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Old 26-08-2014, 02:44 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

dont even metion it bro the last time i picke up from pacific was a nightmare!@! hahahah
The big difference between sex for money and sex for free is that sex for money usually costs a lot less
Old 26-08-2014, 03:38 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by FireTruck View Post
Any bros recently went to batam? What's the rate recently? T.I.A!!!
Hi bro,may i ask what is T.I.A?

The rate is 9270/SGD according to a friend who is in Batam this afternoon.

Originally Posted by newyorker88 View Post
Massage ladies goes by turns for them to service customers. Massage first, followed by specials.
I think this same rule apply to most Sillypore Massage parlour too.

What i like about clean massage places are those that i knowingly know that they are clean without special service,but yet unknowingly end up having special at the end of session,hehehe...i like those.

Relax Massage opp Formosa being one. But the next time i go back,no more special...

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
another shocking revelation...
Hi bro,you just reminded me that in one of my Batam trips,i was awaken by a a small shock and almost kick the girl off *i think i must be having a nightmare*

Basic Batam Info in One Link

Avoid quoting the whole post if you are replying to me in the thread


My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 26-08-2014, 07:44 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by newyorker88 View Post
That's a myth. I known FLs who work from MEN TO MEN after each session.
I think I used the name "FL" with a different meaning than you. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

With "FL", you mean a 100% working lady who works free-lance, that is without a boss. As you point out, such a FL may be even a hard-core WG, who might even have multiple sessions per night (for example, the well-seasoned WGs who seat down in the back side of Pacific).

When I wrote " I always go hunting FLs and I rarely go to book at joints", I was referring instead to girls who go looking for a man only occasionally, to get extra cash for their needs. They are FL, because they have no boss, they are WG, because they want money in change of sex, but they are not established full-time WG.
This is the kind of FL I go hunting for. Not the ultra-pro girls sitting in Pacific or Newton.

Is it easy to find occasional FL? No. I must be prepared to go back to my hotel not satisfied. But many are around, so there is still opportiunity for everyone...
(and there are also many girls who do not ask money, or FOC... Oh what a nice world!)
Old 26-08-2014, 08:44 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Hi bro,may i ask what is T.I.A?

It is Thanks In Advance...
Old 26-08-2014, 08:46 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by rauldon View Post
dont even metion it bro the last time i picke up from pacific was a nightmare!@! hahahah
Long time nvr chiong btm liao.

Many moons back, me n my bros will use a lighter to light up inside the disco to see the gal face. don't want to pick-up a "ghost" hahaha.... jkjkjk.
Old 26-08-2014, 11:43 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by localbest View Post
Ever come across a King's massage javanese masseuse who has quoted a high price 500-600k for a short time fuck job.

I then explained to her that the booking cewek price for long time is almost the same as her quoted price for short time.

But she replied me and say in bahasa :" Booking cewek tu hari hari kena main tapi kami ngak sering buat short time dan juga pilih tamu.

She mean that the booking cewek is "used" by the customers everyday whereas as a hotel masseuse they don't do it so often and they will choose their customer, of course over horny or agressive one they will reject lah. u notice she already let the cat out of the bag without realizing it.

Do u know why most masseuse rather have ST? Just imagine how much she can earn if ST 3 times a day. Better than overnite boking right? So any diff between them and cewek from joint?
Plse dont upz me

