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Old 31-08-2015, 09:59 AM
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Yo bros, anyone heading over to batam today? I know is malaysia national day on the 31st and 1st and price might go up? No choice lol , leave hard to get, if bros wana meet up for food or anything do let me know will be going over batam in the afternoon
Old 31-08-2015, 11:08 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Chrisng21 View Post
Yo bros, anyone heading over to batam today? I know is malaysia national day on the 31st and 1st and price might go up? No choice lol , leave hard to get, if bros wana meet up for food or anything do let me know will be going over batam in the afternoon
Doubt there will be price increase. Not Chinese new year nor major holiday where demand is so high.
I will have headache if I dont see a strange piece of pussy every day

Old 31-08-2015, 11:15 AM
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Oh ok, thanks for the prompt reply, taking lunch and waiting to take ferry soon...looking forward to it haha let me know if anyone wants to meet up

Cheers bros
Old 31-08-2015, 11:16 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

I hope some kind bros can help:
If I want some day adventure, which massage place is 'good'.
So far, I see only funs at nights.
Thank you so much.
(I mean I'm not staying. Will go back in the afternoon same day.
Old 31-08-2015, 11:53 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Soi6 View Post
Football is a plus for sure but even Nine Days no have football. Anyway I prefer watch footbal in one of the NED bars.
Tho formosa hotel do have soccer channel,but i still prefer to watch it outside center point where there is an open air pub with a big screen. Most time in Batam i have my laptop in my "full pack" (full batte,and most time hotels (be it 2 stars ot 3 stars) has LCD TVs,and all the time,LCD TVs will have either a VGA port or HDMI port,hehehe...connect to the internet and watch whatever channel i wish to watch,hehehe...

Originally Posted by nescafeGold View Post
Actually bro, this is quite common in north sumatra, a.k.a the land of karo. That dishis actually named Babi Panggang Karo (BBQ Pork of Karo). North sumatra region mostly inhabited by Batak Tribe. This tribe of people does eat pork & dog meat except some minority who are actually muslim.
Seems rare in Batam. So far in this thread only see bro Micmac post about BBQ pork. And its like so far

Originally Posted by Naka_Timo View Post
Yes, usually all this smaller type one will not have.
Oh,i didnt know that. City Central Hotel was my 1st 2 star hotel. I guess most people who travels to Batam just need a bed,wifi and their room service's services,hehehe...i was hoping to pay for a 2 star with 3-4 star standard in my last

Originally Posted by localbest View Post
Some parts of Indonesia like in Java or Sumatra whereby most of the Indonesian Chinese are unable to converse in mandarin are due to the fact that Chinese language are not allowed to be learnt in school, until recently few years ago.
Hmm...reminds me why i need to smuggle Chinese Newspaper from Sillypore to Jakarta for my parent's colleague when i travel there as a kid.

Originally Posted by localbest View Post
However majority of the chinese in riau islands especially the 4Bs like batam, bintan, balai, batu can understand and speak fluent mandarin. The reason is because these places are close to spore and are able to receive spore channel 8. The effect of TV broadcast is very powerful. By watching mandarin TV program, they will gradually pick up the language unknowingly.
i see,i see...thank you for your suggestion on learning the Indo language. All noted and with thanks.

Originally Posted by miumiu6464 View Post
Very good advice when it comes to learning a foreign language. Songs, may I add, is also another avenue when you can pick up a language, especially those lingo spoken by the people vs those taught in books.
Songs is a good idea. I think google translate also helps quite a bit. Most time i use google translate to talk to girls. Most of my other friends uses google translate to talk to girls via wechat/watsapp,and when they are able to strike a conversation and over some time they will more or less learn to pick at least a few basic sentences to talk to the indo girls.

Perhaps i should really start learning Bahasa indo language from my next trip onward,hehehe...lets see how i fare in my Bahasa Indo after my 40th Batam trip summary in this thread,hehehe...

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Old 31-08-2015, 01:38 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Xyborg View Post
Just finish reading ur trips up the 14th trip.
Make me very tempted to go :O But me newbie 1st timer hopefully can join those regular for some guides
Thank you for reading,i hope you are able to learn something out of it.

