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Old 01-06-2014, 12:14 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
I will be in Batam 14-18 June.
I doubt people coming for the MTQ event will attend the same places as me
thank you,i doubt the people coming for MTQ will be attending the same places as me too,except the fact that if i go there,there won't be any room in Formosa Hotel for me to stay in.

Originally Posted by Blacklizt View Post
frightening experience from few days ago

someone girl added me on wechat people nearby
i accepted, then she say hi
after few words, she asked me if i would like to have shorttime with her?
she offered 400k/1 shot
at that time, im not feeling well and low on cash, so i declined her
then she said she doesnt mind im not feeling well and willing to cut the price by 50%
i was thinking, why on earth she is in such urge to earn money, is she in need of money?
then i accepted her offer, i went to her kost and told her that i am waiting in the from on the shophouse (she lived in the shop house behind melia panorama)
i waited few minutes, she asked me to go to her room directly, so i went in, i waited in front of her room, and she asked to give her the money first
i told her, i need to see her, then she persisted to ask the money first, then i got annoyed, i said then cancel it, my mood is ruined, when i was about to leave, she opened the door a lil bit, i saw that she look very different with the picture, quite tall, and the voice is hoarse, then i am shocked, is she a transvestite ?
then i just leave, when i reached home, she asked me, why do i leave, i said, i am scared, you are transvestite, she said she is a woman, but she is not feeling well, so her voice is hoarse.
and i tell her, no matter what, the deal is over, then i block and deleted her from my wechat

be careful, hoping this experience wont happen to anyone else
Thank you for sharing,another not-so-good experience from FL. Really appreciate this piece of info.

Originally Posted by nescafeGold View Post
bro nono.. i'm so sorry.. my mistake. bcoz i can't remember exact the date. i just pass by some billboard on the street and saw the date. should have google it before mentioned at here.. but anyway, give it a shot.. who know my friend's prediction can be wrong.. maybe won't affect cheonging field. it's not like holy month or something.
Hi bro,there is no need to be sorry about it. It was my mistake for taking information for granted. I should have dig in further when you 1st inform in this thread about the MTQ. And looks like i need to cancel my trip TOTALLY and waste off my leaves taken. Totally no available room on those dates i plan to go,like that how to

Nonetheless,i learned something. Never expect to be spoon-fed & never takes information given for granted. Damn me...i make same mistakes twice for this month. I was expecting to have a room of my desire during my May 2014 Trip and in the end i was disappointed.This MTQ is my 2nd mistake on May and i was being pre-warned in advance by you beforehand.

Hope i won't make the same mistake thrice again.

Originally Posted by lanceage View Post
lol thats the bad part. your prediction is right. i have friends who live in batam telling me that its going to be busy like hell. all the hotels have been booked during those days.
You are right,bro...i have just called Kaha Travel on 1st June 2014 at 11am. Almost all hotel rooms are fully booked from 5th to 15th of June 2014. Formosa Hotel 100% fully booked during those dates.

Originally Posted by ndnd View Post
MTQ - Musabaqoh Tilawatil Quran

Each province send out few of their top Quran readers to represent their province to attend this "Quran Recite Competition".

Just expect hotel fully book and crowded in batam only. Nothing affect cheonging.
Agree with you,but to be exact...only those who plan an overnight trip will be affected,becos of the lack of available room.

Originally Posted by johnyboy2232 View Post
Some sharing of my recent trip:

Booked hotel from Batamciti website -
Thank you for sharing yr very informative FR,bro...just check the site too,very informative but formosa hotel room from 5th june onward till 14th all fully booked too. It's a good site tho and i will filed it in my Batam Folder for future reference.

Thank you.

Originally Posted by 1username View Post
and I thought all the massage around nagoya hills was family friendly!

GQ was popped at "everyday" massage. its along the shophouses opposite A&W
Sorry to interrupt bro,according to this thread. It is harder to find a massage parlor that do not provide "special"than those that some point if there is a chance for non-GQ shop to provide special,i believe they will take it. My guess...

Originally Posted by ilurb3u View Post
Going to solo+virgin trip to batam today. Wish me good luck.
Good luck,bro...and hope you have a good time.

