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Old 16-01-2015, 03:08 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Hi All bros,
me and my friend will be going to batam tomorrow morning.
newbie in batam. who want chiong together? now going to book hotel at formosa.

wechat me if you feel interest: klkl8888
Old 17-01-2015, 10:35 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
My personal opinion,best 3 joints of today are the "new" New Berry,Permata Indah and Gold Bird.
Any updates on queen8933 & new berlian?

Old 17-01-2015, 11:42 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Actually,what the girl say may be true. Recently Gold Bird really did impose new charges to the girls,eg meals,transport during booking etc. But i dont think its gonna hit the 100k mark mentioned tho. I try booking girl from Gold Bird to room via the girl's hp number some time ago.(not counting the girl my fren book the day before) If the normal charge is 600k when i walk-in to joint,i only pay 500k via mobile phone booking. But at times,i still need to borne the cost of a 20k ojek charge when the girl was being send to my room.

And since last month Nov/Dec,all the girls booking fee appears to have increase from 600k to 700k,for the 600k range type (according to the girls). The 800k to 1 mil one remains same. And with the current CNY season,most joint going to increase their prices between 25% to 50% for all girls gradually....and Formosa is already fully booked at the point of my post. I can still book Formosa from,but the charge is REALLY its S$351.00 per deluxe room (exclude +10% service +11% tax). Harris Resort at over S$1k .(i am talking about cheapest room) Kaha price also up by a bit,but no room left.

Bro,i will try to take note on whether she is wearing high heels. Some time not very nice for her to wear high heels to walk from point to point as it may be rather tiring.
I have been mongering close to 20 Yrs. My girl must have thought that i am ignorant. But he did mention that even if i manage to bargain from 700k to 600k, papi will still cut her share by 100k. Same for Sedona ojek tpt of rp30k which ultimately be borne by her too had i not foot the bill.

There was once raining heavily. Make me wait from late morning till evening. she claimed rain heavily and senona "flooded". I gave her blue bird taxi no (which u had shared with us here. Tks.) But she still make me wait. In the end she came with Sedona ojek. KNN, till i newbie. They are helping each other. Thought oif telling her off where got ojet charge 30K? Anyway small issue. Just that after so many boking with her, she still squeeze my wallet.

Wow. CNY HongBao. This the time OKT and Hotels really squeeze us dry. Stay away. KNN. In S$ somemore.

I dont mean to make her walk all the way to formosa. I mean even if she were to walk the most it take 20mins. Most probably she will still take ojek. Wont cost rp30k for sure.
Old 17-01-2015, 01:18 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

15 feb,thu i go to batam for 2d1n base on bro nono1973's guide & map. Reach there around 1pm,check in to formosa hotel b4 head to opp hotel money changer to change money,rate was abt 9420 & i change 200 sin$. I saw Queen8933 & Dynasty KTV,walk in to dynasty,but the cleaner say haven't open yet so i walk over to Queens to see. i counted they have abt 15 over girls,more than half are consider syt to me,but light not so bright & girl got make up,so not 100% sure if that is syt. I pick 1 that i believe shld be syt at 800k ask the papi to send the girl to my room at 3pm. Pay up & i go eat lunch beside queens & cost only less than 40k with drinks. I am surprise from queens to the coffee shop beside queens,all the people i come across all can speak understandable english. Sorry,i was lagging up on confidence as this is my 1st trip to batam base on nono1973 signature guide.

After lunch go walk around using the map from the nono guide,i found new berlian & mickey mouse. As i still new i didn't dare to venture too far away & stay within radius of hotel,but on my way back from new berlian massage,i spot Nagoya hill mall building. Since i still have abt 45 min before girl come my room,i go walk around hotel,checking their amenities. Found the provision shop that was mention by bro nono to buy CDs & necessities ,found kings at 4th floor and alishan ktv which at that time not yet open. Walk inside the garden of alishan to see what is inside before heading back to room.

The girl arrive abt 10 mins after i come back room.

