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Old 02-08-2016, 09:29 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by evilbell View Post
Can someone verify her boobs size? I see the video i want to lao nua already!!!!!!
if you like this kinda video, just add her on wechat. She got lots to tease you
If you plan on visiting, lower your expectation ... I think she is a small B or full A, quite similar to mint.

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Old 02-08-2016, 09:31 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by stiffness;14$$$$77
Tried to book her today, fully booked oredi. Sigh. I guess her regulars are all in front of me haha..
Not only you bro. I had to book her in like 2-3 days advance in the past to get a nice slot. Super angpai.
Tax payer in the day, wild at night.
Old 02-08-2016, 10:10 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Anyone knows which ml provides frenching services?
Old 02-08-2016, 11:00 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by generic View Post
Not only you bro. I had to book her in like 2-3 days advance in the past to get a nice slot. Super angpai.

just sms to make a booking
Old 02-08-2016, 11:32 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by macktamer View Post
if you like this kinda video, just add her on wechat. She got lots to tease you
If you plan on visiting, lower your expectation ... I think she is a small B or full A, quite similar to mint.
whats her wechat nick? wanna go bio
Old 03-08-2016, 12:07 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by cosmex View Post
whats her wechat nick? wanna go bio
ask her, she is okay de.
after you make contact with her, it's kinda difficult to resist her tease.


btw, anyone try this nana
? how's the bbbj?

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Last edited by macktamer; 03-08-2016 at 12:21 AM.
Old 03-08-2016, 02:16 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Moritz View Post
Can i enquire about this $120 ML?

She very difficult to book? She massage in nude throughout the session? Whole session is 60mins or only 40 to 50mins?
thank you everyone for your kind replies.
Hi sorry to ask. Anybody know if she still in SG? Or has she gone back?
Please share if u know where is she now.
Thank you
Old 03-08-2016, 04:07 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Fanny 范尼 (SF)

Age : Mid to late 20s
Look : 7.5/10 (Angel’s face, Electric Eyes)
Height : 160cm+-
Boobs : 34B (Natural boobs & Nice Nips)
Body : 7/10 (Slight tummy, nice body)
Skin : 7.5/10 (Soft & Smooth)
Catbath : 7.5/10 (Wet)
HJ : 8/10 (Hot&Cold treatment, Great Sensual Feel)
Kiss/Frenching : 0/10 (NIL)
Massage : 8.5/10 (surprisingly Good for me)
GFE : 10/10 (Girl Next Door Feel)
Location: 8/10 (Great for Drivers)
Room: Single unit Condo, neat & tidy (Good Housekeeping)
Overall : 8/10 (worth the $90!)

RTM : Yes!

I casually ask why she only charge 90 (last time 110 as said by some bro). She replied now package is 1XHJ and more focused on giving her best attention to customer. If want 2XHJ will need top up and dun mind giving another 15mins more.

She also mention that she have 30mins allowance between bookings to ensure that she is able to perform her best. I've seen some MLs booking is back to back. Session can end within 45mins, although it says 60mins. Thumbs up for her decision!

Based on my humble view, do upz my points if you find it useful. Many thanks!
Old 03-08-2016, 04:45 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by mikeshinodaz View Post
Is she the same chewy Somerset Vera? If it is, $120 is still worth it..
Yes it is her.

Took over an apartment of a ML that just recently left - slightly off central. Ample parking.
MRT about 10-15 mins walk

Looks wise even better than last time; last time a bit overworked and a bit skinny.

Aesthetics and the way she carries herself... in a league of her own...

But then my wallet will not be left alone

Mango, Tomato
Old 03-08-2016, 08:52 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by derrickboy View Post
Yes it is her.

Took over an apartment of a ML that just recently left - slightly off central. Ample parking.
MRT about 10-15 mins walk

Looks wise even better than last time; last time a bit overworked and a bit skinny.

Aesthetics and the way she carries herself... in a league of her own...

But then my wallet will not be left alone
Well, if she is who she was, than the price tag would be so much worthwhile!
She is a handful few that deserve to be in this price range, n we Bros here will not complain. Lol

Vera is one, Crystal is one, Hope is one, Paris is one, Moon is one, these are the TOP elites Angels! Though I personally would have put Maggie in this group too, as she is my current Favourite! Haha

Last edited by Manomanomana; 03-08-2016 at 08:54 AM. Reason: How can I miss out Moon
Old 03-08-2016, 10:26 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Here are my 2 FRs since Sunday...

FR on Ada!ada/w17xi

Location: Good
Looks: I love her looks.. imo, she got the foxy look =)

Body: boobs a bit shaggy (IMO) but overall package won't turn you off
Msg: Short massage, but she know where are the points to press.

BM: I find it ticklish.. but let her do it anyway...
BJ: BBBJ was okay.. nothing much to complain....

Service: She got lots of tricks.. first catbath, followed by "sucking" my body with water in her mouth.. thumbs up for that. Her service overall is very good! Easy-going, nice to chat with. Feels more like a friend than GF.
RTF: Maybe

FR on Abby

Location: Good, few parking slots though, but easy to get
Looks: not my type, but her personality compensates for it

Body: Love her butt..
Msg: Short massage, but was good..

BJ: BBBJ was AWESOME~! wah her skills very gao lat! amazing.. simply amazing....

Service: Love her personality.. very chatty.. easy-going..
RTF: Yes
Old 03-08-2016, 10:43 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Forbes View Post

Managed to squeeze in an appointment for one of the LOS MLs before the start of the Ghosts Month tomorrow. A fair amount has already been said about the 2 ladies and I shall try to add my 2 cents worth. I will also try to be as objective as possible.