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 01-06-2014, 01:10 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by katongboyz2054 View Post
Uh maybe some senior can advice is it normal for cewek to bring their daughter out to eat with their clients? at first i thought maybe is plot for me to give her more money, but she didn't ask for any extra tip the entire time i was with her. But anyway felt really paiseh la. Walked her daughter back home. Even more confused. Anyway went back to hotel room for another great second round and third round in the morning. Only bad thing i can say is... she use the hotel complimentary toothbrush. Walao i never bring my own toothbrush also lo. In the end cannot brush teeth on second day.
Thanks for FR.

It is rare but not uncommon. Her daughter also needs to might as well.
Those kuai lan ones might even invite their friends for free makan YOUR expense.

They might even fish away those complimentary snacks and drinks in the hotel room before leaving.
So do a check n replenish the exact items (buy from hypermart) before checking out.
Incidentally you can also buy toothbrush and toothpaste from hypermart.
Im using this Formula brand (Indo local brand) of toothbrush and it is pretty good.
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Old 01-06-2014, 01:15 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Hi bro,there is no need to be sorry about it. It was my mistake for taking information for granted. I should have dig in further when you 1st inform in this thread about the MTQ. And looks like i need to cancel my trip TOTALLY and waste off my leaves taken. Totally no available room on those dates i plan to go,like that how to

Nonetheless,i learned something. Never expect to be spoon-fed & never takes information given for granted. Damn me...i make same mistakes twice for this month. I was expecting to have a room of my desire during my May 2014 Trip and in the end i was disappointed.This MTQ is my 2nd mistake on May and i was being pre-warned in advance by you beforehand.

Hope i won't make the same mistake thrice again.

You are right,bro...i have just called Kaha Travel on 1st June 2014 at 11am. Almost all hotel rooms are fully booked from 5th to 15th of June 2014. Formosa Hotel 100% fully booked during those dates.
Can go other places....not necessary that no waste of leaves.
I'm Cerberus, guardian of the portal to the death realm.

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Old 01-06-2014, 01:49 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Mas Joki View Post
Bro nono, I think you are the most helpful as a newbie. I believe most newbie has benefited from your posts. Keep it up, bro!!!

I would like to share some bad experience for the limit of bonking. The bonking limit is not only in New Berry & Massage 28 (previously call Massage 82), it is also happen to me twice last Nov/Dec 2013 which leave me very disappointed and made me to decide to cheong Johor Spa (Malaysia) and Sillypore KTV for almost 6 months to rest my frustration. Once in Sedona (GoldBird) and the other is Memory KTV. Maybe I am just unlucky to book these two young, sexy and beautiful gals . I do not know whether is the booking joints or the gals own decision to limit to 2 bonks. I do not want to made a complaint becos I am a regular at this 2 joints since year 2001 and 2 reasons I hesitated to complaint :

1) If you complaint, this gal will definitely talk bad about you among the gals. No matter you are a regular or not, most of the gals will shows you their faces or cool towards you. So you will not enjoy booking any of the gal and your personality will be degraded. I will be in the losing side.

2) I have seen a gal was slapped by Jxxxx (Sedona) after one of the cheongster complaint something about the gal. Maybe this cheongster is not satisfy with her service. I do not know whether the cheongster is too much or the gal is wrong. But my heart goes to this pity gal. My heart really cries out when the way Jxxxx slapped this gal. So, I do not wish to see this type of horrible situation to happen.

So my main point is that there is also have bonking limit to 2 at other joints especially those very young and beautiful gals (I believe only some black sheep), maybe they have other options, to go to Disco after11.00pm to works as FL or go to her batam’s boyfriend home.

Now I am back to Batam again. To avoid disappointment, I think I better book MLLF who give better enjoyment in term of services. MILF are more friendly and willingness to accept your sexual fantasy.

I know it is not fair for me to judge on my 2 bad experiences but I am speaking out for others bros to be prepared for such disappointment and hopefully for a debate on whether we should put the joints name or the gals in this thread. Bro nono can compile the bad and good service in his signature….. hahahaha…….

Bro nono post is interesting to read and I think you did a great jobs. Cheers to you!!!

The above is my personal view and sincere opinion. Sorry if any bros is offended. All bros are welcome to give your view and comments.

"Life is short. Enjoy while you can"
Remember the saying : "One man meat is another man poison".
Thank you for your compliment,bro...double thanks for affirming that i am posting positively in this thread.

