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Old 18-07-2015, 03:04 AM
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Batam on Ramadhan 2015 (#3a - THURSDAY MORNING)

(Follows from Batam on Ramadhan 2015 #2 - WEDNESDAY)
(Series of reports of my visit around the end of June. Yes, sorry, I am late!)

Suprise! At 9:15am sharp, I am sleeping deeply, when they call my phone and ring at my door. I cannot believe that. They are back!

They are still two: TW and A, but now dressed normally with jeans and t-shirt. They REALLY went back to their room, slept a while, changed clothes, and drove back on bike to my room, sharp on time as promised.
I am very sleepy and I think it cannot be real. I jump off the bed and I welcome them at the door, wearing only my underpants. They don't seem embarrassed for that.

One (A) starts sleeping on the sofa, the other (TW) enters my bed but does not want to undress. She just says "Just sleep, tired". After a long effort (more than 20 minutes, a short time in some circumstances, but a huge wait in others), I manage to remove her clothes, one after the other, like peeling an onion.
Jacket. Kiss. T-shirt "so hot here!". Kiss. Under shirt. Kiss kiss kiss. Pants go "wow - so hot – why blue jeans under the sheet in bed", till the last layer. Simply fantastic. She's not a photo-model, but she's tender and sweet and HOT.

No way to involve the other. She keeps on sleeping, or pretending to sleep. I dare to ask why coming with friend to visit me in my room, but her reply is disarming: "we always stay together".

At one point, she becomes very noisy. I am usually silent, but I begin to make noise too, attempting to wake up her girlfriend. I bonk her in all positions, under and above sheets. After a while, we are resting and her girlfriend stands up and goes straight to the bathroom.

DRAMA: TW starts to lament "Problem! She saw me naked with you!". I don't see the problem, based on how things developed so far, but I comply. I help her to redress. Before the friend comes out of the bathroom, I say I want to leave her a gift because I know how hard she works to live in Batam. I put 1M in her purse, saying I want to see her again WITH HER GIRLFRIEND. I think 500k would have been more appropriate, but I want to lure them both in my bed.

Tough challenge. Will I be successful? I still have 5 days in Batam.

(Follows to Batam on Ramadhan 2015 #3b - THURSDAY AFTERNOON)
Old 18-07-2015, 07:30 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Link up means : We meet for coffee,tea,a smoke or perhaps if time allows,breakfast/lunch or dinner (if nearby Hotel we stay). Subject to both your schedule and mine.

Just link up bro nono. Maybe next month if our time matches. i got my girl already, she is working at alishan ktv atm. hope that she and i wont trouble you much, coz she is an muslim so quite picky when choosing dinner or lunch.
Old 18-07-2015, 09:35 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

SGD to Rupiah Exchange Rate :

Old 18-07-2015, 12:29 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
If you wish to link up,simply PM me on that day when you are there,if you wish to tag along or join me in my trip,read my July 2015 Batam Trip Itinerary. In case you didnt know,you have the better chance to join as i see you have share an FR in this thread before. When you share an FR before,it means i know you from this thread as someone who shared positively,but to be fair to those who PMed me, i will still need an intro of yourself etc etc as stated below :
Mayb can link up wit u on yr 2nd day.

Will pm u on 27th wen i arrived.
Old 18-07-2015, 09:35 PM
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Batam on Ramadhan 2015 (#3b - THURSDAY AFTERNOON)

(Follows from Batam on Ramadhan 2015 #3a - THURSDAY MORNING)

As I reported before, yesterday (Wednesday) I did my preliminary recce of 5 joints among the dozen available, collecting the names of most interesting girls on business cards. However, today I am more in the mood of alleviating my nostalgia for the past. The couple of girls (NA & YA) who entertained me during my last afternoon in March ( item (a) ) are still working in the same place (NO, I don't say what place among the 5 listed before ). Once I write them an SMS and they recognize me, they start flooding me with "come booking me" (pls note: "booking", not "bonking").

Promptly executed. I go there around 2pm. I wave at papi standing near the front door (closed). I am escorted to the back door. I say "Hi" to my two smiling girls and there's no need to say more. I bargain a discount with papi (2.1M instead of 2.2M for the two) and bye-bye.

Well, it is SO GOOD to hold two lovely young bodies close to me. Their smile is amazing. It makes me feel reborn. A dream comes true. I feel in Paradise with them in my arms. Three bodies holding tight in my large bed (one of the reasons I always go to Formosa is the 3-some size of their beds). Love is great!

They look almost SYT, but they are not. One is 30 and has 2 kids, the other is 22 and has 1 kid already, but who cares about their biography? Two lovely girls, GFE at best, even if they are professional workers and have a record of months of past bookings already.

Old Monger's Wisdom says that one should not repeat and take the same girl again, because the second experience usually does not match the first. But - and I highlight BUT - if you treat girls as Queens the first time, including a very good tip, they will treat you as a King the second time. Guaranteed.
To say it fully, they sadly told me how often they provide good service to unkind customers, just because they take their job seriously, to receive back only a little tip and no care at all. (Anybody reading this may admit such behaviour?)

