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Old 22-11-2016, 10:47 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Any reviews on this qiqi?
Old 22-11-2016, 11:02 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by derrickboy View Post
Break nia according to her....
such good money who will not come back
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Old 22-11-2016, 11:45 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by yqz7 View Post
Vera oh Vera....

I'm sure many here know, no matter how experienced you are, how many MRs you read, sometimes you still will have your hits and misses. Usually, after extensive research, it's about 60% who know a bit of massage bordering on piano, 20% put in more effort but u know their skills still not there yet, 10% got effort know a bit more but just can't hit the sweet spot, another 5-10% who has effort, hits the right points with the right force (almost like TCM), never short change you...
Yup Vera is definitely the top 5-10% in the ML group! And I'm a sucker for massage (with or without hanky panky I have been to quite a lot I must say). I'm Still feeling the after effects and shiokness from her professional treatment now!

Now for the sensual... I can only say she plays this game really well. If you are not asking for the unaskable (she's strict with her restrictions), she will treat you well and u will enjoy it I can assure you. She is one unique one, who can switch between elegant and seductive. She is the elegant wife you want to talk to about serious thoughts, and yet she is so alluring when she turns her switch on. That angelic face and hot bod... Perfect wife material, just the type i wld like and fantasize on!

At $120 she's on the high side here but I feel it's every penny well spent, rather than wasting 100/110 on subpar jobs.

Now take note, SHE DOES NOT TAKE FJ/BJ/BBBJ. So do yourself (and her and other guys like myself) a favor if you are looking a FJ - look elsewhere. U are just wasting your time and money and not getting what you want. Spend it elsewhere where you can get all those pent up desires released.
Spot on on Vera.
Old 22-11-2016, 12:00 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Mr_don_juan View Post
i think times has changed mls r no longer popular . It's only this thread that helping the mls to maintain their high price fully clothed handjobs service which quite unattractive.

Whether the off menus services r mentioned here are no longer important the current batch of fls with versatility to massage and fj r much prettier than mls. Ani mint r ex fls and already quite outdated.

Other than ken , senior samsters seldom come here to look for mls cos they all know what like in the good old days of fl2.
Agree - to a certain extent.

WLs in general, whether she is a ML, FL or other type of WL, will always have appeal. Appeal to who? Appeal to those think they are being treated like kings and princes; appeal to those who think the ML is their girlfriend; appeal to those who find a particular ML attractive (remember beauty is in the eye of the beholder); appeal to those who think they are getting a good deal for $80, $100, $150 or whatever amount is paid. To the extent described above, MLs are popular. But, in the general context, yes, MLs have lost their shine. Reasons -

(1) FLs converting to MLs - in most cases, these FLs do not know how to give a massage. Instead, they tease and give huge doses of GFE. To top it off, they open their legs/mouth. Some brothers are so smitten that they forget that they were there for a massage.

(2) Dishonest advertising - we have heard/read and some of us have experienced fully-clothed MLs, MLs who are advertised as being in their 20's but in person are in the 40's. MLs who are advertised as being able to do wonders to your body but end up playing piano.

(3) value for money - I have not done the research but I think it is safe to say that on average, one would need to pay $100 for 60 minutes of massage plus HJ/BJ/FJ or whatever other job the ML is supposed to do. However, more often than not, most (not necessarily all) of us get short-changed - whether it is by 10, 15, 20 or more minutes, by the type of service, by the environment, etc.

I am sure there are more reasons but I suspect the above might be the main reasons.

On the topic of ang-pais, again to each his own la. This is very subjective. A ML is only an ang-pai if we make her one. I admit I have never gone out of the way to try an ang-pai. If it so happens that I fancy her (from her advertisement) and she is available, so be it, but I don't make it a point to purposely make an appointment to try her. I guess it is because I have been here for a while (perhaps not as long as others but still a good number of years) and I have seen/heard/read about more ang-pais than I can remember. To me, at the end of the day, it is all about money. If you throw enough money at your favourite ML you will get the service that the ang-pais give and more. So, any ML can be your ang-pai.

