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Old 12-12-2016, 11:01 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Giggs View Post
Think a lot of bros' minimum requirement are Laura, Mint or Aini already. haha
Bro Giggs. Totally agree with you. Why waste our hard earned money on ML who don't even give you the minimum attention for one hour?

10Q for throwing out the name Aini. Time to check out new stocks.
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Old 12-12-2016, 11:04 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

any big boobies and good massage ML worth patronizing???

haizzz,, now like a serious lack of stock....
Old 12-12-2016, 11:05 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by AvgJoe View Post
She was pretty good when she first arrived here.

However her standards nose dived after she's been here for a couple of months. To be fair to her, her cat bath is still one of the best in the market at the moment.

Probably she is well supported by her die hard fan base which caused her to slacken her performance
Hey Bro AvgJoe. So at least I know I am not the only one wh kena her poor services. Yes her cat bath was the only time she is focused on you. And yes one of the best. Which is why such pity because she has the potential to be so much more.

Maybe her die hard fans should alert her to her declining standards. I know she has loyal fans because she casually mention not receiving new clients and only take regulars as her place security not good. She must have many fans to be able to say this. And I was deceived by all the good FRs on LTD website. Sigh.
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Old 12-12-2016, 11:39 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

What I heard was that she is more keen on enjoying herself nowadays; which if true is nothing wrong since she is free to make her own choices...

But then it is 2 ways - we as customers also can make our choice whether to visit or not.

Mango, Tomato
Old 12-12-2016, 11:43 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by tiko View Post
any big boobies and good massage ML worth patronizing???

haizzz,, now like a serious lack of stock....
You can try Laura which was mentioned above.
Old 12-12-2016, 11:49 AM
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Originally Posted by tiko View Post
any big boobies and good massage ML worth patronizing???

haizzz,, now like a serious lack of stock....
Big boobs got
Laura Angpai,
Old 12-12-2016, 12:25 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

thanks bro...

tried laura before quite sometime back.... playful and wild....

but haven't tried rachel yet, think she is here a long time already.... is she chubby??? milf right???

thanks bros for yr reply.... no one like makes me wanna RTM nowdays....

Originally Posted by fluffykite View Post
Old 12-12-2016, 12:41 PM
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Originally Posted by cheongster_11 View Post
Hah hah bro Conquer. U sibei funny.

So if service too lousy u Run fast fast ? Or location not secure you run fast fast ? Anyhow her regulars should alert her to her dropping standards so she will wake up her idea. And especially when she has so much to offer. What a pity!
Well, everything was wrong. Like what you've encountered, she performed some one-handed massage tricks with another hand on her phone, which is something I could hardly appreciate. When I started some conversations, she responded coldly with few words, as she was focusing on the phone. The HJ was even worse as she rest her head on my belly while jerking my penis mechanically.

I just could not take it no more then I left.

Given all the positive reviews she's been given, maybe it was only my bad day... and probably your bad day as well.
Old 12-12-2016, 02:13 PM
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Originally Posted by conquer View Post
Given all the positive reviews she's been given, maybe it was only my bad day... and probably your bad day as well.
Some of her reviews are paid posts. Not that she wasn't good at first or that she ever asked me to post MR for her like Peace did.

But she did ever asked me a few times after session while typing on phone what do we find more important, massage skills or GFE or something similar. After I gave my answer both times, She think for awhile then continue typing on phone while I dress up, thanking me before clicking send and saying "done".

After a day the MR will appear from some guy with one post or two and fairly new account extolling how good she is at the answer I have. One time I haven't even reach home and already found the MR posted.

Because of this, I never felt that I needed to post MR for her.
Old 12-12-2016, 03:14 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by cheongster_11 View Post

Was on the hunt for the best SYT around so after the fantastic services and good attitude from Mint, Leanne was on my radar. But a huge disappointment. She has the potential to be so much better. Let's start with the good points first.

Pretty. Definitely cute looking SYT. Very hardworking on cat bath. Takes her time to kiss you on every inch of your body. She has so much potential BUT...