Girl name : Cita (sound something like that)
Price : 800k
Boobs : i think got C++
Ht : abt 1.5m petite
Age : 24 but look younger
Look : 7.5/10 chubby & cute looking
service : bbbj for abt few mins,bathe together ,3 rounds (1 shot upon arrive,2nd 1.5 hr after dinner, 3rd was next morning)
Plus point : the girl after fj got give me a 5 min massage
Overall rating : 7/10

tip : 150k but she ask for ojek to go back queens,i was thinking so near still must take ojek,so i give another 20k since her service not bad,especially 3 shots all got massage me after + we bathe together thrice.Oh,& full roaming too!

We both had dinner at hotel costing me abt 170k total. Taxi from harbour to hotel cost 40k after bargain,but from hotel to harbour cost 50k after bargaining from 70k outside hotel. It's a good experience,& i believe i will be going batam again. But will walk to new berlian to try their girls next time.

Thk u bro nono1973 for the comprehensive guide & answering my doubts on batam. Hopefully got chance can join u in yr trips so i can try other booking joint in yr list.

Hope i didn't bore anyone with my fr.
Old 17-01-2015, 03:41 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

SGD to Rupiah Exchange Rate :

Old 18-01-2015, 04:25 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Seems like almost everything's price is on its way up now. If you are in Formosa now,so am i.
Hello bro nono,how was yr trip?

Yr last update was til 13/01/15,the rest?

Old 18-01-2015, 04:41 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

"15 feb,thu i go to batam for 2d1n base on bro nono1973's guide & map." I think it should be 15th Jan. I was there too for 3d2n. Eat at restaurant too, but didn't see you. maybe u went late or early, there restaurant was book by some tour agencies.
Old 18-01-2015, 06:19 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Just got back from another 2d1n trip from batam. Took the Saturday 9.40am horizon ferry back from habourfront. Damn it was crowded and packed. First time going on a Saturday and realised what a popular destination batam is, with all the families, friends, couples and horny men I see. Upon disembarking from the ferry, simply have a feeling that batam is influxed with Singaporeans (just like how little India is influxed with bangalas on weekends).

Anyway got a cab to formosa for 50k. I din bother to bargain. Just feel that while I'm willing to spend like 100sgd on a lady, I won't try to save that extra 1 or 2sgd on taxi.

Checking into formosa was a breeze, though there were groups of Singaporeans also checking in at the same time. Kudos to the hotel for that. Went up to the room, took a crap (hehe) and made a phone call for incall massage from Kings. Satisfactory massage and did not have anything kinky though she did offer.

Walked over to nagoya hill mall to buy mineral water (yes, I drink a lot of water and I'm lazy to boil any myself) and some tidbits. Of course buying mineral water was not the highlight. Headed up to my favourite KFC and got myself a 9-piece spicy chicken bucket and ta bao back to hotel to eat. Yes, I did manage to finish 7 pieces from that bucket at one go back at the hotel. And hence my nick xiaopang. Ya.. and nowadays I only eat KFC in batam... 140k for 9 pieces plus 1 large coke! Even our singapore kopitiam western food stall also cannot get the price.

Anyway, after stuffing the 7 pieces of chicken into my stomach, had to walk it off man. Went out of the hotel and go walk around have a peek at the other "KFCs "- those that sell chickens with boobs and pussy.

Walked to new berlian first and only 10 ladies there- only dinosaurs and grannies there at that time. Lazy to walk further, u turned back towards formosa and went into dynasty- only 4 dinosaurs inside there. Crossed over to queens, also 5 ladies I side only, and quite unappetising.

So I stepped out of Queens and was approached by a "taxi driver". Usually I don't bother with them, but just happened yesterday I was in a mood for some chit chat, so listened to what he had to offer.

Showed me new berry namecard, and say bring me there find girl for 70k (hahahaha!!!)