Just my 2 cents....

Old 22-11-2016, 03:29 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by baotohk View Post
such good money who will not come back
Haha... difficult to disagree on that

Mango, Tomato
Old 22-11-2016, 03:56 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Enquiry on vera has been settled. She has responded.
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Last edited by Mr_don_juan; 22-11-2016 at 04:14 PM.
Old 22-11-2016, 04:40 PM
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Cool Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Innocentboy888 View Post
MR for Mint

Just had a session with her. Arrived 10 mins ahead of schedule. Followed her instructions and my heart was pounding like mad as I approached her resisdence. Pushed door open and was greeted by Mint. Didn't hug or kiss like some bros claimed. Looks wise ok young and she claimed she was 18 hahah. Of course didn't believe her. Told me to strip and in my mind I was thinking why she never help me strip as what other bros said. So I slowly strip my pants but she took the initiative to strip my underwear haha. When she saw my didi she comment why never stand and asked am I not sexy enough for you? Haha next proceeded to shower.. she didn't shower together but helped me wash clean from outside the cubicle. Played with my didi to let it grow during shower. Hmm then let me upstairs to start first HJ since I opted for 2(thinking I was a superman). First HJ took 15-20 mins and I felt bad that she had to exhaust her arm strength. She commented her arm was nearly wasted lol. Allowed roaming during HJ, can kiss(I never french), suck nipple, and she also tried to suck my nipple during HJ. Finally came and true enough she wasted no drop. Rub till my leg jelly. Said I shoot too much and I commented very long never release due to work stress(true). Proceeded for massage and whole time I was in prone position. Sat on my back and did the massage and I told her my calfs have been aching and she did calf pressing for me. Throughout the massage, very chatty and I had to ask her to explain her cheem Chinese. Couple of laughin moments but could also see something was troubling her... ANYWAY asked me to get on fours and did her HDLY. I kinda love this sensation and made me hard again however it lasted a few seconds since I told her before hand I wanted try her JG too. She explained it's quite painful and will adjust her strength accordingly. Very thoughtful love it. Heard she learnt it 2 years back from some TCM place. Since time was running out started my second HJ. She was patient but I couldn't cum no matter what. Had to end the session no choice!

Looks: 9/10. Young, big eyes(she did put on eye liner) will try to maintain eye contact during HJ+ a cfm look
Boobs: 4/10 not for boobs lover.
Body: 8/10 ok looks slim to me, white and smooth
Attitude: 9/10 out to please
Pussy: clean shaven
HJ: 7/10 I couldn't tell much variation in patterns. Maybe no chemistry.
Massage: 7/10 ok strength for her size
JG: 8/10 very concerned over whether will hurt
HDLY: 9/10 sensual. However short session.
GFE: 10/10

Note to bros: Her skin is very dry and she's moulting according to her. Before session, she was applying moisturizer on her body. Heard from one of the bro before so I also never request to bathe tgt.
Don't play with her hair!She told me not to play with it as I kept caressing. Think she doesn't like to mess up her straight hair.

RTM: Yes if I get stress and horny

Please take care of her.. especially her skin.
Mint is hard to book 😉
Old 22-11-2016, 05:45 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by naysmith View Post
Mint is hard to book 😉
Yes I must say I was very lucky indeed as we both had common timings available. Do treat her well if you do manage a slot
Old 22-11-2016, 05:52 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Forbes View Post
Agree - to a certain extent.

WLs in general, whether she is a ML, FL or other type of WL, will always have appeal. Appeal to who? Appeal to those think they are being treated like kings and princes; appeal to those who think the ML is their girlfriend; appeal to those who find a particular ML attractive (remember beauty is in the eye of the beholder); appeal to those who think they are getting a good deal for $80, $100, $150 or whatever amount is paid. To the extent described above, MLs are popular. But, in the general context, yes, MLs have lost their shine. Reasons -

(1) FLs converting to MLs - in most cases, these FLs do not know how to give a massage. Instead, they tease and give huge doses of GFE. To top it off, they open their legs/mouth. Some brothers are so smitten that they forget that they were there for a massage.

