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Old 16-10-2015, 01:22 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Nabeh View Post
Maybe you should try Wan Tan Mee behind Goodwood Park Hotel. This one comes from Medan one.
Their wan tang mee is called mee pangsit.

Bai long noodle is bar chor mee.

totally different.
I will have headache if I dont see a strange piece of pussy every day

Old 16-10-2015, 03:16 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by xXFreedomXx View Post
I did check out at ocean massage before boarding ferry. We look at the price list and take note of it which will try next trip when we come

For me,i'd visit Ocean only when i'm on my way back to S'pore from HB. i usually go btm in morning timing,Ocean no open yet. On my way home then drop in,finish massage then go makan & home sweet home.
Old 16-10-2015, 05:37 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
U forgot Pan? Oso shwing in Batam cinema 21.
I didnt. I choose not to show PAN becos Blitz theatre (Batam has 2 theatre companies,Blitz and Cinema21) doesnt have this movie yet at the point of my last post and is only available in Cinema 21 organisation.

The Vatican Tapes is now showing on the 2 theatre companies and at BCS Mall,Nagoya Hill Mall,Harbour Mall,Kepri Mall and Mega Mall (Batam Center).

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
any updates on yr Oct btm trip?
Yes,but to you and a few others. Check your inbox.

Originally Posted by Kaboon View Post
Looks like solo appears to be more beneficial to u than in grp trip.
Definitely. I am trying to go solo again this month,hehehe...well...trying.

Originally Posted by Kaboon View Post
Wondering when the ferry tix to btm during cny starts to sell?
For Horizon Ferry,they usually starts their sale of ferry tickets a month before CNY. It will cost almost 30% more than usual and one has to pay for their tickets few days to a week in advance to confirm the tickets or they will take it as you give up your seat/s.

Originally Posted by Kaboon View Post
Apparently ur use of the word "stupid" has been misread by one who chose to read out of context. Talk abt reading btw the lines without the understanding of the conversation implied whom u have replied to.

Originally Posted by Kaboon View Post
An interesting read for ur ref on hotel room superstition practised in most Asia countries regardless of religion. I practised most of it,including the bible part.
1. Knock 3 times before entering

I dont do that most of the time. But my booking girls always do that,i just follow at times,hehehe...

2. Make sure your shoes are not pointing in the same direction

I do that. There is some feng shui theory to it on negative and positive energy in a human body within a surrounding area. Long story...

3. Do not touch the Bible if it's been left open upon check-in, request for another room

Never had an opened bible in my hotel room before,but if i do i will change hotel,not room. I ward every hotel room i stayed in. And i do hide some money in the bible too,hehehe...

4. Flush the toilet before first usage

I dont exactly believe in this one,but unknowing i do it all the time upon checking into a room but just solely to check that the flush is in working condition. I have seen friends in Formosa Hotel (and other hotels too) where the toilet bowl was choked and almost causing a flood in the toilet itself.

The last thing i wish to see is shit coming out of a choked toilet bowl and/or is unflushable.

5. Don't sleep facing mirrors

Happens to me in Batam's Goodway hotel. I use a bath towel to cover it up. Again,there is some psychological explanation to this one. Long story,so i will skip.

6. Upon entering your room, open all the curtains, windows and turn on the lights in the room

I do that upon checking in to any hotel room. Sunlights MUST be able to shone in. If room has no windows,i will have to make sure room do not have moist smell or feel moist.

I will open my room door to exchange air (from outside to inside) for 10 mins before i will decide if i need a room change.

7. Always book your room in advance, never insist on the last available room

For Formosa Hotel,i usually insist on my few special rooms. Too lazy to ward every hotel room,hehehe...

8. If you're travelling alone, put your belongings on both beds

Most of the rooms i stayed in Batam only have 1 bed. If i have a 2nd bed,its most likely for my 2nd girl or for me to be massage on it.

9. Don't pick up strange objects

Room service will pick it up for me. I always check my room during check in,its SOP. The lightings,the carpet,the toilet flush,the phone,the air-con and the water taps must always be checked.