Smoker. Strong smell of smoke. So if you don't smoke better have a good excuse when your CO asks.

Lacks of GFE. Cannot auto roam. Bath alone. Massage with phone in hand. One HJ and with time to spare don't even bother to offer head massage. In and out less than an hour. But honestly I won't want to stay Too Long too because...

Location is compromised. The building used before by another ML who RTC. In fact she RTC because she was caught according to bros here. Tried to looked for previous ML gem and was told she was visited by AV. Cheong safe

Maybe I was pampered too well by Mint. And Leanne fails miserably in pale comparison to mint.
Almost wanted to try her yesterday... saw the many comments made by bros here in the thread ... think would skip her. thanks.
Good ML Criteria:
  1. Good Service Attitude with Reasonable Price
  2. Able to suck her tits
  3. OK Massage
  4. Acceptable service time
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Old 12-12-2016, 03:42 PM
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Originally Posted by cheongster_11 View Post
Hey Bro AvgJoe. So at least I know I am not the only one wh kena her poor services. Yes her cat bath was the only time she is focused on you. And yes one of the best. Which is why such pity because she has the potential to be so much more.

Maybe her die hard fans should alert her to her declining standards. I know she has loyal fans because she casually mention not receiving new clients and only take regulars as her place security not good. She must have many fans to be able to say this. And I was deceived by all the good FRs on LTD website. Sigh.
Simi potential? She is a one hit wonder and catbath is her only topselling album. Can't even get wet down there how to be in this line? Cannot believe those FR on okt sites one. They purposely don't allow the negative ones to be shown. And now we know some they type themselves, how to trust? Only can trust SBF
Old 12-12-2016, 04:25 PM
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Originally Posted by conquer View Post
Well, everything was wrong. Like what you've encountered, she performed some one-handed massage tricks with another hand on her phone, which is something I could hardly appreciate. When I started some conversations, she responded coldly with few words, as she was focusing on the phone. The HJ was even worse as she rest her head on my belly while jerking my penis mechanically.

I just could not take it no more then I left.

Given all the positive reviews she's been given, maybe it was only my bad day... and probably your bad day as well.
It wasn't just a bad day for you both. She really got attitude problem. My final straw was my last visit, when she cancelled on me when i had already arrived at her place. I thought f**k what the hell, how can like this? She gave me some made up excuse about it being windy, and as i was trying to get another ML around the area at short notice, i saw her leaving her place with some bloody angmoh. Nabeh fly my aeroplane for a FT
Old 12-12-2016, 05:33 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

I had visited Xiao Han many times. Not sure what really make me go back to her again and again. Perhaps it's her high GFE I think. In fact I had visited her more then visiting our previous ang pai Clearly whom I was one of her regulars. Haha. Below is my rating of Xiao Han:

Location: 7/10, central, near MRT station, quite discreet.
Look: 9/10 she is fair and pretty. Remind me of a HK actress but I can't remember the name.
Massage: 7/10. Although not her forte but she will try to put in effort.
HJ/Sensual: 9/10. Very enjoyable. She will do catbath both front and back. Patience with good amount of hugging. Will take her time to make you come.
GFE: 10/10. She is good in making small talk and make me feel comfortable.
RTM: Sure
Old 12-12-2016, 06:48 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by conquer View Post
Visited her once and never return, what I can say is she is really not the cup of tea of the hardcore players.
I understand what u meant. I had the same experience quite some time back. All this while i tot i am the only one that got this treatment.
Old 12-12-2016, 06:51 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by conquer View Post
Well, everything was wrong. Like what you've encountered, she performed some one-handed massage tricks with another hand on her phone, which is something I could hardly appreciate. When I started some conversations, she responded coldly with few words, as she was focusing on the phone. The HJ was even worse as she rest her head on my belly while jerking my penis mechanically.

I just could not take it no more then I left.

Given all the positive reviews she's been given, maybe it was only my bad day... and probably your bad day as well.
Fren....u are not the only one.
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