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Old 05-09-2016, 09:55 PM
kozmik kozmik is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Hi bros, first thing first, I'm no way a white knight for YiYi. I'm just one of her regulars who have been visiting her for the past year.
I'm not sure why she has had bad reviews previously but I have been a very satisfied customer since I visited her the 1st time.

Originally Posted by quinouster View Post
Tried Yi Yi at http://www.$$$$$$.com/girl.php?id=866...

She was not there and could not make it! ... What a lousy (no) service, should not be in this business. Comment/review not published by $$$$$$.
Best avoided!
quinouster bro, YiYi texted me explaining what happened. She was at the temple and was not able to come back in time for your appointment to which she has apologized. She then arranged for her friend to take her place instead. But things didn't make out and you decided not to use her friend's services. Do try to be fair to her as she has at least tried to arrange an alternative.

Originally Posted by d2810 View Post
Same. Just to note she is short and a bit plumb. Photo highly PS.
d2810 bro, TBH, I find that her body is not bad la. Petite, have soft boobs, firm butt and smooth skin. Auto-roaming only made the HJ end faster. The photos posted are the same as the real thing.

Above are just my own opinions, of course everyone has their own tastes so she might not satisfy everyone else. As the saying goes, 'one man's meat is another man's poison'.

- End of WoT -
Old 05-09-2016, 10:05 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

FR on Reverie from LTD

Location: Very discreet to the point it can be inaccessible but if you don't mind walking it's about 7-10 mins from the mrt. That said, can't have the best of both worlds also if you think about it.

Looks: Pre milf and definitely won't reject as she has very sharp features.

Body: Extremely petite. Love her fun size, and those B/C cups on that small frame. I think might be enhanced though but who's judging? Very nice to fondle.

Text her and she was very responsive. Gave me a hug the moment I stepped in and was very "teh" which can grow on some of you. Shower was SOP and she would shower you but not with you. After that she'll asked the standard 1 or 2 shots. Opted for 1 and she started hj and catbath while standing! Slowly proceeded to the bed where she would slowly caress my lil bro and keep saying Bao bei Bao bei while cat bathing. After shot it's the massage and she'll ask you to change to the massage bed. This is why I would RTM because she can actually massage too! Asked if the strength was okay and did full body massage. At the end helped crack some bones too. Had a good convo with her throughout and for bros who complain she uses phone throughout, she actually asked permission before using which is very polite. She was saying today business was slow .. So when she ask to check her phone how can I say no? Gotta think of her also making a living. As long as it's not excessive.

The only downside was maybe she got abit too familiar too fast by asking me to bring her shopping at a nearby mall etc etc but then again, she said she was feeling bored cos no customers so give her the benefit of doubt? As I passed her the cash, asked for tips in a joking way but I didn't give cos not in the habit of doing so.

All in all, I would say yes to RTM and please give support if you want a good looking girl with ample boobs, who can chat, massage and make you enjoy her company for an hour

This is my honest review, if you like it pleas up points bros! Thank you!
Old 05-09-2016, 10:13 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by derrickboy View Post
BTW, think XM just changed her number and her current listed on in SH is not valid.
Means it might not be xiaomo that i met last week?
Old 05-09-2016, 10:22 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Anyone tried Mei Xi before?

Old 05-09-2016, 10:38 PM
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Talking Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

MR on Zi Han from sglonelyguy.

First looks, a slightly mature SYT with sharp features and looks would not reject. Great figure, slim with nice C-cups, little pink nipples, nice perky ass. A straight turn-on for me!

Massage is very thorough, ease the stiffness on the back alot. I like the head massage (big head) a lot, in fact something that I would just RTM for.

Sensual wise was nicely done. Slow BM rub, licking on the back with whispers in the ear, really turn-on. Full 4G roaming, of course have to be gentle, did not take long to release.

Overall: 9/10 Takes the top positions of my RTM list.
Old 06-09-2016, 12:04 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Just visited Venni from foxy not long ago温妮-vennisuper-budget超值)/

Looks: 7-8/10
body: 7/10 (little chubby, smooth and nice)
Location: 8/10 (stay alone, public transport abit challenging)
Massage: 8-9/10 (It's been awhile since i had a head massage included)
Service: 9/10.. i found a new oily hdly gem.
RTF: yes.. so near my place.. less den 3mins walk away.
Old 06-09-2016, 12:20 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

RTM Ricey/Alina/Aiai. Add on a few points here.

SYT with a pretty face and young body. Like a GND girlfriend.

She stripped naked and shower together, although the shower cubicle is pretty small.

Sensual was done in nude. Slow and accommodating HJ.

She scores high in GFE, with no commercial feel. Not a time watcher. Felt like spending a good time with a partner.

Although did not have time to play much, caught a few Pokemon at her place
Old 06-09-2016, 12:59 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Kozmik Bro, totally agreed with what u had said here. Being one of her regulars myself, i really question the few posts that said bad things about her. Have u guys try her before? If not please go and try, u will see that she is one of the best out there. For those that don't really know her, please stfu. Thanks!
Old 06-09-2016, 07:40 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Just a simple and quick fr here

2 years ago I mis a chance to try xiao Han
But yesterday night I was there

For me, look 9/10, my cup of tea with nice shape boob which I like the size
Gfe maybe I know speak Cantonese this plus point for me. Yea!

But I dislike her location now.... Maybe I don know shortcut...

Other then above depend on individual.

