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Old 02-07-2011, 09:46 AM
Mas Joki Mas Joki is offline
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by BTM R&R Club View Post
I think the above quoted by bro jimidiri is a very good example. Cheongsters who are thinking of keeping or marrying the paying-lady should consider his advice seriously. Most of you are green-horn and do not know or understand how all the gals work in Batam. Do you really think the gal love you? Just because they are nice to you for a few days, you think that she can become your life partner or wife. Don't forget, she is nice to anyone who can pay $$$$, not to you only. Don’t be naïve. You will be badly hurt. Better listen to our Senior Bro Jimidiri advice.

This is only a wake-up call. If you are still dreaming, carry on!!!
When I 1st saw bro jimdiri post. I immediately supported what he had said. As I have also experienced the disappointment and heart pain before. In years 2001 to 2004, most ceweks got very simple mind. As long as you take good care of her and sayang her. She can takecare of you like her husband. She can bathe you from head to toe. She can also cry for you. You can never get this type feeling nowadays. Most senior bros sure have this type of experience. You can feel the sincerity in them. The best part is that she done ask for anything in return. Not like nowadays, where the ceweks always ask for handphone, S’pore $$$, go shopping (chop you like carrot head) etc. Unfortunately,…………….

So I fully agree what bro jimdiri have said. He and his friends are above 62 yrs old. Definitely, they are very experience in cheonging in Batam. I can see his good intention but unfortunately, they got attacked by …………

I am glad bro BTM R&R Club post this advice again……………………….

Originally Posted by JOGK View Post
I simpan ceweks but no intention of marrying them
i know i can let them go at any time
i do this is because i feel that its better than having
dozens or even hundreds of bookings of different gals
to others who want to do the same but thinking of marrying them
then i advice that you look for those normal gals from kampongs
Everyone have their own way of cheonging. Some like pay, fuck and go. Some like to RFT the same gal. But those who really want to look for a wife. Look for them in S’pore or Malaysia (I don’t means no problems but heart-pain is definitely less) or if you like indo gals. As senior bro JOGK said, “look for those normal gals from kampongs” They will give you much less problems and heart-pain in future……. Especially to all those young men, ages btw 20 to 40 yrs old. See my signature : "Life is short. Enjoy while you can" But for life partner, I also advice you better thick twice…….. Again, up to you all bros to decide. If you still insist, God bless you!!!

"Life is short. Enjoy while you can"
Remember the saying : "One man meat is another man poison".
There is a chinese saying “人不为己,天诛地灭”.
Old 02-07-2011, 09:57 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Mas Joki View Post
When I 1st saw bro jimdiri post. I immediately supported what he had said. As I have also experienced the disappointment and heart pain before. In years 2001 to 2004, most ceweks got very simple mind. As long as you take good care of her and sayang her. She can takecare of you like her husband. She can bathe you from head to toe. She can also cry for you. You can never get this type feeling nowadays. Most senior bros sure have this type of experience. You can feel the sincerity in them. The best part is that she done ask for anything in return. Not like nowadays, where the ceweks always ask for handphone, S’pore $$$, go shopping (chop you like carrot head) etc. Unfortunately,…………….

So I fully agree what bro jimdiri have said. He and his friends are above 62 yrs old. Definitely, they are very experience in cheonging in Batam. I can see his good intention but unfortunately, they got attacked by …………

I am glad bro BTM R&R Club post this advice again……………………….

Everyone have their own way of cheonging. Some like pay, fuck and go. Some like to RFT the same gal. But those who really want to look for a wife. Look for them in S’pore or Malaysia (I don’t means no problems but heart-pain is definitely less) or if you like indo gals. As senior bro JOGK said, “look for those normal gals from kampongs” They will give you much less problems and heart-pain in future……. Especially to all those young men, ages btw 20 to 40 yrs old. See my signature : "Life is short. Enjoy while you can" But for life partner, I also advice you better thick twice…….. Again, up to you all bros to decide. If you still insist, God bless you!!!

"Life is short. Enjoy while you can"
Remember the saying : "One man meat is another man poison".
There is a chinese saying “人不为己,天诛地灭”.
well said. but i found out these days kampong girls are also risky assumming they never enjoy the beauty of life in city. once she marry you and get some money, she might turn into evil?

all have pros and cons.

hope u guys get the point
Old 02-07-2011, 10:26 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by ndnd View Post
From right is Ramayana, then Avava, above is apartment. Monthly rental for inside kosong around SGD 350 with two bed room, but normally electricity normally above 1juta a month, very expensive. There is a karaoke pub with KTV room in that building, call Jurassic Pub, PR hourly system.

That is what I guess, might be wrong, coz very far leh the picture.
Yes.. u are rite, not recommanded to stay there, damn x.. and heard that jurassic is history.. no more liao...


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Old 02-07-2011, 10:29 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by cheongsterjon View Post
this is my fr after the first round i got from ''gf'' lyn. as soon as she got out of toilet from her shower....she jumped onto the bed and cuddle me said that she felt very cold like a small girl...there she she like me very much......there i left batam island a happy man.....
Nice Fr u wrote, but how do u came to know her??


