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Old 15-12-2016, 08:52 PM
JasonJG JasonJG is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

I'm a sucker for a pretty face, and have been admiring Linn's good looks since she was first listed. However, I'm also against MLs refusing to at least remove her top and bra. Hence, I've not made any effort to book her. Heard lately that Linn is gradually opening up, and will service customers topless.

She greeted me in a white dress and was braless underneath. She is really 1.7 m tall, which is something else that I dig. Even though I'm just slightly taller than her, her height to me is a plus factor. Showered alone and lay prone on her bed. Before she started the massage, asked if she could remove her dress, and she did so without any hesitation. This became our first conversation topic. She admitted that her business was affected adversely at one time when there were several posts that she was fully clothed. After consultation with her best friend, Vivian, she has learnt to take in the comments and slowly let go of her inhibitions. Cheekily, l asked if there'd ever come the day when the panties would come off as well. She did not reject the idea outright, but said that she would need more time to adjust to the massage scene here and the expectations and preferences of Singaporean guys. Jokingly I told her that I would surely RTM when she's fully adjusted.

The massage was good, and she's well-trained. You could either choose with or without oil. Chose no oil because it would encourage bodily contact. True enough, I got to enjoy her sitting on my butt while she was massaging the back, and the occasional brushes between her boobs and my body. She shared that she picked up some pointers to improve the sensual component of her massage and she's gradually working them into her routine so that it would enhance the customers' overall experience. She tried to give a breast massage both on the front and back, and it was obvious that she needed more practice. But, kudos to her positive attitude. She also sought my help to practice fake lovemaking, which is my personal favourite, so I gladly acceded to her request. Too bad it was done with panties on.

Eventually time ran out on us, and there was no time for me to release. Nevertheless, it was fun playing tutor to a girl who's keen on learning to improve her service. This girl certainly has potential. Will probably RTM one month later to check her progress. it should be really really fun.

Looks: 8.5/10
Body: 6.5/10 (big body frame but not fat)
Boobs: 8/10 (36C, soft, bouncy and 100% genuine)
Massage: 8/10 (trained)
Sensual: 7.5/10 (she's still learning, will surely improve)
GFE: 8/10 (she's apparently picked up some tips from Vivian and should get better too)
Autoroam: 3.5G for me (hopefully 4G next time)
Attitude: 9/10 (no shortcuts and ever willing to listen to constructive criticisms)
Hygiene: 10/10 (clean apartment, clean towels, and she smells nice!)
RTM: Yes, certainly.
Old 15-12-2016, 09:08 PM
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Re: Bei’ er 贝儿

Originally Posted by qwerty0870 View Post
Here's a review for Bei' Er 贝儿 who i was lucky enough to book when she just arrived. Her working hours are not entirely friendly, but don't let that put you off from trying.

We know better than to put our faith entirely on professional images. But she's not too far off in real life, and her looks will definitely grow on you:

  1. Massage 6/10 : Although not professionally trained, she has acceptable technique and covers most of the required common spots. I have an iron back and prefer hard massage, but still i find her strength is above average.

  2. Looks 7/10: Between SYT and Pre-MILF, age I estimate 24 maybe. The typical petite fiery PRC who looks like she's about to pounce on you and devour you, but is holding back as a build-up to aid your climax. Yes, that kind of look/feeling. Boobs - delicious. Very very delicious, and C-cup as advertised.

  3. Sensual 9/10: I have to caveat the high marks. Being relatively new to this service, she may not cover all the bases. BM okay. Catbath - not really. HDLY - also not really. Obviously she is a reactive, rather than proactive, kind of lady. So i decided to take the initiative and starting auto-roaming her body, with light pecks wherever was permissible. Once her engine was on, the tigress came out. Don't get me wrong - nothing off-menu, but you have to try for yourself to find out the extent of her sensuality!

  4. Location 5/10: Could be better. Between 2 MRTs, but walking distance. Located near many many MPs but not operating from one, so be prepared to have girls opening their MP doors asking you to go in. Stay focused. Very secure and little chance of being surprised by AV.

  5. Overall verdict 7.5/10: Bei Er is someone who will grow on you. She is very professional, yet behaves very natural - no commercial feel, and you really feel like you're being serviced by a long-time girlfriend. Like the playfulness of her peeking at you bathing like the mischievous girlfriend waiting to be piak-ed... such a turn-on. Add to that that firm petite "sichuan-type" body, is a recipe for fireworks.

    Try. Go. Eat. She's worth a visit (and rtm imho)
Decided to write an FR by adding on to yours haha. Massage-wise, maybe is cause I have hurt my back recently, but I felt that she was awesome in this aspect. It felt effective. And while I agree with the rest of your points, I really want to elaborate on what you mentioned about the sensual part.

