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Old 07-11-2015, 05:31 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Anyone recently visited them? Any comment? Not many MR on Hanis.
Hanis 涵倪
Beanie 豆豆
Old 07-11-2015, 05:50 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by xiaobaitu View Post

the massage was really damn good and i was so damn relaxed after the massage.

looks : 7/10
massage : 8/10
body : 7/10
hj : 8/10
gfe : 9/10

massage lovers, she's a must for you
This one I agree. For me, I rate her No.1 in massage. Really no horse run. 60mins is not enuff. Must extend. Not for boobies lover.
Old 07-11-2015, 05:53 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by herotan View Post
Massage ok. Photo heavily PS. Boobs B- and saggy. Suggest save your $$$
Old 07-11-2015, 07:47 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Is Jeanette really $90? I feel not secure because it's cheaper than $110.. Can anyone enlighten why? Not many MR so I scared not ok.. I am newbie.. Many thank you..
Old 07-11-2015, 08:58 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by carlzeissplanar View Post
Confirm + chop.

N area, she asked me to take lift to 1 storey higher and walk down to her unit via stairs. Should be SOP for those who been to her before.

So double confirm + chop. No make up, ah ma panty, used phone while 1 hand massage right in front of me when I was in prone position. Bath alone. Some scars or tattoo below her belly button area. When I caually asked her, she avoided it. So I never continue kpo. Bushy down there as what I remember thru the ah ma panty. Roam top only, bottom no signal.

Well.. just have a session with my regular XPQ today,i agrees with your double confirm+ chop.she very disappointed with the comment above.
she clarify some of the statement you mention like bath alone - usually shower is request by customer,if you request for shower and 2xhj than massage time will cut short.used phone while massage to me is still acceptable but not during sensational moment

Some scars or tattoo below her belly button area,i believe most of the bro here should know what is that so no need to explain unless she willing to tell you.

As long as the professionalism is there,the rest please kindly respect her wish if the service is not listed in the ad. Do take care of this sweet babe.

No offence to all the bro here, happy cheonging
Old 07-11-2015, 10:45 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by charcoalfilter View Post
Sadly no more super big cuppers for BM/BF when I want to chiong again. Joey just left.

Time to set up my camp for camping.

Keep the honest MRs coming!
Same. Been camping since start of the year.
Old 07-11-2015, 10:48 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Just try this girl, worth every dollar spend.
Go for the 1.5 to 2hr to try the effect of hot stone n 草药包。
Feel relax n refresh after the session.
Old 07-11-2015, 10:55 PM
OMG888999 OMG888999 is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

3rd RTM on Ini
Face : 8/10 (As per photo shown)
Body : 9/10 (Curving body with perky butt)
Normal Massage : 8/10 (Hard enough, constantly asking if strength is enough and keep improving)
Hand Job : 9.5/10(Sensuous and teasing)
Character/GFE : 10/10( Great)

** Won’t feel monotonous, more than meet the eyes on every visit.
Old 08-11-2015, 12:10 AM
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Just got aeroplane by mint. Dunno what happened? I did not offend her leh. First time book her...

She did reply my msg in the middle of the night saying she overslept...
ok i forgive her and booked her again today! hope i wun get aeroplaned again....

Last edited by Blackgold; 08-11-2015 at 11:53 AM.
Old 08-11-2015, 12:28 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"


One-woman anti-vice squad

A woman in her 20s was arrested.

Photo: The New Paper

One-woman anti-vice squad
The New Paper | Foo Jie Ying and Tan Tam Mei | Saturday, Nov 7, 2015
She knew every resident in the 30-unit condominium, and that was why the new tenant stuck out like a sore thumb.

Almost daily, the young woman would meet men outside the condo block and take them to her apartment for an hour.

This happened for a month and the observant resident had a feeling something illegal was taking place.

Not wanting the building she calls home to be turned into a vice den, she called the police, who arrested the woman after a stakeout.

Mary (not her real name), 50, has been living in the Little India condo for two years. She is also its management council chairman.

She noticed the new tenant, a Chinese national in her early 20s, who moved in last month.

The newcomer is believed to be on a student visa and studies at a private project management and engineering school.

Mary, who is single, observed that soon after the new tenant moved in, men were seen loitering outside the condo block.

The first man Mary noticed had said he was visiting a friend. He was later let in by the Chinese national. Mary let it pass.

But alarm bells went off the next day.

While viewing closed-circuit television (CCTV) footage, Mary spotted the same woman taking different men up to her unit late at night.

Soon, a pattern emerged.

More men would linger outside the condo, make a call, and the woman would take them into her apartment. About an hour later, the men would leave.

Sometimes, she would accompany one man down and return to her apartment with another.

Said Mary: "They were usually executives, who were well-dressed and looked well educated."

There were the occasionally 50-year-olds and some in their 20s as well, she added.