Thank you
Old 27-08-2014, 12:08 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by localbest View Post
Ever come across a King's massage javanese masseuse who has quoted a high price 500-600k for a short time fuck job.
I then explained to her that the booking cewek price for long time is almost the same as her quoted price for short time.
But she replied me and say in bahasa :" Booking cewek tu hari hari kena main tapi kami ngak sering buat short time dan juga pilih tamu.
She mean that the booking cewek is "used" by the customers everyday whereas as a hotel masseuse they don't do it so often and they will choose their customer, of course over horny or agressive one they will reject lah.
Maybe they classified themselves as higher class than the booking ceweks ?
I had exactly the same experience and conversation with a young Jawanese cewek at King's Massage 1-2 years ago. She might be the same (there are some pretty ones, but none of them could be classified as "fresh new" LOL ), or rather all girls there follow the same policy.
They quote 300k for HJ and 700k for FJ, negotiable with some effort down to 200k and 500k, respectively.
That explains why I stopped inviting girls from King's to my room, if not just to relax.
Old 27-08-2014, 01:07 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by rauldon View Post
Thats the problem bro every time in club it so dark and by thime u choose one u come out..daaaaaaaam so much difference!@ somtimes i just wish ask the girls working in the shopping mall but then later sacred got problem..dont want to get into trouble in one day!@ hahaha

totally understandable to have such fantasy the girl working in shopping mall is also FL. but still better to leave them alone in the reality. because many of those girl are just come from other part of rural area to find the opportunity in the island and usually they start from shopkeeping for those has lower qualification.
Old 27-08-2014, 01:27 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by newyorker88 View Post
The difference is the Booking ladies will service all guys, while massage ladies can reject if they don't want. That does not make them any different from WLs, just that they are selective or if they want to earn more. The price is still the same for short time. .
Some people have this mentality that since the hotel masseuse can choose to offer short time to only the customer they are comfortable with and due to the fact that they usually charge a exorbitant rate for short time, chances are that they are "used" lesser times than the booking cewek.

Last year which is my 3rd visit to Batam had a session with another king's massage cewek.

She revealed to me that she does not casually offer short time to anyone as she was not hard up for money.

The main source of her income comes from handjob fee + roaming fee + massage fee + tips which is more than sufficient for her.

To her, a short time income is just an extra but not a necessity.

Having said that she further emphasised that the hotel masseuse have a certain "market value" and majority would rather forego the deal than to spoil market price should the negotiation failed.

She said it is not an apple to apple comparison between booking cewek and them.
Old 27-08-2014, 02:00 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nitecrawllerr View Post u notice she already let the cat out of the bag without realizing it.

Do u know why most masseuse rather have ST? Just imagine how much she can earn if ST 3 times a day. Better than overnite boking right? So any diff between them and cewek from joint?
Probably there are a few of them who wish to make quick money but majority of them may not do so.

There was one young and pretty syt massage cewek from king's massage No. 11 few years ago but have quited last year.

No matter how I persuade she was still reluctant to reduce her short time price of 1 million even when I offered 700k just to test whether she accept or not.

In the end, I paid her 150k for (hj + roaming) plus massage fee of 90k per hour. She still happily accept the money even when she missed the chance of earning the 700k.

Seems like not all hotel masseuse are desperate for money....
Old 27-08-2014, 02:24 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
I had exactly the same experience and conversation with a young Jawanese cewek at King's Massage 1-2 years ago. She might be the same (there are some pretty ones, but none of them could be classified as "fresh new" LOL , or rather all girls there follow the same policy.
They quote 300k for HJ and 700k for FJ, negotiable with some effort down to 200k and 500k, respectively.
That explains why I stopped inviting girls from King's to my room, if not just to relax.
On average, I was also been quoted that price for hj and fj too.

But I always managed to negotiate down to 150k-200k for hj and 350k-400k for fj.

Anything above my range, I would rather give it up.

One thing I notice, to some indo cewek, short time may not necessarily include a blowjob.

I remembered when I took short time with one of the king's cewek, she refused to blow me even though I had washed my dick head super clean.

She commented in bahasa and said:" Mulut saya untuk cari uang bukan untuk makan eskrim" which means I was given a mouth to earn money and not to suck your dick !!!

Perhaps it is true that generally indo cewek are not that keen to provide blowjob than their brown sugar counterpart pinay ....
Old 27-08-2014, 03:47 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
I think I used the name "FL" with a different meaning than you. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

With "FL", you mean a 100% working lady who works free-lance, that is without a boss. As you point out, such a FL may be even a hard-core WG, who might even have multiple sessions per night (for example, the well-seasoned WGs who seat down in the back side of Pacific).