As you may have say,there could be some "black sheep",but according to the posts i read in this forum and some others,New Berry & Massage 28's OKT supports the idea of the 3 bonk rule which i doubt most joint's OKTs will do. Maybe becos i an skeptical about this 2 to 3 bonk rule,& every time i visit any booking joints,i would emphasis with the girls that i would likely want more than 3 rounds and if they cannot make it,i would have to send them back before the 1st bonk or i won't book them at all. Also one of my reason for showing to the girl i booked the 12s

I booked memories SYT (22 years old) once and Gold Bird SYT (22 year old & 24 years old) twice,i had more than 4 bonks on the 3 occasions,hehehe...

As for complaints,so far i have not make a single complains in any joints or send any girls back to their joints yet due to bad service or bonk limits.(touch wood) i do not know if it's becos of the body language techniques i use.

1. I have not launch any complains so far,but the girls do know that i have that abilities to do so even if i have language barrier with her.

My techniques, everyone knows by my look that i am from Sillypore,so instead of trying to hide this fact,i balloon it up bigger by talking in my most comfortable language with OKT. I took name card from OKT every time i book a girl during payment time and make sure the girls i book sees this part of the act,and i do tip the OKT a little after he pass me the name card. And i don't keep the name card upon receiving it too,i either hold it with me at all time till i reach hotel or ask the girl i book to hold it for me which she will need to return me after we reach room.

So end of the day,the girl knows i have the ability to call OKT and/or can send her back and/or can launch a complain.

2. I can be a regular to a few joints,and my 2nd technique used is similar to how i cheong Sillypore KTVs/Night Clubs. That is, being a unpredictable person. Example i do not tip Formosa Hotel receptionists at all in my 1st 3 trips to Batam but end of my 4th trip,i tipped them a token sum each and i believe i kind of shock This technique, i apply it to the girls i book too. If the girls of the same joints were to talk among themselves about me,they are likely to have a very different FR about me.

Once again,i would like to emphasis about the 2 Banned joints New Berry & Massage 28.According to what i read, they are banned not just becos their girls often have Bonk Limits of 2 to 3 for overnight booking,it is also becos the OKT supports them to return back to Joints early and also support the girls when they provide not-so-good services. When the girls returned to joints early means they leaves your hotel room early,which also means you sleep alone when you are paying for overnight booking. Worse still is,one of the joint often offer raw to customers & hurry customers for a rush job ,and even worse still OKT supports their ground as well.

To each his own,but they will still be in my Lousy Joint Listings, least until i see the OKT supports customers more than the girls when the girl do something not right.

The 2 joints labelled as Lousy Joints on my signature serve as a basic guideline for newbies/1st timer planning to cheong Batam to minimize any not-so-good experiences and even as i say this,the wise man's word ,"One man meat can be another man poison" still applies.

As for compiling good and bad experiences on my sig...i doubt it can be done due to the wise man's word stated above and as well as there are limited number of words/alphabets that can be used on signature,which is going to be seemingly impossible to add everything,hehehe...

Rules set by Joints (and their girls) and experiences base on a cheongsters are of 2 different category.

Thank you for finding my postings useful and hope i can continue to compile & "repeat" all the useful info in short for the benefits of all.

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 01-06-2014, 03:12 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post

As for complaints,so far i have not make a single complains in any joints or send any girls back to their joints yet due to bad service or bonk limits.(touch wood) i do not know if it's becos of the body language techniques i use.

1. I have not launch any complains so far,but the girls do know that i have that abilities to do so even if i have language barrier with her.

My techniques, everyone knows by my look that i am from Sillypore,so instead of trying to hide this fact,i balloon it up bigger by talking in my most comfortable language with OKT. I took name card from OKT every time i book a girl during payment time and make sure the girls i book sees this part of the act,and i do tip the OKT a little after he pass me the name card. And i don't keep the name card upon receiving it too,i either hold it with me at all time till i reach hotel or ask the girl i book to hold it for me which she will need to return me after we reach room.

So end of the day,the girl knows i have the ability to call OKT and/or can send her back and/or can launch a complain.

Thank you for finding my postings useful and hope i can continue to compile & "repeat" all the useful info in short for the benefits of all.
Hmm...I think taking the namecard is a good tactic.
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Old 01-06-2014, 05:55 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Cerberus View Post
Thanks for FR.