Originally Posted by Xyborg View Post
basically overnight houses girls are like a "whole day" social escort?
Nope,its both day and night. Early noon/late noon till next morning. They will be inexperience as a social escort unlike those in Sillypore,just take them as your companion who will allow you to bonk them.

Originally Posted by Xyborg View Post
You can bring them out to walk , for lunch/dinner, for movies or massage, (but of course you have to pay for them)?
Yes,you may take them out for a walk,lunch and dinner,movies or massage (avoid shopping if you are new). And yes,you need to pay for all their expenses.

Originally Posted by Xyborg View Post
so what if you don't want to bring them along for movies or so, they just gonna sit in their hotel and sleep?
Yes,if you choose not to bring them out they will need to stay in your room. Depending on the characteristic of your girl you pick,do not leave them alone in the room for too long as there will be chances that they will run away,back to their joints or perhaps bring their friends to your room.(hmm..over the last 6 months,runaway cases seem to have lessen,other than Morena joint) Tho it is rare that booking joint girls will make off with your in-room stuffs,it is still YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to keep your money and valuable safe.

Originally Posted by Xyborg View Post
the overnight houses girls all ok with unlimited shots one ah?
Not all,but the limits are usually 3 shots. DO NOT bring the mentality that i pay S$X in Batam,i should be treat like a King/Prince like SOME newbie/1st time Sillyporean who visit Batam,then it is sad to say...Batam may not be suitable for him.

In most of my trips (90% time),i get unlimited shots. I am humble,courteous and do not show off,i also do not communicate in Bahasa Indo with any Indonesians nor am i one who will pay big money thru my nose to get my way around. i am stingy as many has known me here. I fork out S$1 and expect a S$0.20 service value at most time but nearly all the time (90%) i got a S$5 worth in return value as compare to most 1st and 3rd world country in this globe.

Originally Posted by Xyborg View Post
or need special request and ask mami find for you?
If you ask or request,the answer given are usually 3 shots,whether you cum or not. Meaning if you start bonking in room at 2pm,30 mins later you have a 10mins break,tcss with the girl a bit and then continue,it is usually counted as a 2nd shots if you cum. Thats if you got yourself a fussy girl.

Originally Posted by Xyborg View Post
i do like the idea of having 5 shots in a night with a SYT, for the price of 1mill-1.5mill~ lol. so much cheaper compared to thais/local fls.
You will be considered as lucky if your SYT dont runaway.

I answer base on my understanding of a newbie when they are having doubts. At times i answered their doubts even before they ask. Read on...

My mentality is like that,i booked a girl..i try to build some basic chemistry with her,and had my 1st shot.Sometimes,i will ask her jokingly how many shots can i go.If she likes me,she will tell me unlimited or as many as i can. If not,she will just tell me 3 shots or maybe even 2.

If her answers are 2 shots or 3 shots,my solution will be massage center if i need more shots. I walk to a massage place,usually cost me 70k to 120k/hr,special for HJ are usually 100k to 150k after bargain,FJ is usually 200k-300k after bargaining (300k or more usually means i get chopped) and when i say this,it also depends on where the massage places is (Hotel,MP or Spa type).If you are REALLY good with bargaining like some of my local indo friend/s i knew, 50k rupiah per shot is totally possible,but if you dont bargain at all,S$80-S$100 per shot (talking about both hj/fj) is not entirely impossible.

So far i have very little chance to come to this point which i called Plan B. This is my usual alternatives for an "in case all else fail" situation.

I usually have one key advise for newbies,dont hold too high expectation,be humble,be nice,dont show off and always bargain down most things that has no price menu.

My answers to your questions are base solely on just my personal perspective. Other bros may have a different view point base on their experience.

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Old 31-08-2015, 04:16 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

am at formosa now. one stupid question, MacDonald is on my left or towards city plaza side? do they do delivery to hotel?
Old 31-08-2015, 04:21 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by gab23 View Post
am in formosa now. one stupid question, MacDonald is on my left or towards city plaza side? do they do delivery to hotel?
Standing at the entrance of formosa, facing the direction of relax massage, macdonald is on your left.

