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Old 18-07-2016, 07:50 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by babyonboard View Post
Hey guys, noob to the ML scene here, but I kinda got a burning question: what's the protocol if the ML offers extra services ah? and honestly, in such cases, what's a good amount if I do wanna top up? And how do reject if I don't and still not waste my time?

Sorry if this has been mentioned before: promise to upz back. Thanks!
My rule of thumb, if it was offered by the masseuse, I would pay maximum $150... probably $180 if her face is super chio. My justification is: as she offers sex to me, she probably offers it to all other costumers as well. In terms of GFE and the quality of the cheebye after such a heavy usage, I won't pay much to engage such a deal. Also, this is the notorious "up-selling" trick. Even if I accept the offer, there is a big chance I won't return to visit her again.

However, if you feel you have a strong urge to fuck a masseuse, then the it becomes very tricky to justify how much you gonna pay for her cheebye. Even if you can persuade the masseuse to give you a fuck, the damage might be range from FOC to 200K-dollar. You might also end up got your pocket burnt and your heart broken.

Originally Posted by babyonboard View Post
And how do reject if I don't and still not waste my time?
For me, I would say I didn't bring enough money. In order not to cause any embarrassment, I would still tell her that I wanted to have sex with her as well but maybe some other day when I bring enough money. You can delete her contact from your phone right after you leave her place... of course, no tips for her.
Whores are for fucking not loving. Just fuck them and be done with it.

Last edited by conquer; 18-07-2016 at 08:25 PM.
Old 18-07-2016, 07:54 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by LeeHsienLoong View Post
MLs are charging $110 an hour for 1 HJ yet they refuse to remove the top.
Keep on spoiling them.
Whores are for fucking not loving. Just fuck them and be done with it.
Old 18-07-2016, 08:42 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by conquer View Post
My justification is: as she offers sex to me, she probably offers it to all other costumers as well. In terms of GFE and the quality of the cheebye after such a heavy usage, I won't pay much to engage such a deal.
hahaha ... well said. When a product is put on offer, it prolly gonna expire soon.

I like 69, so I can do a inspection first .......

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Old 18-07-2016, 09:06 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Went to visit Kaylee i think a mth back well when she was still the area G, she requested for a mr so here goes..

Place: New place haven been too..
Looks: 8/10 quite like her looks so forgive me if i rate abit higher
Body: 6/10 (didnt took off so didnt know wat is underneathe.)
GFE: 8/10 i would say that she is friendly and chatty, manage to find lots of topics to talk to you..
Massage: 9/10 (she got strength for me though not a hard massage lover)
Attitude: Willing to please
HJ: 7/10 (i would say she know how to tease..)
RTM: I have actually been to her twice, well the second time was better.. will go back again if vitamin m is available..
Old 18-07-2016, 11:05 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Anyone know is Future (Hope) still working? Link under SH69 disappeared. Any new link? No reply today.
Old 18-07-2016, 11:09 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Tried Suo Fei

She's rather petite but has a nice proportionate body. Looks wise, she has very nice and delicate features. Still thinking of her mouth and her lips. Not for boob lovers but she nice a nice butt to make up for it. She's fair and skin is smooth. More important though was her service. She is nice, accommodating and service oriented with no commercial feel. Sensual is quite good but I didn't last long enough to experience her full prowess.

Definitely more value for money than those girls who doesn't allow you to even take off their top.

Will rtm again.
Old 18-07-2016, 11:10 PM
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Originally Posted by conquer View Post
For me, I would say I didn't bring enough money. In order not to cause any embarrassment, I would still tell her that I wanted to have sex with her as well but maybe some other day when I bring enough money. You can delete her contact from your phone right after you leave her place... of course, no tips for her.
I concur this, rejection is always easy just tell them not enough $ and they will know it.... these mls are smart enough...but the risk wld be the rest of the session wld be lack lustre more often than not....normally I also stop visiting such mls the main dish is their upselling
Old 18-07-2016, 11:13 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Wateverla2 View Post
not sure if retired but no longer posting.
Let's just say someone saboed our play ground and hence she has to stop offering massage services. Won't know if she will make a come back. Let's pray hard... Amen.
Old 18-07-2016, 11:44 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Despite the negative reviews, i decided to pay Sunshine / Qin / Eva a visit. IMHO, i don't know what the negativity was all about. Sure, she's not top of her class in both massage nor sensual services, but she's not the worst around either. I would give her passing grades in all areas, and so if you're around Novena (3 min walking distance) and need to settle your lust urgently, why not consider her. Afterall, at least she's not fully-clothed