(2) Dishonest advertising - we have heard/read and some of us have experienced fully-clothed MLs, MLs who are advertised as being in their 20's but in person are in the 40's. MLs who are advertised as being able to do wonders to your body but end up playing piano.

(3) value for money - I have not done the research but I think it is safe to say that on average, one would need to pay $100 for 60 minutes of massage plus HJ/BJ/FJ or whatever other job the ML is supposed to do. However, more often than not, most (not necessarily all) of us get short-changed - whether it is by 10, 15, 20 or more minutes, by the type of service, by the environment, etc.

I am sure there are more reasons but I suspect the above might be the main reasons.

On the topic of ang-pais, again to each his own la. This is very subjective. A ML is only an ang-pai if we make her one. I admit I have never gone out of the way to try an ang-pai. If it so happens that I fancy her (from her advertisement) and she is available, so be it, but I don't make it a point to purposely make an appointment to try her. I guess it is because I have been here for a while (perhaps not as long as others but still a good number of years) and I have seen/heard/read about more ang-pais than I can remember. To me, at the end of the day, it is all about money. If you throw enough money at your favourite ML you will get the service that the ang-pais give and more. So, any ML can be your ang-pai.

Just my 2 cents....

Yupz another thing how many 18 to 21 year old can we find here? Here mostly milfs that why I lost all interest in mls past six mths. If I can easily find new fresh fls elsewhere why waste time on mls or ex fls mls that getting old?

Think about it actually good advice to look elsewhere on fls. One could easily get their money worth .150/ 160 top up u can get syts where they r fully nude and get massage plus fj.

Bros getting smarter nowadays. They have better options than wasting time and money on fully clothed handjob services.

unless she wife material and you may want to marry her otherwise why keep wasting money.
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Old 22-11-2016, 06:59 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by xiaobailongz View Post

Any reviews on this qiqi?
Made an appt with her tdy. Reached there on time, called/msged her no reply. 20 mins later, then reply she's busy so cancel. No apology or anything.

Maybe I'm just unlucky or what, but fellow bros do book at your own risk.
Old 22-11-2016, 07:58 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

sometimes, all people need is to check the profile of the people posting these FR, and view their historical post to see if they are a clone or genuine samster.

below ML, only had 2 FR, written by 2 samsters with <50 posts. at first thought, i assume fake la. then i viewed their profile, hmmm, actually, from the way they post, not really likely to be clones. i took the chance, went ahead, and paid off.

i wont go to my usual ratings, i will say a few stuffs only.

1. i will definitely RTM. Chio + BBBJ (no cim) + damn good sensual. massage lovers, look away but hey, if massage is all youre looking for, what are u doing here in the first place?

2. u say not chio, i chop my jiao jiao. ofc, dont come and compare her with celebrities but from a FL and ML standpoint, she is chio. nuff said.
Old 22-11-2016, 09:08 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Mr_don_juan View Post
Yupz another thing how many 18 to 21 year old can we find here? Here mostly milfs that why I lost all interest in mls past six mths. If I can easily find new fresh fls elsewhere why waste time on mls or ex fls mls that getting old?

Think about it actually good advice to look elsewhere on fls. One could easily get their money worth .150/ 160 top up u can get syts where they r fully nude and get massage plus fj.

Bros getting smarter nowadays. They have better options than wasting time and money on fully clothed handjob services.

unless she wife material and you may want to marry her otherwise why keep wasting money.
Is RongRong one of the example? too bad she's RTC...she's good ah...
Old 23-11-2016, 12:28 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Haven't had a massage for a long time. Decided to visit this lady -

Stays in the North East area, 5-10 min walk from the train station. Gave clear instructions on how to get to her place via text.

Looked older than the photos, but still pretty with makeup on. She's quite petite but there are curves in the right places.

Massage was pretty good. Relaxed me enough such that I nearly fell asleep, which rarely happens.