It is rare but not uncommon. Her daughter also needs to might as well.
Those kuai lan ones might even invite their friends for free makan YOUR expense.

They might even fish away those complimentary snacks and drinks in the hotel room before leaving.
So do a check n replenish the exact items (buy from hypermart) before checking out.
Incidentally you can also buy toothbrush and toothpaste from hypermart.
Im using this Formula brand (Indo local brand) of toothbrush and it is pretty good.
Hi Bro Cerberus, yeah I read from this thread that there are these type of kuai lan cewek. But mine never ask me to buy dinner for her daughter lo. In fact only pushy thing i felt from her was she kept asking for my number so i can book her again when i come back. Of course i nv give her my number. And now i forgot her number also Thanks for your input! I'll remember to buy more toothbrush/toothpaste on my next trip!

Also any bro can help advice the following for next trip?

1) Ramadan start on 28 June correct? Any impact on punting?
2) I'm planning to chiong to Haborfront on Friday after work and take the 8/9pm ferry over. Any potential problem with this plan?
3) NoName still operating/happening? Which day go better? Friday or Saturday?
4) What's the damage for Alisha/M1 if i go alone to sing ktv? i know damages have been posted here before, but it's always for group. Single guy got any difference?
5) And lastly any bro wanna join go chiong Noname/clubs before Ramadan starts? Please PM me.
Old 02-06-2014, 11:24 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by newyorker88 View Post
Yes, seems toupindicate that where you went to is Harbour bay.

Likely the pub you see is OCEAN pub. There is a massage joint by the name OCEAN massage also.

Most of the gals are massage ladies in that pub. Of cos, you can take them back if they sign out from the pub after work.

talk to them. However, beware not all gals at pub are for pick up.. Some may be there for fun.
Bro What kinda damage can I expect if I pick up the gals from the pub
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Old 02-06-2014, 12:58 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by katongboyz2054 View Post
Just finished my solo & virgin 3D2N trip to Batam. Firstly big thanks to Bro Nono. My trip would have been impossible without your great guide! And following in the spirit of Bro Nono, hopefully my FR will help newbies to enjoy Batam a bit better. Please excuse the upcoming wall of text.
Good FR bro Katongboy...i feel good going to Batam and that must be the reason why i always feels good when someone else here had a good trip at Batam too.

Glad you find the guide i made useful but as mentioned in my earlier posting,none of the info i have post have not already been posted by the seniors here before. Credits to them for me being able to have the basic guide up. Below will be me breaking down your FRs so that it can be learning material for myself...(if you don't mind)...

Originally Posted by katongboyz2054 View Post

SOP ferry + taxi (40k, a bit lazy to bargain down to 30k) to Goodway. Hotel looks nice and cosy. But room i was given was really really dusty. Nice TV with good selection of channels. Bed is big but a bit too soft (Got back ache after i come back to sg. lol) But all in all still a nice homebase.
So your 3D2N were in Goodway Hotel? Care to share a little more of the air-con condition & the Wifi in room? Appreciate your input,bro.

Originally Posted by katongboyz2054 View Post
After checking in, decide to walk to Goldbird (Sedona). Tip for bro who want to walk and save on taxi commission: distances look further on google map than real life. If you are going to Goldbird from Goodway, it's literally in the block right next to Goodway. I actually walked all the way to planet holiday before i realize i overshot. LOL. Didn't see anyone that catches my eye until this cute little syt looked up and smile very small and petite with nice firm Bs. Papi quoted 800k, wah damn bargain until i abit scared. From this thread i would have expected at least 1.2 juta. But maybe cause i went on a weekday afternoon so got cheaper rate.

Come out from Goldbird a bit hungry so went to Nagoya Shopping Mall. From Goodway, come out of hotel turn left and walk maybe 15mins reach liao. But IMO if you wanna walk to Nagoya, better cross the road first. Got better pavement to walk on. Makan makan, jalan jalan, very soon time for some action.
According to what i read in this thread,Gold bird girls are priced base on whether if they have given birth before (and how many times) and also their age. Your this part of the FR caught the most of my attention as during my 1st trip there,i also got almost the same surprise as at the kind of price tag for an "almost" SYT...well,i am guessing if you go by cab,the tag will be at least 1 juta.