When I wrote " I always go hunting FLs and I rarely go to book at joints", I was referring instead to girls who go looking for a man only occasionally, to get extra cash for their needs. They are FL, because they have no boss, they are WG, because they want money in change of sex, but they are not established full-time WG.
This is the kind of FL I go hunting for. Not the ultra-pro girls sitting in Pacific or Newton.

Is it easy to find occasional FL?
From my understanding, basically there are five types of freelancer:

The first type of freelancer are those cewek who have a pimp to look after them and in return the pimp get a commission from her for each short time she did. They work as full time WL but not in a brothel. The pimp will help them to source for business too. Examples are those street walkers along the street near pacific or other small lorongs.

The second type of freelancer are those cewek who are occasionally attached to a massage parlour for massage services without any contract with the boss. They can suka suka come and go with no restrictions. They will find opportunity to hunt for man for short time or maybe long time deal after the massage. They are also considered as full time WL. Example are freelancers in princess massage mp (as mentioned by bro newyorker)

The third type of freelancer are those cewek who are working in the pub or bars in NED. As they cannot be bar-fined unlike pattaya/angeles city, you have to wait till her shift is over before you can bring her back to your hotel room to fuck. They are also full time WL but just that some of the days they are been left on the shelf so frequency of sex is definitely lesser than the first and second type. Examples are those bars&pubs in kampung bule, no name, etc

The fourth type of freelancer are those cewek who roam around the disco and try to fish for robert. Some of them are actually holding a day time job and occasionally went there at night to look for extra business. Since they have no boss, their prices are usually negotiable.Examples are discos like pacific, newton, seruni, planet, etc.

The fifth type of freelancer are those cewek who you may met in public place like on the street, shopping centre, coffee shop or restaurant. Usually when they see you are alone will find chance to strike a conversation with you. They maybe those syt who work as factory girls but in need of urgent cash so they will part time themselves. As some of them are decent looking and still green, not much sex experience, this is what attracted the man. Since they dont have any pimp to promote their business, then they would usually search on their own.
Old 27-08-2014, 10:13 AM
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Talking Re: Batam Info Thread

Hi bros, may I know for gals in batam, if overnight is what to what time and how many shots they allow? Don't seem to find info on this 2 qn
Bros, do up me if you think I deserve an up~~

If you zap me, please tell me what I did wrong. I don't hold grudges, but would definitely wanna know what I did wrong.
Old 27-08-2014, 10:43 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by kuatos View Post
Hi bros, may I know for gals in batam, if overnight is what to what time and how many shots they allow? Don't seem to find info on this 2 qn
If you pick up gals from fish tank, usually 2 or 3 shots, some even willing to stay until 7 or 8 am in the morn.

Massage 28/Barry indah had a reputation of 2 shots and the gal go back. Massage 28 is closed now.
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Old 27-08-2014, 10:50 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by localbest View Post
On average, I was also been quoted that price for hj and fj too.

But I always managed to negotiate down to 150k-200k for hj and 350k-400k for fj.

Anything above my range, I would rather give it up.

One thing I notice, to some indo cewek, short time may not necessarily include a blowjob.

I remembered when I took short time with one of the king's cewek, she refused to blow me even though I had washed my dick head super clean.
She commented in bahasa and said:" Mulut saya untuk cari uang bukan untuk makan eskrim" which means I was given a mouth to earn money and not to suck your dick !!!

Perhaps it is true that generally indo cewek are not that keen to provide blowjob than their brown sugar counterpart pinay .... :
HJ - 100K onwards for MILF

FJ - 200K onwards for MILF...

As for BBBJ or BJ, not all willing. Not all allow roaming as well. Just your luck at times on what you going to get.
I will have headache if I dont see a strange piece of pussy every day

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