On some days, the woman would take as many as six men home and start as early as 10.30am.

This went on for three weeks every other day.

Mary went through the CCTV footage daily and carefully noted down the time stamps of strangers who entered the condo in her notebook. She filled up five pages of an A4 book.

Convinced that the woman was a prostitute, Mary lodged a police report, together with the condo's managing agent Eddy Khoo, on Oct 19.

Mary said: "I didn't want the condo to turn into a brothel."

Mr Khoo, who is from Creation Management, was hired to manage the condo's day-to-day administration.


On Wednesday - incidentally her birthday - Mary's efforts finally paid off when the Chinese national was arrested in a police raid.

Mary said she had wanted to go out for lunch when the police called her at 11am.

They asked if there were any customers that day so far and to alert them immediately when she spotted one.

Mary decided to monitor the CCTV footage closely after the call.

As she exited the room, where she monitored the CCTV footage, at 5.30pm that day, she saw a stranger in a long-sleeved purple shirt and dress pants standing in front of the condo's intercom.

Mary said: "He said he was not sure when I asked him where he was going, and who he was looking for.

"When I saw the lift go up to the second storey, I knew."

She quickly called the police, who appeared at the condo within five minutes.

The New Paper was observing the woman's unit from a park opposite the condo.

With curtains slightly drawn and the balcony door left ajar, it was quiet initially.

Then the lights in the living room suddenly came on, and a flurry of activity ensued, with policemen and a woman dressed in grey seen shuffling about.

Shortly after, the man dressed in purple, whom Mary had earlier spotted, was escorted out of the condo by a plainclothes police officer.

When TNP approached him, the man quickened his steps and said, "No comments," before hurrying away.

Half an hour later, the Chinese national was led out of the condo, handcuffed, by four policemen.

She was in a red jumper, jeans and mismatched white shoes, and looked shaken.

Said Mary: "Finally, I can get a good night's sleep."

She had been fretting over the alleged vice activities.

She said: "I wanted to make sure the vice activities are stopped and the area is safe. I am happy to do it."

A police spokesman confirmed that a woman in her 20s was arrested and TNP understands the offence is vice-related.

Apart from the detective work she did to end the vice activities in the condo, Mary has also gone around pasting signs and catching people who pee at the stairwell, and those who park illegally at the road beside the condo.

"A resident told me, 'We don't need security, we have (Mary)'," she said, beaming.

TNP understands the woman is out on bail, and her case has been referred to the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority of Singapore.

- See more at:

Last edited by jason910; 08-11-2015 at 01:33 AM.
Old 08-11-2015, 12:49 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"


GOOD NEWS BRO, a syt is coming to the market soon, watch out for latest update on your favorite massage provider website. Roar!

Did a preview session today, quick MR
- Sweet young thing [ CHECKED ]
- Devilish body, C/D Cup [ CHECKED ]
- Decent Oil Message [ CHECKED ]
- GFF GAO GAO [ CHECKED ] (ok this depend on chemistry, rule of thumb, treat her well and she will treat u well )
- Great attitude [ CHECKED ]
- Clean and discrete location [ CHECKED ]
- Staying alone [ CHECKED ]
- Lota Smile~~ [ CHECKED ]
- 可爱无敌 [ CHECKED ]

Money well spent, no regret
dunno the name she gonna use yet, will update again when i know too

Last edited by mariosuper; 08-11-2015 at 01:03 AM.
Old 08-11-2015, 01:29 AM
senny86 senny86 is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

hey all bros, just be on the ball now and lie low on your activies
Old 08-11-2015, 01:29 AM
onelasttime2207 onelasttime2207 is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

MR for Xiao Xue

Her massage is one of the best I had. She really knows how to massage. Really make me feel so good after the whole massage. Her hot lava stone and medicine packed treatment really allows me to completely relaxed. I only went for 1hr treatment. And I can tell all bros that is definitely not enough. Should go for at least 1.5hr to 2hrs. Her JG is quite fast, so not sure of the effect. But her HJ was sensual and good. Looks similar to the picture, just abit rounder. Not SYT. But definitely quite pretty. She actually reminds me of yaya (ex-cat) for her service. GFE is limited. But really professional as she will constantly give professional advice when doing massage and JG. Even though I came late, she didn't shortchange my time. And even exceeded her time because she wants me to have the full effect. Totally worth it.

Location: 6/10 (convenient if have car)
Looks: 8/10 (quite pretty)
Boobs: 7/10 (soft and natural. But FC though)
Massage: 10/10 (the best massage I have till now)
JG: 7/10 (too fast. Maybe cuz too limited time)
HJ: 8/10 (sensual enough)
RTF: Definitely!
Old 08-11-2015, 03:06 AM
baotohk baotohk is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Sound like someone we know ....Little India ...2nd floor

Originally Posted by jason910 View Post


One-woman anti-vice squad

A woman in her 20s was arrested.