I guess we also share the same experience regarding the unbelievable tight pussy,unbelievable in the sense that after giving birth to 2 kids,the tightness imagine now that if one were to bonk a girl there who has not given birth before or perhaps only given birth to 1 kid?

Of all the girls i bonk,i believe indo girls has one of the BEST bonkable pussy.

Originally Posted by katongboyz2054 View Post
Only bad thing i can say is... she use the hotel complimentary toothbrush. Walao i never bring my own toothbrush also lo. In the end cannot brush teeth on second day.
I encounter this issue almost every time i stay in Formosa,and my solution...simply pick up the phone and ask hotel staffs to bring one set of toothbrush up,there is no extra charge as i tell them the room only has one set of toothbrush/paste when i book a room for 2.

I would usually tip the staff who brings the toothbrush up some loose change for his/her effort. (in coins from the loose change i get during shopping). Unless i have other special request like requesting extra stuffs. eg extra Towel,shampoo.shower foam etc,i will tip more.

Originally Posted by katongboyz2054 View Post
Uh maybe some senior can advice is it normal for cewek to bring their daughter out to eat with their clients? at first i thought maybe is plot for me to give her more money, but she didn't ask for any extra tip the entire time i was with her. But anyway felt really paiseh la. Walked her daughter back home. Even more confused.
i honestly cant help smiling at this part,you and the girl must look like husband and wife bringing kids for an outing. I am imagining the loving scenario that if you happen to allow her kid to sleep in the same hotel room as you & your girl,with her daughter in between you 2.... sorry,bro...i think i watch too much Korean Drama liao... *joking* It is a new experience in Batam that i have not seen in this thread.

Originally Posted by katongboyz2054 View Post
Second day just relac relac. Went to sing ktv alone. Clean ktv la. The one in the corner of Nagoya Hill. At least i think it's clean. Waitress wear very short skirt and some quite hot. At night wanted to go check out NoName or clubs, but a bit too tired so went back hotel watch movie in bed and sleep.
2nd night u sleep alone? Tht u stay Batam 3D2N?

Nonetheless,am really glad you have a good time. Hope your next trip will be even better than this one.


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Old 02-06-2014, 04:44 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by newhunter View Post
Bro What kinda damage can I expect if I pick up the gals from the pub
They easily quote 1 Juta and above. for overnite. usually, can always nego. It is their side line, and you can nego.

I had a chance to drink there last week, and listen to music... Which is rather good music being played. Had a look at the gals, mostly, young MILF. All of them smoking. Did not bother to pick any of them.

Brothers can go there to see for yourself
I will have headache if I dont see a strange piece of pussy every day

Old 02-06-2014, 05:02 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

I'm right now at Formosa Hotel. Booked thru for $59 per night. Was playing safe instead of booking with KAHA upon reaching here. Although reached here at 11.50am (indo time), the ferry I took at 10.45am (sing time) was quite packed. So I guess I made the right decision to book online and secured me and my friends a room.

Upon reaching at Harbor Bay FT, walked to the Prima Ferries counter to book a ferry back tomorrow. After that walked out to the main road to get a taxi. Even though so many taxi drivers were chasing after us in th terminal compound, I just ignored. So got one cab immediately at the main road, asked how much to formosa and he said his cab using meter. So I said ok and expected the fare to be at least around 30 to 50k based on the research I got from this thread. But when reached the hotel, I was shocked that the fare was only 15,150. Hahhaa. I paid him 20k and told to keep it.

So reached hotel at 12.30pm, managed to check in early. After that walked to New Berlian and me and friends didn't see any that suits our taste. Haha. So from New Berlian walked to Goldbird, (using the map that bro Nono provided, super useful + your sense of direction need to be good) one of my friend got a girl there for 800k. Could not bargain any lower. I and and not her friend could not decide so we refer to the map again and saw that Memory KTV was around the corner. So got there and so many SYT there but the price was at 1.5m. My friend and I got an ok looking one for 700k each.

Girls will be reaching at 6pm. So for now jus watching TV after having lunch at Pizza Hut. Bill was only 251000 for 3 person. Gonna rest first before starting my first mission. Will update again later or tomorrow with my FR.

Thanks again bro Nono for the guide. Without the map, I will definitely lose lose my way and ended up taking a cab. I guess I turned down more than 20 cabs. Haha.
Old 02-06-2014, 11:38 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by newyorker88 View Post
They easily quote 1 Juta and above. for overnite. usually, can always nego. It is their side line, and you can nego.