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Old 02-07-2011, 10:37 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

love or no love....limit your contributions to 2 juta ($300) a month..and you can konket (fuck, lah) unlimited...but ah pek shooting capabilities is max 10 a month...rugi lah....hehe!!!!!
Old 02-07-2011, 11:18 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by kenluv View Post
Thanks bro.. how much do i agar need to pay for the cab fare from nagoya to harris? i dont want later kena carrot.. haha.
4 years ago was like 70k, now i dun noe
Old 02-07-2011, 11:32 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Kampong cewes when in Batam

Originally Posted by hunter1 View Post
well said. but i found out these days kampong girls are also risky assumming they never enjoy the beauty of life in city. once she marry you and get some money, she might turn into evil?

all have pros and cons.

hope u guys get the point
Originally Posted by S.B.Y.1 View Post
Many factor have to be considered like cultural, religion , age-gap, parental objection and etc

It may seem fun whenever you're with her in Batam but a long term relationship will need serious mindful consideration and preparation

Most go with the heart in Batam because of the GFE but in reality when being together in a long term r/s it's different ballgame

To jamin a cewe and house her also in Batam has many obstacle like her fooling around whenever you're not around hence Pak's posting that Batam is not a good place to house your cewe = lots of influence

Pak is not discouraging but just letting Mas here know of the pros and cons of having a longterm cewe

Final decision is obviously down to the Mas themselves for Pak can only lay out some objectives o ponder
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Old 02-07-2011, 12:07 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Personal Motto...Keep Life Simpler...
Old 02-07-2011, 12:09 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Me chap chai!

More varieties!

Touch, Feel, Fcuk & GO.
Plse dont upz me

Thank you
Old 02-07-2011, 04:52 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nitecrawllerr View Post
Me chap chai!

More varieties!

Touch, Feel, Fcuk & GO.
I love your attitudes!! Same as me!! hahhaha
Old 02-07-2011, 07:24 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by itsme220 View Post
My First Postings...

I went to Batam last week 25th June. It is one day try trip.

Took mornig ferry from HarourFront to Batam Centre. Took Taxi and driver dropped near Nagoya Hill for shopping. Then took Ojek to DC mall. Paid Rp 15,000...
Ojek is only 10,000 rp only mah
Old 02-07-2011, 08:39 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

hi any one with transport contact in batam,pls PM me, thanks...
Old 02-07-2011, 09:35 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by wasilang View Post
IF you gets too close with the wrong person, imagine what kind of shit you could get into in a place like Batam. Knowing the right person in Batam can get you out of trouble, and most likely with a big price tag. But knowing the right person in batam, some1 can get you into deep shit with just a fricton of the amount, coz end of the day we became the farms. So have fun, yes, but pls dun let the fun get over your heads, big and small ones alike.

For simple safety reason, saving time and trouble, getting gals from the KTV or Massage joints would be the best choice. But if having flings with FL and other ladies, do not get too close with them unless you can be sure of their background. Just my point of view, lets hope all have fun, enjoy and be safe.

I agree with both points. Some may think walan, where so so zhun and so suay kena this kind of trouble. Kena liao then you think what to do, max max run away from Batam, from the the gal and trouble, and never appear again. What if you really so suay before run tio liao?

Getting FL from Disco, try sian some gals really fun at times, but the time involved, the $ factor, I dun think is anyway cheaper then the joints end of the day. So if just want couple of days bonking, I think dun go thru so much trouble lah. At times when get good targets, enjoy and move on, I dun understand why some Bros can think WL FL and any piece of pussy that can be bought with $ will so easily fall in love with you and not for the love of your $. All so yandao? Or the gong fu in bed much better can sexify the pussies' that already tried so many before?
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Old 02-07-2011, 09:52 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by wala View Post
I agree with both points. Some may think walan, where so so zhun and so suay kena this kind of trouble. Kena liao then you think what to do, max max run away from Batam, from the the gal and trouble, and never appear again. What if you really so suay before run tio liao?

Getting FL from Disco, try sian some gals really fun at times, but the time involved, the $ factor, I dun think is anyway cheaper then the joints end of the day. So if just want couple of days bonking, I think dun go thru so much trouble lah. At times when get good targets, enjoy and move on, I dun understand why some Bros can think WL FL and any piece of pussy that can be bought with $ will so easily fall in love with you and not for the love of your $. All so yandao? Or the gong fu in bed much better can sexify the pussies' that already tried so many before?
Bro wala, how r u Liao? Long time no see u since the last time I saw u at wfc.
How is your hunting in btm?
For me, I always go farm. Though sometime got see fl in pacific disco and ask for booking, but in the end nvr take.
If the gal from farm shows attitude , we complain to the mamasan, the ger will ganna what thing? Cos I remember I got a gal from permada indah the farm with many gers, she got attitude , I complained to the driver n he says he go complained to mamasan. 2 wks later I still see the same gal at farm available for booking.
Old 03-07-2011, 01:53 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by skyfree View Post
If the gal from farm shows attitude , we complain to the mamasan, the ger will ganna what thing? Cos I remember I got a gal from permada indah the farm with many gers, she got attitude , I complained to the driver n he says he go complained to mamasan. 2 wks later I still see the same gal at farm available for booking.
Taxi driver complain I dun know the KTV will do anything anot. But If customer complain, most likely the Gals kena fine by the KTV. Most of the time, they will not be told or asked to leave till their contract is over, coz how bad the gal or how much attitute problem, they still money tree, customer book them KTV gets money, customer complain they kena fine also the joint makes money.
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