dari Anggota .͡▹anggota asiaphone
Mari Kita Doain Bersama" n Mari Kita PasanG Dp Kita Sprti ♈ªʼnĝ Di Dp ª̤Ќϋ,,,
WlaupuN Flores Vs Batak,,Ttpi Kita Ttep Sama" Cipta'aN ♈ªʼnĝ DIATAS...
Old 19-06-2012, 09:28 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Hi All Bro here,

I'm planning to have a trip to Batam this Sunday/Monday alone.
Would like to have some bro who like to join me?
Preferable including golfing(18 holes) on Sunday morning before action start.

PM me if any bro interested.

Old 19-06-2012, 11:46 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by The Lord View Post
Yeah must thank bro ndnd.

Hotel Harappan Baru is a lovely discovery In a quaint neighborhood.

Thk u ndnd

Yes clean rooms, shower pressure good, lotsa water plus free wifi.

BCS mall metres away only.

The products in the supermarket at BCS cheaper than nagoya hill supermarket.
Hi bro The Lord,

We know that you are a maid specialist and little brother me here have some questions would like to seek your enlightenment, hope can learn something from you. Questions asked more or less may indirectly affect batam.

With more and more indonesian maid are unwilling to come to singapore to work due to No Off Day and low salary (about $400), spore really face a serious shortage of domestic helper in the market as majority of the maids are from indonesia.

The younger generation indonesian maid nowadays are getting more and more smarter and most of them would rather go to Taiwan where the salary offered is $800 plus sing dollar equivalent + every sunday off. Another popular work place is HongKong where they will get about $700 plus with every sunday off.

To solve this problem, spore had announced that from 1 January 2013 start onward, all indonesian maid employed must be given a minimum wage of $500 and compulsory to give every Sunday off to the maid. However she can opt not to take off and sell back the off day to the employer at the rate of $100 per off day. Therefore if she don't take off every week, she is able to earn at least $500+$400= $900 per month, which is a significant amount to them.

1) My question is do you think that if indonesian maid are given more off day, more spore men may want to have them as girlfriends for pacaran or maybe for one night stand ?

2) Therefore will the number of cheongster sporean men going to Batam be reduced ? Will the frequency of going batam be lesser also ?

3) Also will the business profit of booking joints, restaurant and hotels in batam be affected as they solely depends on sporean to sustain their business unlike Balai depend on both sporean/msian to inject $$$ into the economy?

Indonesian maid may not be as lucky compare to their counterpart the pinoys maid who have all along enjoy higher salary and every sunday off. But notice that those pinoy who work as maid are mostly married milf and old looking unlike indonesian maids in spore are mostly young and attractive from java.

Sometime when looking at those indonesian maid in spore working very hard just to earn that couple of hundred dollars are really quite pitiful, kesian. Sometime some of them also kena ill treated by their employer. Furthermore they need the money to be sent back to their hometown as some of them have family members waiting for their money support.

The agent also another money sucker. Their salary have to be deducted many months for the agent fee. That is why indonesian govt recently has suggested that the agent fee to be borne by the spore employer instead by the maid.

On the other hand, Batam joints ceweks are more fortunate and richer as they just need to spread their leg, being naughty and tease their customer and then customers will manjakan them by giving alot of tips, easy money.

This is just base on my personal opinion only....
Old 20-06-2012, 12:36 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

abit weird you ask in batam thread leh..
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Old 20-06-2012, 08:57 AM
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Bro eg...

Bonking maid thread more relevant lah.. All the "fuck maid" specialists are there ...
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Old 20-06-2012, 10:02 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

hahaha!!! we have all sorts of `specialists` here....we are damned lucky living in this little dot....fucking all sorts of girls...just imagine if you live in have only your old cow...or pcc or pay through your nose to bonk a syt...hehe!!! ah pek is happy today go jalan2 orchard to see syt in hot pants...June is a happy month for ah pek....hehe!!! enjoy, bros!!!!
Old 20-06-2012, 02:14 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

wat's the point of asking those questions?
Old 20-06-2012, 04:02 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by hendri2 View Post
hahaha!!! we have all sorts of `specialists` here....we are damned lucky living in this little dot....fucking all sorts of girls...just imagine if you live in have only your old cow...or pcc or pay through your nose to bonk a syt...hehe!!! ah pek is happy today go jalan2 orchard to see syt in hot pants...June is a happy month for ah pek....hehe!!! enjoy, bros!!!!
hehehe...... tell you a secret for the Japanese.
In the outskirts provinces or towns, where shops are very few and far...... you may find a solitary 7-11 store located in a strategic point between towns...... these stores are often manned by young kawaii part-timers out to earn some pocketmoney....... and many of these kawaii girls do FLs on the side too.

So that is why sometimes I do not like to stay in the big cities like Tokyo or Osaka because there is more opportunities for finding FLs in the smaller towns.
Old 20-06-2012, 07:48 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by hendri2 View Post
hahaha!!! we have all sorts of `specialists` here....we are damned lucky living in this little dot....fucking all sorts of girls...just imagine if you live in have only your old cow...or pcc or pay through your nose to bonk a syt...hehe!!! ah pek is happy today go jalan2 orchard to see syt in hot pants...June is a happy month for ah pek....hehe!!! enjoy, bros!!!!
Yes, uncle hendri we are very fortunate to stay in this little dot surrounded by cheap sex destinations like batam, balai, hatyai, etc unlike in japan, their prostitutes are expensive.

Here we get to enjoy the company of all sort of girls like russian (white skin), chinese/korean/japanese (yellow skin) and NL/cewek/tomyam/pinoy (brown skin).

When you jalan jalan at orchard, you may find maid cewek lobang there if you are lucky too because retire man got plenty of vitamin M ($) and time, tio bo bro ?

Originally Posted by tomcat007 View Post
Bro eg...

Bonking maid thread more relevant lah.. All the "fuck maid" specialists are there ...
Thanks bro, found the "Maid thread" under the Adult Discussion About Sex Heading.
Old 20-06-2012, 08:00 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

haha!!! bro 5354, ah pek only sees and appreciates hot pants syt...maids are generally difficult to `swallow`...lobang too big lah..haha!!!
bro milkman, just to enlighten us how much one has to pay for the 7/11 girls...and the average prices for a shot in japan....just to see how lucky we are....thanks.
Old 21-06-2012, 12:01 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

I had a good laugh la..
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