Looks: 6.5/10
Pleasant, won't reject

Massage: 6.0/10
My guess is not formally trained, and done without oil. However it did in fact take up almost 30 mins of my one-hour session, so okay lah

BJ: 7/10
Good suction, and a new item on her menu (or so she says)

HJ: 6.5 / 10
Accomplishes the task, but have to remind her not to use too much oil

BM / HDLY: Did not deliver

GFE: 5.0/10
As today's discussion topic with her was extremely unusual, i don't blame the lack of GFE. But at least I felt safe that i wasn't the target of some KC or up-selling attempt - that in itself is a bonus!
Old 18-07-2016, 11:46 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by conquer View Post
LOL... I don't know, but it seems like there are too many restrictions. In your case, it was exciting because you can unveil her tits. What about is she feels offended and shows a black face. This could be the case as well.

In my opinion, it is totally fine not to show tits but it has to be explicitly stated in the thread. This is for the benefit of the costumers to know what kinda service they would receive, also for the masseuse's benefit which she can work comfortably within her limit.

I left it out in my previous MR but it's possible to convince Dora to strip. For my case, I told her I was unable to stand to the occasion without seeing boobs (which was true as I just couldn't get into the mood without seeing some nipples yah...) she finally relented due to time constraint for the next session, in order to get her job done but she commented how dare I ask her to strip her TOP on my first visit...

Well, that attitude is why she's not getting a return visit from me anymore even though I did have fun chatting with her...
Old 19-07-2016, 01:09 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by carlto View Post
Anyone know is Future (Hope) still working? Link under SH69 disappeared. Any new link? No reply today.
Bro,heard from her she say she got some personnel problems to settle,most probably coming back next week...
Old 19-07-2016, 01:31 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by letsi View Post

I left it out in my previous MR but it's possible to convince Dora to strip. For my case, I told her I was unable to stand to the occasion without seeing boobs (which was true as I just couldn't get into the mood without seeing some nipples yah...) she finally relented due to time constraint for the next session, in order to get her job done but she commented how dare I ask her to strip her TOP on my first visit...

Well, that attitude is why she's not getting a return visit from me anymore even though I did have fun chatting with her...
"she commented how dare I ask her to strip her TOP on my first visit..." I would reply her my wallet won't dare to pay if she don't dare to take off her top.. 100/110/120 for a non topless HJ... money very easy to earn.. just ban girls like her! besides that, my first visit oridi chu pattern.. u think I will come again?
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Old 19-07-2016, 01:53 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

minimal for me must pull down top.
not acceptable for me for ML not stripping.

probably can have a list of ML that wont strip to highlight to other bros out there?
Old 19-07-2016, 02:15 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by macktamer View Post
hahaha ... well said. When a product is put on offer, it prolly gonna expire soon.

I like 69, so I can do a inspection first .......
You need to be very good in gynecology in order to tell how often a masseuse offers sex service. LOL...

Originally Posted by newbieintn View Post
I concur this, rejection is always easy just tell them not enough $ and they will know it.... these mls are smart enough...but the risk wld be the rest of the session wld be lack lustre more often than not....normally I also stop visiting such mls the main dish is their upselling
It would be fine to gently decline the sex offer, the masseuse knows how to keep the rest of the conversation going... anyhow you won't be the first who reject the offer.

Originally Posted by letsi View Post

I left it out in my previous MR but it's possible to convince Dora to strip. For my case, I told her I was unable to stand to the occasion without seeing boobs (which was true as I just couldn't get into the mood without seeing some nipples yah...) she finally relented due to time constraint for the next session, in order to get her job done but she commented how dare I ask her to strip her TOP on my first visit...

Well, that attitude is why she's not getting a return visit from me anymore even though I did have fun chatting with her...
I know it is possible to strip her, and I believe by certain means she can be penetrated as well. But fellow bros pay to enjoy the service but not to try their luck... If she feels offended showing tits to costumers, that's alright, just state it in the thread. Fellow bros will take it into consideration before booking. Now some costumers feel they have been "tricked"... that's the problem.
Whores are for fucking not loving. Just fuck them and be done with it.

Last edited by conquer; 19-07-2016 at 02:39 AM.
Old 19-07-2016, 07:36 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by mariosuper View Post
minimal for me must pull down top.
not acceptable for me for ML not stripping.

probably can have a list of ML that wont strip to highlight to other bros out there?

this one doesnt remove top on her own, have to take own initiative.
and she's not that hot so I didn't have the mood to do so for round 2 HJ.
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