Wat I feel is, after charity back... I know who I can go now
Old 06-09-2016, 08:06 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by MiG27 View Post
Means it might not be xiaomo that i met last week?
Should be still her... her number changed a couple of days back.

Mango, Tomato
Old 06-09-2016, 08:59 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Forbes View Post

Dressing: when she opened the door, she was dressed in a loose one piece pajama type dress, not transparent or translucent type - 100% cotton with teddy bear prints, cannot see through type hor. Can't see much of her body because......drumroll......she did not take off her pajamas.....she allowed my hands to feel outside and go under her pajamas to feel her tits (she was braless) but.....drumroll......she did not allow me to feel her nipples...she says "yang" (in Chinese)...itchy. She even said if I continued to touch her nipples, she would not allow me to feel her tits from the inside of her of her body don't know....didn't venture southwards....but did see auntie type baby blue panties though...

Massage: she looked disinterested and her massage style machiam the cook at Ding Tai Fung kneading flour to make noodles. Some may like it but not to my liking. I prefer the long strokes type of massage. However, credit to her for kneading my entire back, from the neck and shoulders to my feet. Strength was OK but little to no technique. I think the Ding Tai Fung cook has better technique.

Sensual: errr....simi sensual? After massaging, no...kneading my back with no indication of any sensuality, asked to turn over and straight away said she will now "beat it out for me", in Chinese 帮我打出. She straight away fondle my cock and tried to shake it out....errr.....I oso don't know how to describe leh....don't remove pajamas, don't allow me to play with tits fully, straight face, lidat how to steam teach me la....after a while and seeing little to no reaction, she applied a bit of oil...haizzz....what to do...already throw myself into the frying pan full of boiling oil liao...close my eyes and think that it was Megan Fox playing with my balls and cock the end just ejaculated and went to wash up.

Timing: Didn't not really time the whole episode but it could not have been more than 45 minutes.

Grading: let you all say la....see how many will give her a

RTM: must say ah? Really must say ah? Don't want la.....

Heng Ah. I almost want to book her today but decided to scan for MR.
What a interesting review help me save $$$ Thanks bro.
Old 06-09-2016, 11:23 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Who do you call (sounding like Ghostbusters...) if you want a good no nonsense massage - the hard type - by a ML who looks reasonably good (definitely won't kick out of bed), is a MILF but has a figure that puts some SYTs to same, a good conversationalist and someone who will not eat into your time.......drumroll please.......there might be others who I have not have the pleasure of trying but IMHO, there is one (and only one) who (as the Chinese say) if she says she is number 2, hard to find someone who will be number 1.......

The ML is..... For those who do not know her, she is the legendary Xiao Xue.

Anyway, to cut long story short, felt that I needed a good hard massage to loosen up the body, akin to detoxifying your body after a long bout of binge eating high fat and high cholesterol food. Didn't want to take chances with MLs that I am not familiar with, so decided to give XX a call.

Location: she has moved from her old location, where she operated for a good 2 to 3 years. New location is also in the East and walking distance to that hawker centre that has the famous Blanco Court kwa chap. Nice 2 bedroom apartment that she uses all by herself. Security is good, need to go through 2 access doors - and I am sure there are CCTV cameras about. Apartment is clean and nicely renovated. Only setback is that she threw away her old massage bed and has yet to get a new one. So massage was on a single bed - not as effective but still good.

Massage: what can I say - superb, IMHO better than those genuine no nonsense no hanky panky tuina shops. Starts with a dry (no oil) finger press and kneading combination massage on your back, from neck to feet, then followed by long strokes tuina style oil (Johnson baby oil ) massage, again from neck to feet. Solid 60 minutes (I took 90 minutes) of hard effective no nonsense massage - no tickling of your back, your ass cheeks or your ass crack. Her massage was so strong that it was at times painful, but after the pain comes the relief, so bear with it. After oil massage, she will use a hot (yes, hot, not warm, but not to the extent of boiling hot) towel to cover your back, give your back a few good presses and then use the hot towel to clean the oil of your back. This is repeated again. So so Shiok...

JG: after massaging your back, she will ask you to turn over and she will sit where your feet are, open your legs and give you a nice 10 minutes or so of JG. She does not intend to make your cock hard during JG (but I suppose some do). Instead, she presses and massages the veins around your scrotum to get the blood flowing.

Sensual: after the JG she will sit/lie next to you and start her sensual. She will then invite you to pull down her dress - yes, during massage she is FULLY CLOTHED, but during sensual, she will expose her tits. This might not go down well with some guys but then again, those who know XX and go find her don't go to see, feel, grope or suck her tits - they go for her good massage. Anyway, HJ was pretty standard and uneventful, so shan't say too much. I know some guys might get some extra treatment but this is not the venue to discuss things that happen behind closed doors....

Overall: no horse run, sure win choice for a good solid massage by a decent looking friendly MILF. Seasoned cheongsters will know who she is and what she can deliver. Newcomers might want to give her a try and then use her as the yardstick to gauge the standards of other MLs.

RTM: most definitely. I suppose one of the reasons for not RTMing that regularly is the urge to try others. But after trying so many others, you know who to go back to for a good one eh......

Old 06-09-2016, 02:05 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Try Eva today, massage is superb, hit all the right spots with soothing my aches and pains, comfortable and a real gem in massage. One of the best around. Chatty and friendly with plenty of energy.
Old 06-09-2016, 02:32 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Any good authentic Juagen ML to recommend?
Old 06-09-2016, 03:20 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Any good Gem to recommend in the west near BV area?
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