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Old 16-10-2015, 06:25 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
1. Knock 3 times before entering
I dont do that most of the time. But my booking girls always do that,i just follow at times,hehehe...
I pat the buttock of the girl after I open the door. This ensures that we collect surrounding positive energy, if any.
Old 16-10-2015, 07:45 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
I pat the buttock of the girl after I open the door. This ensures that we collect surrounding positive energy, if any.
Good Tip.hahahaha
Old 17-10-2015, 08:29 AM
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Smile Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by HelloWAH View Post
My friend. Don,t waste your time giving information here. When you are in red now. I no need to explain much and you know what i mean. Better masturbate than wasting time writing here. Here got many idiots like to give red to other sometime without using their idiot fucking rotten brain. PUIIII.
Hello friend,

Sometime few brothers give negative ranking because they see I am here for so long and my contribution is less. I understand their frustration but what I can do my internet access is limited as I am no longer in Singapore. I am at the sea most of the time. But there are some brothers who understand.

As a way of giving back to community I give what I can. As some of the brothers(Example, NewYorker, Nano, xX etc) have contributed quite a lot. So I am obligated to give what I found useful.

I still believe in giving back to the community and two way benefit.
Old 17-10-2015, 08:40 AM
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Smile Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by blursam View Post
Hi bro,

Can pass me the contacts of the girls? I am thinking of going for a day trip to Batam and these girls can be my good companion.......

Btw, your message box is full......

Sorry for the delay. I PM you. My ranking was negative and red. So I could not reply. Some kind brothers UP me. So I could able to reply only today. Thanks to those kind brothers who gave some points and up me.
Old 17-10-2015, 01:52 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Nabeh View Post
Maybe you should try Wan Tan Mee behind Goodwood Park Hotel. This one comes from Medan one.
Well done bro. Surprise to see your posting here.Let go grab some mee pangsit on my next trip to batam.
Old 17-10-2015, 01:53 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by saxophone View Post
first time i writing fr,forgive me if i write no good.

just wan to thk nono1973 for his newbie guides cos i follow it.This trip overall is 7.5/10. I hope i didn't bore anyone with my fr,if i do plz forgive me as tis is my first btm trip & first time writing fr. I'm looking fwd to my next btm trip & hopefully got chance can join bro nono1973 or others.

@nono,i give my word in public forum to share fr,i'm a man who'd honor wat i say. Just so u knw.
great detailed FR bro.
Old 17-10-2015, 11:59 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

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Old 18-10-2015, 12:06 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by mrbondy2k View Post
Hello friend,

Sometime few brothers give negative ranking because they see I am here for so long and my contribution is less. I understand their frustration but what I can do my internet access is limited as I am no longer in Singapore. I am at the sea most of the time. But there are some brothers who understand.
I still believe in giving back to the community and two way benefit.

From what you say is quite admirable. But don,t be childish lah. Someone add you some points and you happy like fucked. Sometimes people too good heart will get strike by lightning you never hear before meh? 好心没好报

Btw anyone like my profile picture? If don,t like . Can give me some red diamond. I like it. I very curious that i shoot so many but still no idiots want to give me red diamonds. Come and give idiots. Don,t be shy. Those idiots fool keep quite make my cock very hard to stand. Very not season leh.
Old 18-10-2015, 12:48 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Hmm...long time hasnt been to KTM resort. Perhaps some time later,i should pay this place a visit. Coming trip,i shall go check out how much Kaha charge for KTM resort room/s,below pricing are from online which are inclusive of all taxes.

The good about this place :

1. Makes me feel i am REALLY on a holiday.

2. Provides everything from KTV to Spa ,a one stop place for all entertainment and relaxation. (they even have a swimming pool

3. Back to nature,away from the busy city lifestyle.

4. Booking girl confirm nowhere to run to, its quite a distance away from Nagoya area.

5. The right timing allows me to view the sunset and sunrise.

The bad :

1. Far away from shopping mall. (not too far from provisions tho,lots of smaller-sized convenient stores outside the resort)

2. If i do not have enough CDs,i will be screwed, there is no 24hr mart in that area. Nearest provision shop is are least 10+ mins walk away.