.... will continue slightly later... bus gonna reach home liao

Last edited by xiaopangge69; 18-01-2015 at 06:24 PM. Reason: typo- due to fat fingers typing on hp
Old 18-01-2015, 08:10 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Continuation from previous post:

And so, the "taxi driver" offered to bring me to new berry to find char bor for a fare of 70k. Hahaha I jus LOL and told him with 70k I can go back singapore already la. Then told him 20k max.. then he just reply: ok anything la, let's go.. Yup seems like new berry is a joint "blacklisted" by some bros out here. But nevermind la, just take a look no harm one. And partly also because 不到黄河心不死 never go to yellow river, heart won't die.

Stepping into new berry, first observation was that it seems like the dinosaurs, piglets and pork chops sat on the left, while the more decent looking once sat on the right. So automatically, my eyes were trained on the right side. The okt asked me what kinda lady i was looking for. Told him, ermm pretty ones lor. His straight reply: most important is good service. Pretty but bad service or play pattern also no use. Yes, agree with his statement theoretically. But in my mind thinking, practically, how I know whether service us good if haven't try yet. What if not pretty then still bad service then how?? Lagi terok la..

I just sat there and looked on the right side, semi-scrutinising the ladies on display (about 20 of them). Saw one lady whose look was totally my type. Scanned among them and looked back at her a few times, but she just kept having the poker face plus disinterested look. Only then I heart-brokenly struck her off. Ya, cuz my usual practice be it in geylang, batam or china is just not to select those ladies who look disinterested or poker face. Need the "feel" ba....

Saw a petite lady in who looked like she was in her early thirties. Nice face with a slight smile and SLENDER legs. (Digress abit: I'm a sucker for slender legs and it's the top criteria for me. No boobs I still can accept, but if tree trunk legs then it's confirm a big NO. And ya there's also a difference between slender legs and chopsticks legs wor. I guess my infatuation with slender legs may have to do with my short dick la.. hahahaha if thighs too thick then short dick will only be bonking the thighs, cannot reach the pussy at all.. hahaha).

So I picked that petite lady for 800k. I will think the "taxi driver commission " is included in the 800k. Paid up and waited for the lady to pack her stuff then the "taxi driver " drove both of us back to formosa. On reaching formosa, I just hopped out of the taxi without giving the 20k we discussed about just now. And he also din ask me for it. So I just left it as it is... probably earned enough from the new berry commission.

Back in the hotel room, I just passed the TV remote control to the lady for her to keep herself entertained. I just continue to be engrossed on the shows on my ipad, lying on my side of the bed, back facing her without touching her. Basically no communication or conversation. Because her ingriss is non-existent and my bahasa is handicapped. After 3 hours on the ipad, turned around to take a small break. Then turned to face my lady and hugged her. Started to touch her thighs then back then boobs then progressed from there. She was very responsive and I had a good time with her. She had to put a towel under her backside to prevent her juices from wetting the bed... and we had a one hour love making session. Foreplay her slowly like she's my girlfriend and she had passionate response too.

Dinner time, and I was lazy to go out. I was just stuck on the ipad shows. Told my lady we order room service. And so she had ayam bakar rice while I ordered the Taiwanese beef noodle from that tea cafe at formosa (can't remember, but think is called tea time or something like that). The Taiwanese beef noodle soup taste like ba kut the wor... hehe not the soup taste I was expecting. But still, it was still quite ok for me....

And after dinner, continued watching on my ipad. Once again I back face her on the bed. Turned over again to rest and she came over to hug me and started touching me. Make me mari kita, which i returned her the favour. Touched and kissed her and very soon pussy wet again. And she came with just me playing with her clits and she stroking my dick. She is a real damn horny lady. And this love making session stretched to close to two hours. Niceeeeee and just the way I like it to be.

Washed up and I really needed to sleep. Been a tiring day. And she auto just come over and hug me to sleep. Niceeeeee feeling. I like. Problem us, I think she has a penchant for meaty bolster. Throughout the night, when the hug broke lose she will hug back tightly, and the cycle repeats. So was disturbed from my sleep on and off. Morning woke up at 9am and had another round before she left. Gave her 100k tips and she just took it and left.