Sensual wise, not exactly my cup of tea but good enough to make me shoot twice. Of course, her looks and figure helped as well.

Service was good - asked where to focus the massage, told me before using the phone, decent conversations etc.

Overall, a good massage with nice extras thrown in. Will probably visit again, especially since there are so few MLs in the area. Anyone has other MLs in the north east area to recommend?
Old 23-11-2016, 01:10 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

This is a MR for Rachael

She caught my eye months ago but I did not visit her because I can't find suitable timing. I miss the feeling of a boobfuck ever since Da Ma from LTD left our shores so she has been on my radar for a long time.

Went ahead and book her during lunch time. She's located in east area and not too difficult to reach her place, it is near one of the bus stops along the road.

She gave specific instructions to her apartment and I went up and instructions on how to be discreet. It feels like having an affair but for obvious reasons as well so that her neighbours do not suspect her doing this kind of business.

I entered her place and it's real dark. She's wearing a T shirt over her nightie and I cannot make out her face clearly but her boobs really stood out and that gave me assurance that this is probably going to be a good experience. Yes, I am a boob lover and I do not patronise a ML with less than C cup boobs. Her place looks very tidy and clean, shower is neat as well. I am quite impressed at that and she stays alone.

I stripped, showered and came out. She asked whether I want 1 or 2 HJ and I opted for 2 because I'm damn horny looking at her boobs. I lied on the massage bed and she stripped to her panties and slowly began her BF. I did not have a front view of her BF-ing me since she is standing at my side and doing the BF but I looked at the size of her boobs and I know they entirely consumed my dick. It's a nice feeling. She will rotate using her hands and boobs and when I told her I was about to cum, she used her boobs to clamp on my dick and I exploded over her boobs. I finally had my fantasy fulfilled after so many months.

She cleaned my dick and she went to wash up. Took about 5 mins and it's my turn to clean my lil bro and I rushed through this cleaning since she also said not to spend too much time, better to use time for massage and 2nd round.

Back to the massage bed for the massage. She does this quite well I would say but not better than some of the Tier 1 MLs around. The massage felt quite short to be honest, can't tell how long it lasted but it didn't feel like 30 mins is all I can say. She knows where to press and knead to relieve the tension on my back. Had some chit chat and advise me to drink some herbal drink to lower my "heat". I quite like this relax feeling. Then she slowly moved her hands down to massage my thigh and subsequent did HDLY for me. Flipped around and she slowly build up for a HJ. She stripped her nightie and she did something which I never experienced before. She moved to the side of the bed where my head is and she leaned forward to HJ me and her boobs cover my face! Such an awesome feeling of warm goodness massaging my face. I hungrily used my tongue to lick her boobs and she positioned herself to allow me to suck on her nips. Because of how much I love her boobs, I actually shot faster the second time round.

After that, she had to wash her hands and I showered. Paid up and left a very satisfied man. The only down side is that she seemed to short changed me 5 - 10 mins. Massage was not as long as I would liked but that is because I had a HJ and a BF and she needed time to wash up after the BF so I can understand that. She did cautioned me that massage time will be shortened if I go for 2 shots

I'll put down the point rating system now.

Location: 8/10 (plus point on tidiness)
Face: 8/10 (hot MILF)
Body/Boobs: 10/10 (I think her body to boob proportion is almost perfect. For a pair of solid D cup boobs on her frame is really near perfect)
Massage: 7.5/10 (-0.5 cuz abit short)
Sensual: 9/10 It doesn't feel SOP and I love her sensual by giving me what I crave… BOOBS!
GFE: 7/10 Feels like a friend

RTM: Definitely!

Last edited by hazyones23; 23-11-2016 at 01:28 AM. Reason: Add some notes
Old 23-11-2016, 01:51 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Ahau View Post
Is RongRong one of the example? too bad she's RTC...she's good ah...
Yes Rong Rong is very pretty at least to me. She will be back soon
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Last edited by Mr_don_juan; 23-11-2016 at 03:19 PM.
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