Firstly, those who like SYTs, MLs with hourglass tight bodies, C cup tits, pretty faces, good conversationalist (unless you can converse in Thai) can all stay away. Also, if you prefer condo type facilities to have your massage you can also stay away. Lastly, if you want to be KCed, please also stay away. If I were asked to describe the massage I got, the best I can do is to say - go with no expectations other than a Thai massage and try to relax as much as possible during the massage - can sleep if you like. OK, now to details:

Location: as others have reported, a budget hotel - you can enter and exit without any hassle from the reception. If you are early, there is a small lounge/waiting area at the reception for you to sit.

Room: Don't usually comment on the massage room but this I must comment. Let me should I describe word....SMALL....even smaller than a 81 room...the moment you open the door (don't even know whether you can open it fully) there is the twin (not single or super single) bed. No wardrobes I can see. Only an attached bathroom cum toilet that has seen better (much better) days. has no windows.... May I suggest to the OKT to get her a room that the air not so stale....maybe one of those aromatic candles...only a couple of bucks.

Linen: Again don't usually comment about linen but I suspect she reuses the linen, from the towel she gives you to wipe yourself after a shower to the towel she lays on the bed for you to lie on. I suppose given the number of customers she has per day, this is inevitable. Guess we just have to wash ourselves thoroughly after we get home.

ML: she is probably in her 30' is dimly lit so cannot judge that well...likely to be late 30's ba...looks acceptable la...definitely will not win Miss Bangkok or Miss Pattaya but not someone you see on the roadside in Bangkok also la.

Massage: this is her forte and if you ever want to visit her, visit her for her massage alone...forget all else...she starts by sitting at the head of the bed with a towel over her legs and invites you to lie down face up on her legs. She then gives you a head and face massage...something that the PRCs will not do....extremely soothing and more therapeutic than relieving sore muscles.....her strokes across your neck, head, face are firm but also gentle....seriously, you can just fall asleep when she does this. She throws in some firm strokes on your chest area as well. After this, you continue to lie face up and she will move down to your legs to massage your legs, thighs, pelvic and hips....again, strokes are firm....she alternates between long strokes and acupressure style massage. Again, more therapeutic than anything else. Back massage is same. I think you guys get the picture cos I cannot go on writing about her massage - it will go on and on and on

Sensual: unlike what some other brothers reported, she did not auto top off - I had to request for it, but then after seeing her tits, didn't really matter whether she top off or on. Tits are at most B and slightly saggy with big areolas. She only gave me a HJ, no BJ...even though I asked for it...but not complaining...HJ started with JG, which was rather nice.

Overall: OK...I need to be objective...if I had known the condition of the room, the hygiene, the linen, looks, etc, honestly, I would not pay $150 - I would at most pay $100 plus some tips. If you ask me to choose between the ubiquitous PRC MLs and this particular Thai ML - for massage, I think there might be a handful of PRCs that match the massage skills, eg, CoCo of Eunos and Vaxva's Xiao Xue and I personally would pay $150 to those 2 than to the Thai ML. At the end of the day, I suppose it is to each his own. I think there is room for improvement by the OKT (who I hope is reading this) in areas of room, linen, working conditions, etc. So, I would only give this ML a


P.S. Nearly forgot - Mr OKT - please inform the ML to ask the customer in advance whether he wants one or two HJs cos I had some difficulty communicating with her that I only wanted one HJ and I wanted the HJ at the end of the massage, not in the middle of the massage - I suppose it is a question of style - but it is better to state things clearly upfront.

Also, those without some knowledge of the Thai language might have some difficulty communicating.
CoCo and Xiao Xue this two both massage is good(Xiao Xue is back after reading your FR,thank you.
Old 03-08-2016, 10:56 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Loveandy View Post
CoCo and Xiao Xue this two both massage is good(Xiao Xue is back after reading your FR,thank you.
Yes, but they are not for those who like SYTs...both of them are well into their 30's, but they are good...
Old 03-08-2016, 12:57 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by kokoyoyo View Post
Hi sorry to ask. Anybody know if she still in SG? Or has she gone back?
Please share if u know where is she now.
Thank you
She is confirm going back for good already...
Old 03-08-2016, 01:11 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by sourpiss8891 View Post
Here are my 2 FRs since Sunday...

FR on Ada!ada/w17xi

Location: Good
Looks: I love her looks.. imo, she got the foxy look =)

Body: boobs a bit shaggy (IMO) but overall package won't turn you off
Msg: Short massage, but she know where are the points to press.

BM: I find it ticklish.. but let her do it anyway...
BJ: BBBJ was okay.. nothing much to complain....

Service: She got lots of tricks.. first catbath, followed by "sucking" my body with water in her mouth.. thumbs up for that. Her service overall is very good! Easy-going, nice to chat with. Feels more like a friend than GF.
RTF: Maybe

FR on Abby

Location: Good, few parking slots though, but easy to get
Looks: not my type, but her personality compensates for it

Body: Love her butt..
Msg: Short massage, but was good..

BJ: BBBJ was AWESOME~! wah her skills very gao lat! amazing.. simply amazing....

Service: Love her personality.. very chatty.. easy-going..
RTF: Yes
Just curious on the bbbj part. Has anyone requested for bj instead of bbbj just for safety and hygiene reasons? Wld it be possible that can be done?
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