Holy sht, this is personally the closest feeling to GFE for me. She's shy and from the conversations held with her, her occasional fails are funny and innocent. But if you have the chemistry, her playability is really high. (Disclaimer: Didn't take off her undies. By high playability, I don't mean how far you can go. I meant how fun she allows you to make it to be.) Pumping-action aside, this is how a 小女人-type gf acts, and I really appreciate it.
Old 15-12-2016, 09:12 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Can anyone recommend ML with small boobs? like A cup to Small B? Im a sucker for it
Old 15-12-2016, 11:30 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by smoothiechews View Post
Can anyone recommend ML with small boobs? like A cup to Small B? Im a sucker for it
Too bad Fantasy went back alrdy. She's not that bad.
Old 16-12-2016, 12:13 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Newbie1985 View Post

In terms of looks all 5 passes my requirement. I still goes back to Aini sometime but not the rest. Don't think Miyuki is still around or has started her own shop. Correct me if i am wrong.
Similar experience with 4 ladies bro mention, left aini that I have not try yet.

For Mint and hope a slight different experience, the former make me feel like visiting a friend and the latter she accommodate my request for different hj position.

As for miyuki, I read that she have taken a break and may or may not continue since one dam bro spoil the market.

Last edited by CaptAm; 16-12-2016 at 08:30 AM.
Old 16-12-2016, 08:19 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by CaptAm View Post
Same experience with 4 ladies bro mention, left aini that I have not try yet.

As for miyuki, I read that she have taken a break and may or may not continue since one dam bro spoil the market.
What did that 'bro' do??
Old 16-12-2016, 08:54 AM
TheMentalist TheMentalist is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

With the rising prices of the ML/FL, surprised to see a few SYT ML at $100 with good MR. Hope to see more
Old 16-12-2016, 09:15 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by smoothiechews View Post
Can anyone recommend ML with small boobs? like A cup to Small B? Im a sucker for it
Peace definitely fits your criteria
Old 16-12-2016, 09:49 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

anyone tried her before
Old 16-12-2016, 01:39 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Newbie1985 View Post
5. Peace - Pretty face but failed badly on playability. Kind of proud. Don't like to talk much. Position herself in the same way all the time with her thighs clamping tight to your thigh making it impossible to access anywhere.
Guess something happened lately. Peace has become from bad to worse and even for a regular like me.

I am dropping her for good
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Old 16-12-2016, 01:54 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

So I just got down rep by someone (most likely a ball-less freak) for posting some recommendations without posting a link to it..

Must be some lazy fuck who don't know there is a search function on this website. Oh well~

Back to the latest topic.. I have not tried any of those 5 ladies that have been mentioned. Is it really recommended to try them all at least once?
I'm only here to share what I have. Can share I share, cannot then too bad.
Old 16-12-2016, 02:48 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by pinkfish View Post

Back to the latest topic.. I have not tried any of those 5 ladies that have been mentioned. Is it really recommended to try them all at least once?
Non-compulsory, is your choice of your preference

For your information,

Miyuki - took a break, may or may not continue.
Mint - Return to China
Hope - In SG
Aini - In SG
Peace - In SG

For MR, you can look at JavaBeans thead
Old 16-12-2016, 02:55 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by pinkfish View Post
So I just got down rep by someone (most likely a ball-less freak) for posting some recommendations without posting a link to it..

Must be some lazy fuck who don't know there is a search function on this website. Oh well~

Back to the latest topic.. I have not tried any of those 5 ladies that have been mentioned. Is it really recommended to try them all at least once?
Depends on what u looking for actually...
Have tried all except Mint, I think they are all good in their own right esp if u are quite chin chye. But still one man's meat is another man's poison. Some may not be suitable if you have strict requirements on what is considered "good".
A couple more who are good also not listed.
Blank/qiqi can be considered a new gem in the making.
Old 16-12-2016, 05:04 PM
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woa value for money deal really hard to find now. i tempted to try. haha!

any reviews already??
Old 16-12-2016, 05:45 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Quick FR on Summer

Location: 7/10, stay with another FL, not doing massage but FJ instead, had a quick see on her face, not bad actually but didnt ask her name or contact
Massage: 8/10, strong press also she tried to do juagen but not perfect.
BJ (capped), provided as listed on 1st shot.
Looks: 7/10, premilf to milf i guess, around 29-30? But her face look cute thats why she looks young.
Body: 8/10, boobs size B, but nice shape, 100% natural, nice to grab, body smells nice.
GFE: 8/10... She tried her best.

Overall left a happy man with 2 shots
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