And that about rounds up my this trip. My diary......
Old 18-01-2015, 08:11 PM
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Arrow Batam

Originally Posted by xiaopangge69 View Post
Just got back from another 2d1n trip from batam.
Next time jio you go Batam to eat KFC and "KFC".

Old 18-01-2015, 08:59 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

In that case this joint will by soon remove out from blacklist
Old 18-01-2015, 10:50 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by xiaopangge69 View Post

And that about rounds up my this trip. My diary......
Nice Juicy FR bro
Old 19-01-2015, 01:30 AM
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Thumbs up Re: Batam Info Thread

Just back from my 3d/2n from 16/1/2015 to 18/1/2015 trip - Friday till Sunday afternoon 12 noon, was joined by another 3 bros from here.

Appended just to share for this trip with my personal comments, we went to visit the joints at around 12 noon on both days -

1. Permata Indah -

A number of pretty good selection to my liking, my preference age 25-35 range, they do have younger pretty SYT with petite slender body. Picked 2 gals from here, 1 of them about 22 years old and the other 1 around 30), both Bro commented that the service is acceptable and worth the money paid; 1juta.

Spend the 1st evening at this joint ktv, took open area instead of the VIP room (it is foc) so that I can see those gals who are not booked for the day walking around or dancing. Biz not good on this day so after 10pm still have a good selection. Ordered 2 bottle of Bailey's and 2 jars of beer, total damage 1.6 juta for 3 of us with our gals.

Have a good numbers of gals at this joint so worth a visit, mummy not aggressive and you can take your time to pick.

2. Massage 8 -

Pass by it so decided to go in for a look, well all MILF and limited gals, took me just 3 minutes to head for the exit. Will not return unless good fr in future.

3. Sedona / Goldbird -

We went on 2 days as around 12 noon, 1st day left empty handed, most were MILF or with thick make-up and it is not to our liking.

On my 2nd day we encountered lousy PR from the OKT Eddy when we were there, this guy is damn rude and damn poor PR, anyway 1 bro got a gal age 22, slim and tall with B cup, cost him 1 juta.

This poor Bro who is on his virgin trip told us that the gal came at around 3pm, ordered food from hotel and after eating she went to sleep w/o fj. At 7pm when we gathered for dinner she is still sleeping and don't wanna join us for dinner so we proceed w/o her. After dinner we decided to checkout Alisan KTV ( we stayed at Formosa) so we went back to check this gal. Initially she said tired and wanna sleep some more then after some comms she said ok but wanna eat 1st, so we left her and the Bro to proceed to Alisan ktv 1st. An hr later, this Bro sms to say need help ( he cannot converse in Bahasa Indo.), with another Bro we went to his room and was told that he wanted to send the gal back due to bad service, gal after eating agreed to fj but was not interested to provide a proper service, it is so bad that this Bro cannot even get hard to penetrate her and she pissed him off. Spoke to the gal and she is not happy to stay as well so the 3 of us took a taxi to send her back to Sedona and to talk to the Okt Eddy. Told him since 3pm no fj at all so wanna get some money back or change gal but his attitude was damn fuck type and aggressive, he is not ready to entertain us at all, he said it took us too long/too late to come back to change or get refund, it is about 10.30pm at that time, well the problem is not with us that we came late - actually I feel it is not very late too, I see no point reasoning with him therefore we left empty handed.

Personally, I will not be going back to this joint for my future trips. On both days I saw most of the gals here are MLIF or with thick make-up and the OKT Eddy attitude really cannot make it, I don't need tip-top PR but the basic respect to customer must be there, I rather spend my money else where. Maybe this joint got good customers base now and his head swell, his attitude is like you better be fast, take it or leave it , we have a lot of customer so don't waste my time kind. I actually have good impression for Sedona after going thru this thread but this incident prove it wrong, the service level and quality of gals may not be as good as other joint. I have never got Okt with this attitude from any of the other joints so no more Sedona for me ever unless major change in attitude from the Okt.