They know I respect them, so for me it is not just bonking bodies. They take their job seriously. Even play between them modestly, although not lesbian at all. Just because they want me happy.
I love them, indeed! Why Indonesian girls can be so special? Not in many countries you can experience this.
Interestingly, they say nobody books two girls at once. I am the only one who did it with them. Yes I am special.

After 3 happy hours in my room, we go out for eating to Nagoya Hill. I feel the eyes of friendly receptionist ladies on me, while I do my walk of shame in front of the reception desk accompanied by the two girls, one at left one at right. Embarrassing to say the least. After eating, they gently probe me if I really want them all night.
Yes, booking is till next morning, but of course my answer is NOT!
I would be delighted to sleep in sandwich between those two lovely girls, but my mind is always agitated: while I am in bed with them, what happens outside?? At NoName?? At Newton?? WHAT FURTHER ADVENTURES MIGHT BE WAITING ME??

So, I release them with the usual good tip and two dozens of JCo donuts to bring back to their rooms, for sharing with kids and friends. Yes, an overall expensive afternoon, after an expensive morning, but where else could I experience all this? Certainly not in my home country, neither in KL or Singapore. I should not miss Paradise when I find the door. Priceless.

We go back to my room to let them collect their stuff. Then, one more surprise: would you believe that one of them began to cry hugging me tight when we said bye? The other was speechless staring at her... I think more surprised than me. I never saw anything like that. I was confused. I just caressed her head on my chest.
Why some people treats these nice girls as objects after booking them? There are treasures hidden in Batam. And most people does not even recognize that.

(Follows to Batam on Ramadhan 2015 #3c - THURSDAY NIGHT)
Old 19-07-2015, 09:43 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by micmac888 View Post
I can bring us there if you wish. I have to eat and do my marketing at Mitra (sundays) anyways. If confirm or anything else do pm me. Cheers !
Cool,i hope you could bring us there,since my friend may not know the whereabout of the exact location of Momo. There is no obligation,and only under the circumstances that it does not affect your regular schedule on that day. I will PM you a day before (25th July) my actual trip on 26th of July.Be prepare for a few vehicles following behind you tho,hehehe...

Where to have dinner would become much easier after if the brunch in Momo is settled.

Thank you,bro.

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
But you Nono caught my point: most of the fun is carrying the bomb itself to my home (actually my parents' home), passing two border customs, 1 hour on Singapore's MRT, Changi check-in, then once arrived showing people the strange thing, smell it, open it, taste it.
The clothes that has the capabilities to cover the durian scent,hehehe...that caught my attention. The clothes manage to cover the scent of the durian from Batam custom,to Harbour Front custom,then to the sillypore MRT station and later at Changi Airport...all the way to other airports of other parts of the world.

Interesting clothes you got in your luggage.

Lucky custom officers too.i believe they should have all seen the durian in the luggage scanners. Perhaps they all did not have the courage to get past the "clothes"...hehehe...

**this paragraph is just joke**

Originally Posted by mighty_mouse View Post
Alamak... the date clash with my trip to Bolehland... wish Bro nono1973 n guys have a great time there n a safe trip.
Dont worry about it,bro...I can totally understand,hence i always ask bros who show their wish/es to join me in my trips to ONLY PM me when my itinerary are out becos much often,i planned my trip date to the least of one's expectation or i should say,rather odd dated where not many would be able to fit in. And most bros who PMed me expressing their intention to join me after READING my itinerary gets a higher chance to join me.

How do i know if they read? Easy...anyone PM-ing me asking me WHEN i am going for my Batam trip after i wrote my itinerary in this thread obviously didnt read them,hehehe...and dont think it wouldnt happen,i already received 2 of such PMs already,hehehe...which i of course wont waste my time to reply. (i am sorry to the 2 bros,but i strongly believe any sane person would think you are joking)

After organizing a few group trips to Batam,i am beginning to understand better the online behavior of most individual. Hence having an itinerary beforehand and some terms and conditions are necessary. I learn those the hard way.

Perhaps next time if i have the time,i may do a write out on some totally irrelevant and "out of this world" Private Massages (aka PM) i received. I do save most of my PMs on a word file before removing them,hehehe...

Originally Posted by mighty_mouse View Post
Looking forward to Bro nono1973 Aug trip (if any) ...
Yes,there will always be Aug trip,Sept trip,Oct trip,Nov trip and so on. I go to Batam once a month and i planned my every Batam trip almost thoroughly if i know its gonna be a newbie learn-together group trip.

7 more days to Batam...and counting down.

Basic Batam Info in One Link

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 19-07-2015, 11:41 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
...have just bookmarked your Mexiomo Pub Wan Tan Mee maybe use it the future Batam Food Listing in this thread if you dont mind,hehehe...
Not at all, certainly

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Cool,i hope you could bring us there,since my friend may not know the whereabout of the exact location of Momo... (snip).. will PM you a day before (25th July) my actual trip on 26th of July. Be prepare for a few vehicles following behind you tho,hehehe...
LOL a convoy ! hmmm... maybe get a polisi bike-motorcade too ! Now THAT would be too-kool LOOOOL. Jokes aside, OK, Sounds like a plan.
Dun be late
I won't wait
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Old 19-07-2015, 01:01 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Cool,i hope you could bring us there,since my friend may not know the whereabout of the exact location of Momo. There is no obligation,and only under the circumstances that it does not affect your regular schedule on that day. I will PM you a day before (25th July) my actual trip on 26th of July.Be prepare for a few vehicles following behind you tho,hehehe...