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Time in Paradise is up. Looking forward to the next trip soon.
Old 31-08-2015, 04:23 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by gab23 View Post
am at formosa now. one stupid question, MacDonald is on my left or towards city plaza side? do they do delivery to hotel?
Alternatively,you may go to Formosa hotel reception to ask them order it for you,hehehe...

And have them send it to your room.

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Old 31-08-2015, 04:33 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

kohonly and nono, thank you all for ur reply. suddenly have an urge for mac, is it far? tried searching online, it says at harmoni, i open map find, got 2 harmoni
Old 31-08-2015, 04:43 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by gab23 View Post
..suddenly have an urge for mac, is it far? tried searching online, it says at harmoni, i open map find, got 2 harmoni
The Harmoni Hotel that is opposite Goodway Hotel.

Out of front door of Formosa Hotel...turn left and walk straight. About 10mins walk base on Sillyporean foot speed,hehehe...


* for Mcdonald food,i usually just dial for them to deliver

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Old 31-08-2015, 04:49 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

ya, just realise have a direction option when i google it. now following map to mac.

problem for calling is i dunno wat they have and worry call center only speaks malay.
for delivery, they send to room or i have to go lobby collect?
Old 31-08-2015, 04:58 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by gab23 View Post
problem for calling is i dunno wat they have and worry call center only speaks malay.
for delivery, they send to room or i have to go lobby collect?
If you ask receptionist to call for you,they will be send to your room or you can collect from reception,its up to you (you may wish to double check with the reception). Mcdonald menu quite standard,but i dont think they have a fish meal or anything pork tho.

Talk to reception,they speak your language.

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Old 31-08-2015, 05:05 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

thanks, will try next time. after lunch will share wechat scare
Old 31-08-2015, 05:40 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by CelestialBeing View Post
Completely agree bro, i know i screwed up when i took up his offer, i think i was abit nervous and too keen to get things done ASAP.
Honestly,you are making small mistakes,those were the ones that would help you grow up in your cheonging in Batam. Being nervous and being a little over enthusiastic is a common sign for most newbies (if not all). That is why i always say i stand on a newbie ground when i wrote my Beginner's Walk-Through Guide for 1st Time Batam Visitor a year plus ago and today,i will never be able to write using that same mentality again becos i can no longer stand 100% in a newbie's perspective. The max i can do is only imagine and illustrate myself as a newbie. And if i were to write the newbie guide again,believe would never be better as i am no longer in the psychological state of mind of a newbie (especially on the part of their recklessness,shyness,lack of confident when in an unfamiliar place/s,too high expectation or dont know what to expect,getting excited,dont know who to trust,communication issues etc etc).

Originally Posted by CelestialBeing View Post
Yea this is pretty much what happened, the taxi driver will try to chop u from that point onwards when u take up his offer. Luckily i did not agree with all his suggestion, including bringing me to eat seafood, which im quite certain he will be suggesting golden prawn lol, the famous tourist trap restaurant.
Good! I always try my best to put myself in someone's shoe when replying to an FR. One day you will also need to venture into those tourist trap restaurants,like Golden Prawn,Wey Wey,Harbour Bay Sea food,Windsor Food Court's Sea food etc and learn not to get chopped.

Originally Posted by CelestialBeing View Post
Will definitely book formosa on my next trip lol.. i prefer to get started early, so any early check in before 12am will definitely in be in my favor.
This part i didnt need to say more. Until you are more stable,then feel free to change to another hotel,hehehe...

Originally Posted by CelestialBeing View Post
I agree, newbies need to be firm in instructing ur supir where to bring u to, don't let him lead u on. Where u want to go for massage, where u want to go eat, which joints u want to visit, etc. Have to say i didnt do that well with regards to the eating part and massage part, but luckily i stand firm on not visiting some joints he suggested, well in this case, Morena joints.
Have an itinerary,know where you wish to go,take a taxi to go there should not be too difficult a task for any newbie. Thats why my itinerary are always in this thread for my own review as well as for the public reference. I know where i wish to stay,i know where i wish to go from where i stay and then how to reach where i wish to go can then be discussed and commented further. At time,there will also be better suggestions in this thread for me too,hehehe...