Photo: The New Paper

One-woman anti-vice squad
The New Paper | Foo Jie Ying and Tan Tam Mei | Saturday, Nov 7, 2015
She knew every resident in the 30-unit condominium, and that was why the new tenant stuck out like a sore thumb.

Almost daily, the young woman would meet men outside the condo block and take them to her apartment for an hour.

This happened for a month and the observant resident had a feeling something illegal was taking place.

Not wanting the building she calls home to be turned into a vice den, she called the police, who arrested the woman after a stakeout.

Mary (not her real name), 50, has been living in the Little India condo for two years. She is also its management council chairman.

She noticed the new tenant, a Chinese national in her early 20s, who moved in last month.

The newcomer is believed to be on a student visa and studies at a private project management and engineering school.

Mary, who is single, observed that soon after the new tenant moved in, men were seen loitering outside the condo block.

The first man Mary noticed had said he was visiting a friend. He was later let in by the Chinese national. Mary let it pass.

But alarm bells went off the next day.

While viewing closed-circuit television (CCTV) footage, Mary spotted the same woman taking different men up to her unit late at night.

Soon, a pattern emerged.

More men would linger outside the condo, make a call, and the woman would take them into her apartment. About an hour later, the men would leave.

Sometimes, she would accompany one man down and return to her apartment with another.

Said Mary: "They were usually executives, who were well-dressed and looked well educated."

There were the occasionally 50-year-olds and some in their 20s as well, she added.

On some days, the woman would take as many as six men home and start as early as 10.30am.

This went on for three weeks every other day.

Mary went through the CCTV footage daily and carefully noted down the time stamps of strangers who entered the condo in her notebook. She filled up five pages of an A4 book.

Convinced that the woman was a prostitute, Mary lodged a police report, together with the condo's managing agent Eddy Khoo, on Oct 19.

Mary said: "I didn't want the condo to turn into a brothel."

Mr Khoo, who is from Creation Management, was hired to manage the condo's day-to-day administration.


On Wednesday - incidentally her birthday - Mary's efforts finally paid off when the Chinese national was arrested in a police raid.

Mary said she had wanted to go out for lunch when the police called her at 11am.

They asked if there were any customers that day so far and to alert them immediately when she spotted one.

Mary decided to monitor the CCTV footage closely after the call.

As she exited the room, where she monitored the CCTV footage, at 5.30pm that day, she saw a stranger in a long-sleeved purple shirt and dress pants standing in front of the condo's intercom.

Mary said: "He said he was not sure when I asked him where he was going, and who he was looking for.

"When I saw the lift go up to the second storey, I knew."

She quickly called the police, who appeared at the condo within five minutes.

The New Paper was observing the woman's unit from a park opposite the condo.

With curtains slightly drawn and the balcony door left ajar, it was quiet initially.

Then the lights in the living room suddenly came on, and a flurry of activity ensued, with policemen and a woman dressed in grey seen shuffling about.

Shortly after, the man dressed in purple, whom Mary had earlier spotted, was escorted out of the condo by a plainclothes police officer.

When TNP approached him, the man quickened his steps and said, "No comments," before hurrying away.

Half an hour later, the Chinese national was led out of the condo, handcuffed, by four policemen.

She was in a red jumper, jeans and mismatched white shoes, and looked shaken.

Said Mary: "Finally, I can get a good night's sleep."

She had been fretting over the alleged vice activities.

She said: "I wanted to make sure the vice activities are stopped and the area is safe. I am happy to do it."

A police spokesman confirmed that a woman in her 20s was arrested and TNP understands the offence is vice-related.

Apart from the detective work she did to end the vice activities in the condo, Mary has also gone around pasting signs and catching people who pee at the stairwell, and those who park illegally at the road beside the condo.

"A resident told me, 'We don't need security, we have (Mary)'," she said, beaming.

TNP understands the woman is out on bail, and her case has been referred to the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority of Singapore.

- See more at:
***Speak the truth and only the truth can set you free.***
Old 08-11-2015, 06:23 AM
aries3288 aries3288 is offline
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Unhappy Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Delight 喜悦 from Lil Tigers Den

This was originally posted in the general Local Massage Directory. Thought I should repost it here as it would be more appropriate. Visited this ML yesterday which was a raining day.

Location is condo in the East. Told me to use the side gate and wait for people going in or out and quickly go in before the gate close! Not a good idea at all as it was raining when I was there, luckily I had an umbrella. Nearest public parking is still three minutes walk away. What is worse is I also have to wait for people to open the gate before I can go out as, unlike other condo, you cannot let yourself out by just pressing on a switch. Imagine if raining and nobody using the gate for a long period of time.

Pictures are heavily photoshopped! Height is correct but a big size MILF who is definitely more then 60 kg although her stats said 52kg. When I saw her, I told her that she looks too different from the pictures and I rejected and left.
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