4. After a/m for Sedona, we proceeded back to Alisan ktv. Time is running late at 11pm so instead of hitting round the bush asking the gals one by one whether they take overnite booking I managed to gather the gals at the receptionist counter maciam Papi myself lol. Picked a petite size gal about 25 years old from Bandung for this Bro, he enjoyed her company and got 2 shots for the nite, he is a happy man during breakfast. Total he paid 1.3juta for her company for the ktv session and overnite.

We have 24 cans of Heineken which cost us a total of 700k. For me I prefer sitting in the open area to hear others singing as well, the VIP room will charge 7k per hr.

Happening in VIP room, a Bro caught some live action when he went to check out the VIP room, let me try it out to confirm 1st lol.

Personally I would say this place is like a last minute 'rescue centre' if you cannot get a gal in the morning runs. For me the price is acceptable for the service rendered and quality is good - a good number of pretty gals with good body.

I spoke to 1 of the girl who don't take overnite booking, she carry herself much better than those girls we pick from the joints. She is poise and can hold a good conversation, the GFE is there for guys who want it, I will be back here to probe 'deeper' in future.

5. Blue Moon

Found this new joint at Komp. Harmoni Hotel. Saw about 10 gals between 20 -30 years old. About 3 gals is to my likings, I find price slightly higher but I am with driver and did not bargain so should be able to bring down the price, I did not follow-up to pick because I am getting my regular gal at another joint so I went in just to take a look, this place can check out it looks pretty ok and Okt is friendly. Will return to explore on my future trips.

6. New Berry

I took 2 different gals from this joint for 2 days, I am a returning customer to this joint as I do click with the Okt Atek as at this time, so far he is friendly and do give good recommendation. Both of my gals gives me good service, it is better than my 1st time with them which is already good but now it is better and I am praying for the best for subsequent coming trips lol. Personally, this place gives me good service with average looking gal 6/10 -7/10 maybe, there are some SYT thou which cost 1.5 juta, if you are looking for SYT is it better to go for Permata Indah which have a bigger pool of SYT for picking.

This trip is pretty good because we managed to explore a number of joints and with good company as well, except for the Sedona/ Gold Bird issue we do enjoy it and 2 of the Bros already planning next trip in 3 weeks time .

Last edited by ianlim; 19-01-2015 at 10:14 PM.
Old 19-01-2015, 11:27 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by wolverman View Post
I have been mongering close to 20 Yrs. My girl must have thought that i am ignorant. But he did mention that even if i manage to bargain from 700k to 600k, papi will still cut her share by 100k. Same for Sedona ojek tpt of rp30k which ultimately be borne by her too had i not foot the bill.
Hehehe...i seen your nick around this thread before i even joined this forum.

You just reminded me,a few months (Oct/Nov) ago,a couple of good service MILF left Gold Bird becos the papi/mami impose new rules in their joint. Till today,their joint's girls are always fully booked,even on weekdays...this is a mystery to

Originally Posted by wolverman View Post
Just that after so many boking with her, she still squeeze my wallet.
I seldom like to rtf same girl,but a few senior bros has advise me that if i were to give up a good service girl,and try others,chances are i may likely to waste some money during trying of the new girls that do not provide quality service comparing to those that does.It would be like gambling. So if the amount being over charged isnt too big an amount (10k or 20k extra),i would still give it a go but i will still continue to "shop" for others as alternatives.

Exactly the reason why i am constantly learning on "how to increase my chance of getting good service girl ..." so that i wont be held ransom by just the one or

Originally Posted by wolverman View Post
Wow. CNY HongBao. This the time OKT and Hotels really squeeze us dry. Stay away. KNN. In S$ somemore.
Something that i just learned,even tho i have made more than 12 trips to Batam. So next year (2016),i will book a room 3 months in advance...LOLOLOL....and then sell it off at a higher price to make Cheoing Batam and make money at the same

Originally Posted by Pickachew View Post
Overall rating : 7/10
Good to know you took the courage to make your 1st trip to batam and has enjoyed yourself fairly well. Better still,you only spend S$200 (i counted),excluding ferry,i suppose. Now i am sure you know what you are after in Batam and hope your next trip there will be much better than the one you have.