Where to have dinner would become much easier after if the brunch in Momo is settled.

Thank you,bro.

no worry bro,, i already visit the place twice. in fact, i just had it couple hours ago.. u got bro micmac & me, u sure will reach at momo
Old 19-07-2015, 01:47 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by MiG27 View Post
Thanks....Im aware Indorasa is a hotel too.
Maybe next time I just point...think they are smart enough.
If choose the room option, will they send a more prettier ML?
Yes,you got it,bro.

Next time just point to the 3 hour transit price sign 1st,afterwhich point to the massage sign. They will know what you mean. Tho you pay 100k for the room,you dont need to pay outcall charge (you still pay the normal per hour massage),so you save in a way too.

Hehehe...they will send a random girl to the room. According to those taxi drivers at the ground floor area,hehehe....all their girls there are MILF of at least 30 and above of age (some at their 40s). Average look wise are about 6/10,i guess. The reason why i am there are becos of the dick massage aka vitalitas,hehehe...


Originally Posted by micmac888 View Post
Ate 3 MSW (4KG) for ~ SG40
Very good information shared,bro. I like Durian too,but i try to avoid taking food or fruits that will cause over heatiness when i am oversea. Just a precaution to cut the risk on myself against falling ill. Nothing to do with the quality of the durian,but more on my poorly structured body.

Thanks for sharing bro.

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 19-07-2015, 02:00 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Yes,you got it,bro.

Next time just point to the 3 hour transit price sign 1st,afterwhich point to the massage sign. They will know what you mean. Tho you pay 100k for the room,you dont need to pay outcall charge (you still pay the normal per hour massage),so you save in a way too.

Hehehe...they will send a random girl to the room. According to those taxi drivers at the ground floor area,hehehe....all their girls there are MILF of at least 30 and above of age (some at their 40s). Average look wise are about 6/10,i guess. The reason why i am there are becos of the dick massage aka vitalitas,hehehe...

Thanks, Bro Nono.
I find the vitalitas quite effective, at least for me. Passing urine is more smoother in some ways. Erection also more frequent. I guess it should translate to better sexual performance.

Ramadan over liao....time to plan my trip also.
Old 19-07-2015, 02:19 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nescafeGold View Post
... in fact, i just had it couple hours ago.. u got bro micmac & me, u sure will reach at momo
Was there too... ĺoool... could have seen each other but dunno who other party was.
Dun be late
I won't wait
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Old 19-07-2015, 03:21 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Anyone able to share which girl to pick at delta? preferably syt type and not fat...
Old 19-07-2015, 04:19 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
The clothes that has the capabilities to cover the durian scent,hehehe...that caught my attention. The clothes manage to cover the scent of the durian from Batam custom,to Harbour Front custom,then to the sillypore MRT station and later at Changi Airport...all the way to other airports of other parts of the world.
Interesting clothes you got in your luggage.

Lucky custom officers too.i believe they should have all seen the durian in the luggage scanners. Perhaps they all did not have the courage to get past the "clothes"...hehehe...
**this paragraph is just joke**
You are wrong. Clothes DO NOT BLOCK durian scent. The smell was strong all around me along the path. But that's the point: when there is durian smell on a MRT car, what would you do? Stop it, call a SWAT team, force everyone to open luggage to see WHO carrying it?

Custom officers do not look for fruit. I routinely carry 10 kg various fruit with me every time I come back from Batam, to bring back to my home country. But not smelly durian: just mangos, manggis, rambutan, etc.
They look for bottles and tobacco.

Last edited by Black Page; 19-07-2015 at 06:41 PM.
Old 19-07-2015, 09:17 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by micmac888 View Post
Was there too... ĺoool... could have seen each other but dunno who other party was.
i was there around 9.30-10. with my buddy.
Old 20-07-2015, 11:00 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by 1stClass View Post
Actually now in SG can also get 1kg for $12, no need to travel so far.
The place where I bought my durians, he sold me MSW for $12/KG.
Recently news says nw mao shan wang durian selling as low as $10 a kg. My place selling @ $12 a kg.

Tis version of durian has a few grade too.

Originally Posted by micmac888 View Post
Still hungry, I boi tahan - ordered the jumbo version. Wakow.... taste and texture totally changed. A bro here said that jumbo versions will taste different and I concur. The ratio of cooking time vis-a-vis noodle-amount vis-a-vis sauce-amount vis-a-vis other-ingredients-amount was not balanced. I should have ordered 2 extra standard portions where everything was far balanced. LOL.
agree w u. i normally only order the smaller bowl,2 bowl if i'm hungry. If it's the bigger sized version,the taste of the mee seems to chg.

Last edited by iicycold; 20-07-2015 at 11:11 AM.
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