Trust me,even if someone is wheel-chair bound,as long as he can reach Formosa Hotel,from Food,booking girls to KTV ,up to massage with is already under a single roof as long as he brings enough money. But whether there will be fun or not will be another story (luck is an important factor),hehehe...

Originally Posted by CelestialBeing View Post
Thats reassuring to hear, with regards to how much i paid at Sawadee massage, i can't really recall, but its definitely below 200k.
Thank you for sharing.

Originally Posted by CelestialBeing View Post
Luckily i personally requested the driver to bring me to goldbird after visiting a few joints and can't decide to book any ceweks
So,its not all bad huh?

I am glad you at least read the Batam Newbie Guide and the warning on my signature regarding the Banned Joint.

Thank you for being wise.

Originally Posted by CelestialBeing View Post
I'm not sure about the name, but the way they operate is that, they will bring in a variety of dishes to put on your table, den they will charge u according to what u eat. I'm not that comfortable with that arrangement so i just ate some rice, a plate of eggs and a plate of fried chicken, thankfully my girl was also reluctant to just dig in, she just ate whatever i picked. I guess even she knows that place is a tourist trap.For that i was charged 100k.
Without a name,I cant really comment much. And like i say earlier,as long the meals is not those crazy 500k to 700k for 2 pax kind of bill,you are absolutely fine.

Originally Posted by CelestialBeing View Post
Lucky lucky hahaha hope can try some "commando style" cewek in the future haha, for all my 4 shots i have to be the one initiating, but i see a few lucky bros whose girl wake them up in the middle of the night for sex hahaha. I guess that when it comes to how most cewek will be reluctant in providing BJ.
I can live with it too.
You will have a chance,bro. But unlikely to be SYT. Try the MILF or the semi SYT. Cheaper with better service. Alternative,tell papi or mami you want those girls that can fuck all night kind,hehehe...they will know what you mean. But try to be friendly and if her service is good,dont forget to tip. If not good,try again in next trip/next night.

I have met up with some of those you called "lucky bros", is also not every trip that they will be so lucky. For every "lucky" they have,they will also have an almost equal time of having an "unlucky" experience. Just that they never say it out here,hehehe...most people share mainly the good and not their fail.

Originally Posted by CelestialBeing View Post
Bro nono, the jia lat thing that happened is that i was there for a 3D2N stay, the incident happened on the 2nd day of my stay, i know they are a new hotel, but this kind of mistake is simply too jia lat..
Now,that would be bad. But to be safe,always have a "do not disturb" sign out at the door knob if you do not want any room service people to make up your room. I need to be honest with you,i also have the same experience in Formosa Hotel before. They entered my room to make up my room w/o me in the room and i was staying for 3D2N too. Its probably a norm to them. No matter how safe a hotel is,still i say..its an individual responsibility to keep their valuable safe (an advise i keep hearing since i start reading this thread on Day 1).

Originally Posted by CelestialBeing View Post
I Recce abit from my walk from Da vienne hotel to NHM and back. I have to say the surrounding around Formosa is the best, lots of massage places, and eating places. I also bought some tibits and food to enjoy while eating tv from a mama shop nearby.
Yes,yes,yes...walk around,do not always rely on taxi driver/ojek. Move around the area where you stay,explore more.What you learn and understand,no one can take from you. For me,Formosa is my HQ,i move around from thereon.If i am lost,i go to any hotel,take an ojek or taxi back to hotel (priority is ojek 1st when distance is short).

After having more or less knowing the area better,move to another place. And eventually one day,you may choose not to walk anymore becos you already know where are the mostly frequently visited places and the more important things in your mind will be moving around from point to point to get the best timing to do the things you aim to do in Batam.

Originally Posted by CelestialBeing View Post
Thanks for ur reply bro nono, u basically wrote yet another mini guide for newbies in ur reply to me.
Thanks to your sharing,i basically wrote another mini guide in order to reply you so that newbies after you can avoid making the mistakes you made if they read them. Its one of the reason why i am writing all my guides on my signature.



In other word,those who read (the 2 links above) and myself thank you for making those mistakes in your Batam trip.

(not everyone dares to share and/or admit their mistake/s,you know)


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