3. Not all booking joints will allow their girls to be brought there.

4. Not all booking girls will like to stay with their customers there unless they know each other well enough. (those who are willing confirm wont run,hehehe..)

5. Everything in the resort from food to massage are relative more expensive than most other hotels/eateries cos the resort management more or less monopolized the area.

6. Got to be extra careful of thieves,hehehe.. and i am not referring to human thief but monkeys. Lots of them in that area.

If i am going there again,i will need to :

1. Prepare enough provision/necessities.

2. Find a willing girl/joint

3. Plan my programme for the day/evening -

a. Massage at Spa Villa

b. Guan Yin temple or Monkey God temple visit .

c. KTV to sing some songs (i dont think the KTV has GROs or Mami tho)

d. Maybe a swim in their a-little-salted water pool,then head for the Spa (to clean up as well).

e. A walk in the park/beach.

...beside just going with bonking all the way.

4. Grab a willing full day taxi driver (or i may use the free shuttle service provided by the resort).

5. Plan a 3D2N trip but likely be staying in KTM resort for just 1 night.

I am just planning and consolidating information for myself on what i WISH to do for my later Batam trip/s.


Few questions :

1. Is there a Rex Theatre in Batam? If so,anyone knows where is it located?

2. I would like to bring an entire Desktop PC to Batam which includes the CPU tower,22' LCD monitor,keyboard etc weighing around 20 kg.

a. Is there anything i need to take note on?

b. Can i just walk thru custom via Harbour Bay? Meaning i hand carry them thru custom.

c. Its a used Desktop PC,will i be taxed at the Batam custom?

My plans are,if its too much trouble trying to bring it in,i may dismantle all the parts and bring it in on separate days. And the PC desktop are meant for some school in Batam. I do have another option tho,sell it off in Sillypore and buy the next available better 2nd hand one when i am in Batam (this would be my last resort).

If anyone has answer/s to my above questions,your reply would give me more options. Sincerely thank you.

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Old 19-10-2015, 10:46 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post

1. Knock 3 times before entering

I dont do that most of the time. But my booking girls always do that,i just follow at times,hehehe...

It is some kind of ritual to tell the spirits that you will be staying over for the night. They will " understand" and leave u alone.
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Old 19-10-2015, 10:49 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Few questions :

1. Is there a Rex Theatre in Batam? If so,anyone knows where is it located?

2. I would like to bring an entire Desktop PC to Batam which includes the CPU tower,22' LCD monitor,keyboard etc weighing around 20 kg.

a. Is there anything i need to take note on?

b. Can i just walk thru custom via Harbour Bay? Meaning i hand carry them thru custom.

c. Its a used Desktop PC,will i be taxed at the Batam custom?

If anyone has answer/s to my above questions,your reply would give me more options. Sincerely thank you.
1. So far in batam only got 2 Theatre which is Studio 21 and Blitz Megaplex. I never encounter or heard Rex Theatre before

a. Answer will be on section C
b. Yes you can
c. For used item, you wont be taxed by batam custom. If possible just bring your Reciept for the used item as a proof. If not you just told them that this item belong to your batam friend, you just helping them to bring back from sg to batam. Or else you can use Porter service to help you bring all your item and let them scan your item before you check out from immigration.
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Old 19-10-2015, 11:20 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by newyorker88 View Post
It is some kind of ritual to tell the spirits that you will be staying over for the night. They will " understand" and leave u alone.
Noted with thanks.

Originally Posted by Nabeh View Post
a. Answer will be on section C
b. Yes you can
c. For used item, you wont be taxed by batam custom. If possible just bring your Reciept for the used item as a proof. If not you just told them that this item belong to your batam friend, you just helping them to bring back from sg to batam. Or else you can use Porter service to help you bring all your item and let them scan your item before you check out from immigration.
Thank you for the reply and answers.

And thanks to bros who PMed me the answers and replies too.
(i guess there should be no problem bringing the whole desktop in then )


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