I had a chance to drink there last week, and listen to music... Which is rather good music being played. Had a look at the gals, mostly, young MILF. All of them smoking. Did not bother to pick any of them.

Brothers can go there to see for yourself
Bro any good hotel within walking distance to those pubs?
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Old 02-06-2014, 11:40 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by JoeGringo View Post
Girls will be reaching at 6pm. So for now jus watching TV after having lunch at Pizza Hut. Bill was only 251000 for 3 person. Gonna rest first before starting my first mission. Will update again later or tomorrow with my FR.
Sounds like fun! Have a fun evening and looking forward to your FR.
Old 02-06-2014, 11:49 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by newhunter View Post
Bro any good hotel within walking distance to those pubs?
Swissbel HB & GGI hotel no bad.
Old 03-06-2014, 12:30 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

So here's my first FR while the girl is busy watching TV next to me after a tiring 2nd round. And before that we had a seafood dinner just behind formosa hotel. A place called A1 seafood. Ordered 5 dishes, 7 drinks & 4 packs of cigarette for 450k which was surprisingly cheap to me. And I was expecting the girl to bring their daughter over or friends over but she didn't. Hahhaa.

Anyway, overall the girl I took was simply the best of all the other one I took. For 700k, her service is tiptop. She really took care of me like her own husband. The girls my friends took was also super friendly and took good care of us. Never had this kind of experience before. Maybe for my girl, my strategy was to get to know her better and break the ice. Just to make her feel comfortable. I got her at 6pm but only started the 1st round at abt 8pm.

I think what I learnt from this forum is to choose a girl that looks interested in you and not go for looks or figure. The girl. I took was very shy and was looking at me secretly so I didn't think twice and took her.

Girl: Lily
From: Bandung
Age: 31 (but don't look in her 30s, more like 24)
Looks: Cute and attractive
Height: abt 1.6m
Weight: 40+?
Massage: didn't request for any cos if she doesn't know massage then might hurt my body even more.
GFE: 100% GFE experience. Was french kissing & fingering like nobody business
HJ: The best I had so far.
RTF: Definitely if I want a guaranteed awesome time.
Old 03-06-2014, 12:46 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Made a last min batam trip last weekend, not going to go into details.

Ferry 1pm

Hotel: GGi hotel deluxe room
It is just opposite harborbay mall and 5mn walk from ferry terminal

Room size is big, air con is good, got bathtub, bed was pretty comfortable, tv selection is good, breakfast spread was so so.
Overall I feel quite similar to Formosa

Blackout once close to midnight though.

Check in was smooth, room was clean and air con is working.

Reception young chap intro a taxi driver to me, I asked him drive me to new Berlian 1st, the lady mamasan is friendly, intro a few ladies after I walk in, found a fair skin lady to my liking. Didn't nego, paid 1mil and request lady to turn up at hotel lobby at 730pm after taken her dinner.

Decided to walk to Nagoya to grab a quick lunch and catch a movie before return to hotel. Didn't stock up on condom as still got leftover. Pretty cheap at batam though.

Told taxi driver my plans, he just wanted 30k taxi fare. Originally he say will drive me around KTV to see ladies but I told him I got my booking made. Took his mobile contact and will contact him next trip perhaps. He look friendly enough and speak passable English to be understood.

Booking lady: Liz or Lis

Nice natural A cup, slightly at the smaller end but was firm to grab
Clean shaven and feel very smooth.

Doesn't speak English at all, but service was good.

1st round settled and it was close to 10pm. She suggest a supper at seafood restaurant opposite hotel. Had beer and ordered crab and BBQ fish and egg. Pretty heavy for a late dinner-supper. Bill came up to close to 300k.

Almost to midnight 2nd round started and it was satisfying to try all positions all over the room with the strong air con keeping the room cool. 2nd round finished, bathe and slept through till breakfast.

She was up pretty early, before 7 she was already teasing me to have a go again. Morning glory at it's best. Did 3rounds, bathe and went for breakfast. She left without taking breakfast and I tip her 200k for the good service.

After eaten breakfast, stay in room to watch tv news and check out around 3pm. Ferry timing ariund 3pm, the queue was full of people. One word : horrible

Overall quite a nice trip again.
Am glad I make time to chiong batam.
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