Basic Batam Info in One Link

Avoid quoting the whole post if you are replying to me in the thread


My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 19-01-2015, 01:11 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Kaboon View Post
Hello bro nono,how was yr trip?

Yr last update was til 13/01/15,the rest?

You know when i returned from Batam i am always super tired,so i need rest 1st. And this trip i do have lots of information to return back to this thread where i extract a lot from.

Give you a hint,i rate my recent Jan 2015 trip 8.5/10 (almost a 9/10),hehehe...

Full summary will be out later in the week tho (havent start writing).

Originally Posted by xiaopangge69 View Post
Yup seems like new berry is a joint "blacklisted" by some bros out here. But nevermind la, just take a look no harm one. And partly also because 不到黄河心不死 never go to yellow river, heart won't die.
Nice FR with a fair rating and matured description,bro. *salute*

The "new" New Berry (beside a bird shop)has just been release from being Black Listed as the most recent 5 FRs from this joint shows tremendous improvement,which i had also personally verified in my last 3 trips (Nov,Dec,Jan). I just want to be sure that they have stop their previous nonsense which result in their ban during end of 2013 and early 2014 (which i havent even been around).

Originally Posted by justfun View Post
In that case this joint will by soon remove out from blacklist
As verified by the masses and the many bros,it has been remove out from being in the blacklisting.

I might try Morena and Pas Massage in my future trips (not the upcoming Feb trip tho),so as to try to un-ban those that are banned or at least try to give them a 2nd chance. Reason is simple, if one person try one girl in one joint and had a bad time,it doesnt 100% means the joint is no good,but if a couple of bros tried one joint and all their experience are no good,then it result in a ban or be in the black list so as to warn others against wasting time and money.

Heaven only give me 1 dick,so i can only try 1 or 2 girls from 1 or 2 joint/s each month.Today i have create and bring along more than 10 other dicks to Batam each month,so i get 1st hand FRs that at most time isnt even shared in this thread. Disclaimer here,note that i use the word "create" and i do not physically bring more than 10 dicks to Batam each month,but my guides did some work. And with the other good bros who arent with me and yet willing to share their FRs in this thread regarding their trips,i can more or less analyse if a particular joint should be banned/unbanned or should it be given a thumbs up...hehehe... (my opinion).

One man's meat can be another man's poison theory still apply.

Originally Posted by ianlim View Post
Just back from my 2 days trip from Friday till this afternoon, was joined by another 3 bros from here.
I guess your trip is a 3D2N?

By the way,i have just convey your FULL message to Robert at the same time suan him a bit on his current girl's

Anyway,the better MM girls are mostly either "sold" or "sick" when i visited,so they have very little girls left on display at the moment. No point going there to take the girls that already grew "horns" on their head now. It will be until next month when more girls turns up. I should have ask for the photo from you which i forgot,otherwise can suan Robert even,almost forgot...i also manage to walk over to suan Uncle Sonny too (also had a runaway girl incident not stated in this thread),which by chance is also Robert's neighbour...

*i hope they (OKTs) will learn from my honest feedbacks.

For your info,in year 2014 my best girl (9/10 SYT that gives me a wake up bbbj) i had when i visit Batam was from MM,but the 1st and only girl i rejected ;and also my WORST (2/10) is also from there (remember? i reject and have to top up 500k for a new one)

Originally Posted by ianlim View Post
5. Blue Moon

Found this new joint at Komp. Harmoni Hotel. Saw about 10 gals between 20 -30 years old. About 3 gals is to my likings, I find price slightly higher but I am with driver and did not bargain so should be able to bring down the price, I did not follow-up to pick because I am getting my regular gal at another joint so I went in just to take a look, this place can check out it looks pretty ok and Okt is friendly. Will return to explore on my future trips.
Huh? New booking joint?

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